
姓名: 丘邦翰 Chiu, Bang-Han
學群: 數位金融學群
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 2666
Email: fnjfchiu@saturn.yzu.edu.tw






  • 中山大學企管博士
  • Ph.D. in Business Administration, National Sun-Yat-Sen University , Kaoshiug,Taiwan, September, 1990 –June, 1995
  • Master of Business Administration, National Sun-Yat-Sen University , Kaoshiug,Taiwan, September, 1984 – June, 1986


  • Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Yuan-Ze University, August, 1995–Present
  • Chair, Department of Finance, Yuan-Ze University, August, 1998 – July, 2001
  • Chair, Department of Accounting, Yuan-Ze University, September, 2002 – July, 2003
  • Chair, Department of Finance, Yuan-Ze University, August, 2007 –July, 2008


  1. Lee, Ming-Te, Bang-Han Chiu, Ming-long Lee, Kevin C.H. Chiang, and V. Carlos Slawson, “REIT excess dividend and information asymmetry: evidence with taxable income,” Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 2010, Vol. 28, No. 3, 221-236.
  2. Chiu, Bang-Han , Ming-Te Lee , Ming-Long Lee & Kevin C. H. Chiang (2010) Time-varying real estate sensitivities of mortgage REITs, Applied Economics Letters, 17:16, 1633-1640.
  3. Pan, Jau-Horng, Ching-Hsu Lin, & Bang-Han Chiu, “The economic analysis of payment mechanisms”, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Volume 31, Issue 4, 2010, 775-778
  4. Lin, Chuan, Guo-Hua, Tsao, Bang-Han Chiu, and Jia-Yu, Bi, "CEO Control Right, Growth and Audit Pricing ", Contemporary Finance and Economics, vol. 1 (4) pp. 110~119, 2011.
  5. Lin, Chuan, Guo-Hua, Tsao, Bang-Han Chiu, and Jia-Yu, Bi, "Non-Local Audit and Audit Pricing—An Investigation based on Static and Dynamic Perspectives ", The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, vol. 32 (171) pp. 57~62, 2011/05.
  6. Lee, Shih-Cheng, S,C., I-Ming Jiang, Bang-Han Chiu, H. C. Cheng, “Asset Correlation and Evidence from UK Firms”, International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Volume. III Issue. 1, pp.50-64, January 2012.
  7. Pan , J.H., Z.J. Gao, Bang-Han Chiu., “The Study of Crisis Management for Police in Traffic Stop Process by Using Operational Risk Management”, Journal of Crisis Management 2012 Vol. 9 No. 1,pp.85~92.
  8. Kao, Meng-Chun, and Bang-Han Chiu, “ Compare the effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on audit pricing: application of partial adjustment model”, International Journal of Critical Accounting, Volume 5, Number 5 / January 2013, 469-484.
  9. Liao, Li-Chuan, Ray Yeutien Chou, Bang-Han Chiu, “Anchoring effect on foreign institutional investors’ momentum trading behavior: Evidence from the Taiwan stock market”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 26, December 2013, 72–91
  10. Lee, M-T., Lee, M-L., Chiu, Bang-Han., and Lee, C-L.Do lunar phases affect US REIT returns? Investment Analysts Journal, 2014, May, Issue 79, 67-78.
  11. Yang, Hui-Yu and Bang-Han Chiu, “Ownership Composition, Audit Industry Specialist, and Real Activities Manipulation” , International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Volume. V Issue No. 6, pp.805-819, Junuary 2014.
  12. Lee, Shih-Cheng, Chien-Ting Lin, Jiun-Lin Chen, and Bang-Han Chiu, “Basel Risk Weights, Asset Correlations and Book-to-Market Equity: Evidence from Asian Countries,”, JASSA The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, Issue 3, 2014, 6-11.


  1. Kao, M.C., Bang-Han Chiu, and Tsai-Yen Chung, “The Analysis of Audit Pricing Dynamics” An International Meeting ofthe American Accounting Association 2008 Annual Meeting August 3–6, 2008 Anaheim, California, USA..
  2. Pan, J. H., B. H. Chiu, K.M. Chern, and B.S. Song (2008) “The Analysis Of The Problem Of Global Warming - An Application Of Systems Thinking”, The Sixth Conference of Crisis Management, 2008, November 14, 2008, Kaoshuiang, Taiwan.
  3. Chiu, Bang-Han, Meng-Chun Kao, and Jau-Hong Pan, “Dynamics in Audit Pricing” An Annual Meeting of the Auditing Specialization Committee at Chinese Accounting Association, May 29–31, 2009 Beijing, China.
  4. Kao, Meng-Chun, and Bang-Han Chiu, “The Impact of Auditor-Client Negotiations on Audit Pricing,” American Accounting Association 2009 Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, Aug. 1~5, 2009 New York, USA. .
  5. Gao, Meng-Chun, and Bang-Han Chiu, “The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Audit Pricing: Application of Partial Adjustment Model,”4th Cross Strait Management Science Forum Oct.16~18, 2009, Wuhan,China.
  6. Gao, Meng-Chun, Bang-Han Chiu, Luo, Bing-He (2009), “The Effect of CEO Characteristics upon Fraud in Businesses, 2009 Financial Innovation and Technology Integration Conference, June 11, 2009, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  7. Li, Ming-De and Chiu, Bang-Han, “REIT Excess Dividend and Information Asymmetry: Evidence with Taxable Income,” New Paradigms of Management The 8th Annual Academic Conference, 2009/11/6, The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan.
  8. Zheng, Zong-Song, Jiang, Yi-Ming, LI, Shi-Zheng, Bang-Han Chiu, Network Externality, Dynamic Competition and Social Welfare in the Banking Industry- A Real Options Approach, 2010 Conference on Behavioral Finance & Emerging Market Economies, 2010/01/09, Shih Hsin University, Taipei ,Taiwan.
  9. Chiu,Bang-Han, Jia-Yu Bi, and Chuan Lin, “The Impact of Audit Committee and Tenure of Audit Firm Upon Audit Quality—Evidence from Chinese Market” An Annual Meeting of the Auditing Specialization Committee at Chinese Accounting Association, April 17–18, 2010 Hungzho, China.
  10. Yang, Hui-Yu , and Bang-Han Chiu, "Auditors, Audit Committees and Remediation of Material Weakness in Internal Control", Accounting Society of China 2011 Annual Meeting, July 1~3, 2011 Chongqing.
  11. Bang-Han Chiu; Jia-Yu, Bi, and Meng-Chun Kao, "Audit Committee, Independent Director, and Real Activity Manipulation——Evidence from China ", Accounting Society of China 2011Annual Meeting, July 1~3, 2011 Chongqing.
  12. Bang-Han Chiu, "Audit Committee, Independent Director, and Real Earnings Management——Evidence from China ", 2011Conference of New Trend on Accounting and Finance Development, Hualian, Nov. 11, 2011.
  13. Lee, Ming-Te, Ming-Long Lee, Bang-Han Chiu, and Chyi Lin Lee, 2012, Are REIT investors Moonstruck, Too? Lunar Phases and REIT Returns, Pacific Rim Real Estate Society 18th annual conference, Adelaide, Australia..
  14. Chiu,Bang-Han, Hui-Yu Yang, and Chuan Lin, “Audit Committee, Audit Firm Switching and Audit Quality in China” The 2014 Annual Meeting of Accounting Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China, November 14–15, 2014, Guangzho, China, 314-337.


  1. 丘駿飛 ( 主持人 ) , 2001/08-2002.07 , “ 組合選擇權定價法下產物保險契約評價之研究 ” ,獲90 年度國科會補助之專題研究計畫案 。



  1. 丘邦翰,2012,06,101年度能源科技計畫績效管理暨查核研究,財團法人中衛發展中心。


  1. Financial Management
  2. Financial Risk Management
  3. Derivatives


  1. 許振翊, 國際石油公司經營策略之探討
  3. 羅志煌, 台灣金融租賃業投資大陸市場策略研究
  4. 吳金珍, 我國ETF最適方案設計之研究
  5. 卓嘉瑜,「以房養老」-反向抵押貸款在台灣可行性之研究
  6. 周馥苹, 奢侈稅課徵對竹北房地產市場之影響
  7. 吳秀桃, 加強國稅清理欠稅之探討
  8. 潘昶典, 囚犯困境賽局運用於虛設行號及取得不實發票營業人調查之研究
  9. 楊瓊禎, 以虛設行號發票虛報進項稅額相關問題之研究
  10. 洪佩郁, 兩岸手機基頻晶片進入智能時代之策略比較與分析
  11. 李柏忠, 我國營業稅查定課徵制度合理性之研究
  12. 王立辰, 歐債危機肇因與歐盟策略之研究
  13. 曹寓溱, 企業導入國際財務報導準則個案研究-以A公司為例.
  14. 羅呈君, 主權國家之金融監理研究-以冰島為例
  15. 洪千惠, 中國大陸股市創業板投資策略之研究
  16. 林佳洵, 大陸互聯網金融發展趨勢之研究
  17. 陳禕旻, 歐債危機前後信評機構角色之探討
  18. 廖宜邡, 技術混合照護模式提昇護理人力資源運用效率之研究
  19. 許素美, 法律事務所核心競爭力之研究-以北台灣中小型法律事務所為例
  20. 古瀞茹, 我國實施綜合所得稅稅額試算作業對服務效能及稽徵成本影響之研究
  21. 林宏洲, 以Kano模式探討便利商店EC之服務品質-以7-11為例
  22. 翁羽妍, 人民幣國際化問題及對我國銀行影響之研究
  23. 許秀菁, CFP®理財規劃顧問服務評價之研究
  24. 陳冠瑋, MOU後台資銀行進入大陸市場策略之研究-以 J銀行為例
  25. 呂月嬌, 主權國家金融監理之比較研究-以西班牙與德國為例
  26. 游蕙瑄, 境外基金銷售通路競爭優勢之比較研究-以銀行和劵商為例
  27. 張豪升 ,智慧型手機未來發展的趨勢
  28. 林志明, 半導體通路商中國大陸市場策略之研究
  29. 李詩玲, 台灣綠建築發展前景之探討-以德國為例
  30. 沈昕慧, 中國大陸東北區域和緬甸投資環境之比較分析
  31. 黃文華, 上海自貿區對台灣金融產業影響之研究
  32. 梁信德, 由全球貨幣戰略看人民幣
  33. 朱晉弘, 行動APP創新形成之發展趨勢分析
  34. 王仁妙, 臺灣不動產逆向抵押貸款制度試辦方案之探討
  35. 呂月紅, 特色學校之經營發展與行銷策略之探討
  36. 呂姝儀, 基於信託公示不動產民事信託避稅察查之研究
  37. 陳月琴, 電子商務經營模式與發展之探討-以GROUPON TAIWAN與淘寶網為例
  38. 張耿, 國軍福利制度變革與募兵政策之影響
  39. 林惠貞, 我國保險金信託問題之探討
  40. 李佩蕙, 金融機構行動支付之可行性探討
  41. 林仁豪, 台灣織布業轉型車用紡織品之研究探討
  42. 陳凱福, 戶籍登記制度對戶政事務所影響之研究─以桃園都會區與非都會區戶政事務所為例
  43. 何雪玲, 桃園縣國民小學特色認證計畫執行成效之研究
  44. 段美伶, 人格特質與施行管教關聯之研究
  45. 蔡文興, 從司法實證探究人頭戶之管制作為─以地下匯兌黃金為例
  46. 蔡素珠, 論企業併購交易膨脹商譽爭議─以最高行政法院判決案件為例
  47. 王淑靜, 教師使用即時通軟體建立親師溝通平台之研究─以Line為例
  48. 趙紫涵, 易經、陰陽五行與管理之關係研究
  49. 薛佩珊, 文化創意產業行銷策略之研究─以苗栗縣公館鄉特色產業為例
  50. 吳聲鑫, 以產品創新及服務創新結合地方特色產業發展策略之研究─以公館鄉紅棗產業為例
  51. 王玫霙, 學前特殊教育班級與醫療專業團隊之合作模式研究-以桃園市大崗國小為例
  52. 張佩玲, 桃園市公立學前特教班與私立早期療育機構服務模式探討
  53. 曾仲毅, 跑走運動對國中學生健康體適能之影響-以桃園市某國中為例
  54. 梁慶鍾, 國小教師情緒勞務之現況分析-以桃園市某國小為例
  55. 方雍仁, 地方教師會現況及經營策略之研究-以桃園市為例


  1. Chinese Finance Association Ph.D Dissertation Prize,1996
  2. Research award, National Science Council, Taiwan, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999.
  3. Chen Yung Memorial Foundation Award for Advising Excellent Master Thesis, 2008.
  4. Chinese Accounting Association Auditing Specialization Committee, 2010.


  1. Member of American Accounting Association
  2. Member of Chinese Accounting Association
  3. Faculty membership in Beta Gamma Sigma
