
姓名: 顏于翔 Yen, Yu-Xiang
學群: 行銷學群
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 6313
Email: seanyen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw




綠色行銷 綠色消費者行為 高科技消費者行為 新產品開發與管理 關係行銷 科技行銷與管理 綠色供應鏈管理


  • 中央大學企業管理學系博士


  • 亞太燃料電池科技 董事長特助、營運執行副理
  • 亞特恩太陽能科技 採購副理
  • 旺宏電子 採購高級工程師
  • 華泰電子 採購管理師
  • 國立中央大學 博士後研究
  • 亞洲大學 博士教師


  1. Yu-Xiang Yen (2018) 'Buyer-supplier collaboration in green practices: The driving effects from stakeholders', Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 27 No. 8, pp. 1666-678. (SSCI )
  2. Yu-Xiang Yen and Shiu-Wan Hung (2017) ‘Why Do Buyers Share Knowledge with Suppliers in New Product Development? Current and Alternative Supplier Antecedents’, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Vol. 24 No. 4, PP. 283-296. (SSCI )
  3. Yu-Xiang Yen and Shiu-Wan Hung (2017) 'The influences of suppliers on buyer market competitiveness: an opportunism perspective', Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 18-29. (SSCI )
  4. 林鴻銘, 顏于翔*, 林鴻洲(2017年)。溫度與觸摸需求對尋求多樣化行為之影響。管理評論,第36 卷,第1 期,頁 55-69。(TSSCI)
  5. Yu-Xiang Yen and Shiu-Wan Hung (2013) ‘How does supplier’s asset specificity affect product development performance? – A relational exchange perspective’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 276-287. (SSCI )
  6. Yu-Xiang Yen and Shang-Yung Yen (2012) ‘Top-management’s role in adopting green purchasing standards by high-technology firms’, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65 No. 7, pp. 951-959. (SSCI )
  7. Yu-Xiang Yen, Edward Shih-Tse Wang and Der-Juinn Horng (2011) ‘Supplier’s willingness of customization, effective communication, and trust: a study of switching cost antecedents’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 250-259. (SSCI )
  8. Yu-Xiang Yen and Der-Juinn Horng (2010) ‘Effects of satisfaction, trust, and alternative attractiveness on switching intentions in industrial customers’, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 82-101.
  9. Yu-Xiang Yen and Der-Juinn Horng (2007) ‘The outsourcing application in developing own brand: transformation from ODM business’, International Journal of Technology Marketing, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 364-380.


  1. Yen, Y. X.* (2022). The Study of Green Innovation Antecedents- IoT Technology Adoption View. CBIM 2022 International Conference, Atlanta, USA (Online), June, 21-23. 科技部計畫編號:MOST 110-2410-H-155 -033 -SSS.
  2. Yen, Y. X.* (2021). The Study of Firms’ Readiness for IoT Technology Adoption and Innovation Performance – MOA Framework Perspective. 2021 R&D Management Conference (管理一學門推薦國際學術會議), Glasgow, United Kingdom, July, 6-8. 科技部計畫編號:MOST 107-2410-H-155 -041-MY2.
  3. Yen, Y. X.* (2019). How Firms Achieve Technology Readiness for IoT Adoption? - Views from Market Orientation and Adaptive Capability. 2019 22nd AMS World Marketing Congress (管理二學門推薦國際學術會議), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July, 9-12. 科技部計畫編號:MOST 107-2410-H-155 -041-MY2.
  4. Yen, Y. X.* (2018). The study of Internet of Things application in new product development- views from collaboration and innovation. 2018 R&D Management Conference (管理一學門推薦國際學術會議), Milan, Italy, June, 27-July, 1. 科技部計畫編號:106-2410-H-155-046 -.
  5. Yen, Y. X.* (2017). Why do firms adopt IoT technologies? Perspectives of supply chain management. 2017 R&D Management Conference (管理一學門推薦國際學術會議), Leuven, Belgium, July, 1-5 . 科技部計畫編號:MOST 105-2410-H-155-056 -.
  6. Yen, Y. X.* (2016). Collaboration with suppliers in green management practices-institutional theory antecedents. 2016 XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Porto, Portugal, June, 19-22. 科技部計畫編號:MOST 104-2410-H-155-042 -.
  7. Yen, Y. X.,* & Hung, S. W. (2015). Supplier influences on buyer market competitiveness – the opportunism perspective. 2015 XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June, 14-17. 科技部計畫編號:MOST 103-2410-H-155 -045 -SSS.
  8. Hung, S. W. & Yen, Y. X.* (2014). How do suppliers drive knowledge sharing with buyers?, International Conference on Technology, Innovation and Industrial Management (TIIM 2014), Seoul, South Korea, May, 27-30.
  9. Yen, Y. X., Yen S. Y., & Woodside A. G.* (2010). Top-management commitment’s role in adopting green purchasing standards by high-tech industrial firms. 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Sep., 9-12.


  1. 廠商採用人工智慧之前因與後果–物聯網科技與創新之觀點 (MOST 111-2410-H-155 -016 -SSS),國科會(原科技部)專題研究計畫,2022/08-2023/07.
  2. 廠商如何獲致綠色創新績效?—物聯網科技採用與MOA架構之觀點 (MOST 110-2410-H-155-033-SSS),科技部專題研究計畫,2021/08-2022/07.
  3. 廠商為何採用物聯網科技與開放式創新於新產品開發?-市場導向與不確定性之觀點 (MOST 107-2410-H-155 -041 -MY2),科技部專題研究計畫,2018/08-2021/07.
  4. 物聯網應用於新產品開發之研究-協同合作與創新之觀點 (MOST 106-2410-H-155-046 -),科技部專題研究計畫,2017/08-2018/07.
  5. 廠商採用物聯網科技於供應鏈管理上之意圖-前因之整合性研究 (MOST 105-2410-H-155-056 -),科技部專題研究計畫,2016/08-2017/07.
  6. 綠色管理實務中與供應商協同合作之研究-制度理論之前因 (MOST 104-2410-H-155-042-),科技部專題研究計畫,2015/8-2016/7.
  7. 供應商對顧客市場競爭力之影響-機會主義觀點 (MOST 103-2410-H-155-045-SSS),科技部專題研究計畫,2014/8-2015/7.




  1. 行銷管理
  2. 新產品開發與管理
  3. 關係行銷
  4. 綠色行銷
  5. 行銷策略
  6. 進階研究方法


  1. 2022 謝佑姍 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 新冠肺炎疫情下消費者對於資源回收機台再使用意願與行為之研究
  2. 2021 黃上豪 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 新冠肺炎疫情下共享電動機車再使用意願暨行為之研究-保護動機理論之觀點
  3. 2021 詹宸羽 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 開放銀行服務再使用意願暨行為之研究─任務科技適配理論與期望確認理論之觀點
  4. 2020 林祐徵 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 綠色暨物聯網科技產品購買行為之影響前因與後果: 以Gogoro電動機車為例
  5. 2019 葉耀陽 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 物聯網科技再使用意願之研究-以健康管理行動裝置與服務為例
  6. 2019 陳冠文 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 消費者使用人工智慧與物聯網科技影響因素之研究 – 以無人商店為例
  7. 2018 廖韻茹 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 探討物聯網科技應用於智慧家居使用意願之研究-以機器人為例
  8. 2017 林怡筑 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 物聯網科技應用於醫療照護的使用意願之研究-以穿戴式裝置為例
  9. 2016 劉皓昀 經營管理碩士班 (行銷學程) 消費者使用綠色科技行為影響因素之研究- 以電動汽車與電動機車為例
  10. 2015 邱大益 管理碩士在職專班 台灣IT產業綠色品牌權益之關鍵因素


