
姓名: 陳忠仁 Chen, Chung-Jen
學群: 企業管理學群
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 6000 / 6413
Email: mcjchen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw






  • 美國壬色列理工學院(RPI)管理博士


  • 臺灣大學工商管理學系暨商學研究所 特聘教授
  • 中華民國科技管理學會 理事
  • 國研院科技政策與資訊中心 諮詢委員
  • 上市櫃公司 獨立董事
  • 臺大管理論叢 領域編輯
  • 臺灣大學科技政策與產業發展研究中心 主任
  • 臺灣大學研究發展處 副研發長
  • 臺灣大學進修推廣部 副主任
  • 行政院科技會報 兼任研究員
  • 國科會中央政府科技發展計畫審議作業科技政策組智庫委員
  • 臺灣組織與管理學會 理事
  • 臺灣管理學會 顧問
  • 商業發展研究院 顧問


  1. Chen, C., R. Guo, S. Wang & Y. Lin, 2022, Power distance diversification, ownership structure, and business group performance, Journal of Business Research, 151, 70-85 (SSCI).
  2. Chen, K., C. Chen, J. Hsieh & Y. Lin, 2022, Business Portfolio Reconfiguration and Firm Performance-The Contingency Role of Organizational Capabilities, Slack and Ownership, Journal of Management & Organization, Accepted (SSCI).
  3. Chen, Y, Y. Lin, P. Li & C. Chen, 2022, Understanding the interplay between competitor and alliance orientations in product innovativeness: An integrative framework, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 175, 121358 (SSCI).
  4. Chen, C., Y. Lin, S. Wang & R. Guo, 2022, Parent-subsidiary linkage: how resource commitment and resource similarity influence firm performance, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39, 615–658 (SSCI).
  5. Lee, H., Y. Hsiao, C. Chen & R. Guo, 2020, Virtual vs. physical platform: Organizational capacity and slack, strategic decision, and firm performance, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(12), 1983-1995 (SSCI)..
  6. Wang, S, C. Chen, R. Guo, Y. Lin, 2020, Strategy, Capabilities, and Business Group Performance: The Endogenous Role of Industry Diversification, Management Decision, 58(1), 76-97 (SSCI).
  7. Chen, C., B. Lin, J. Lin, & Y. Hsiao, 2020, Learning-from-Parents: exploitative knowledge acquisition and the innovation performance of joint venture, Journal of Technology Transfer, 45, 228–258. (SSCI).
  8. Chen, C., R. Guo, Y. Hsiao, and K. Chen, 2018, How business strategy in non-financial firms moderates the curvilinear effects of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility on corporate financial performance, Journal of Business Research, 92, 154-167 (SSCI).
  9. Lin, Y., C. Chen, and B. Lin, 2018, The dual-edged role of returnee board members in new venture performance, Journal of Business Research, 90, 347-358 (SSCI).
  10. Chen, C., B. Lin, J. Lin, and Y. Hsiao, 2018, Technological diversity, knowledge flow and capacity, and industrial innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(12), 1365-1377 (SSCI).
  11. Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, and Y. Choi, 2017, The innovation and economic consequences of the fit between organizational capabilities, knowledge attributes, and knowledge transfer mechanisms, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(8), 872-885.
  12. 陳忠仁、郭瑞祥、王珊彗、劉又蜜, 2017, 動態能力演化─王品集團之經營發展與轉型策略, 產業與管理論壇, 19(4), 72-100 (TSSCI).
  13. Lin, Y., C. Chen, and B. Lin, 2017, The influence of strategic control and operational control on new venture performance, Management Decision, 55(5), 1042-1064 (SSCI).
  14. Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, B. Lin, and C. Kuo, September 2017, Resource alignment, organizational distance, and knowledge transfer performance: The contingency role of alliance form, Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(3), 635–653.
  15. Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, R. Guo, and K. Hu, 2017, First-mover strategy, resource-capacity alignment and new product performance: A framework for mediation and moderation effects, R&D Management, 75 - 87.
  16. Chen, C., B. Lin, J. Lin, and Y. Hsiao, 2017, In search of parents’ knowledge for joint venture’s innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 190 - 203.
  17. Chen, C. and Y. Lin, April 2016, Managing the foreign investment portfolio: How industry and governance diversity influence firm performance, International Business Review, 1235 - 1245.
  18. Su, C., B. Lin, and C. Chen, February 2016, Knowledge co-creation across national boundaries: Trends and firms’ strategies, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 457-469.
  19. Chen, C., B. Lin, Y. Lin, and Y. Hsiao, February 2016, Ownership structure, independent board members and innovation performance: A contingency perspective, Journal of Business Research, 3371-3379.
  20. Chen, C., Y. Hsiao, M. Chu, and K. Hu, July 2015, The relationship between team diversity and new product performance: The moderating role of organizational slack, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 568 - 577.
  21. Su, C., B. Lin, and C. Chen, February 2015, Technological knowledge co-creation strategies in the world of open innovation, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 485-507.
  22. Lin, Y., C. Chen, and B. Lin, July 2014, The roles of political ties and business ties in new ventures: evidence from China, Asian Business & Management, 411 - 440.
  23. Chen, C., T. Liu, M. Chu, and Y. Hsiao, June 2014, Intellectual capital and new product development, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 154 - 173.
  24. Chen, C., Y. Hsiao, and M. Chu, 2014, Transfer mechanisms and knowledge transfer: The cooperative competency perspective, Journal of Business Research, 2531 - 2541.
  25. Chen, C. and Y. Hsiao, 2013, The endogenous role of location choice in product innovations, Journal of World Business, 360 - 0372.
  26. Wu, Y., B. Lin, C. Chen, May 2013, How do internal openness and external openness affect innovation capabilities and firm performance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 704-716.
  27. Hsiao, Y., Hung, S., C. Chen, and T. Dong, 2013, Mobilizing human and social capital under industry contexts to pursue entrepreneurship, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 553 - 570.
  28. Hsiao, Y. and C. Chen, 2013, Branding vs. contract manufacturing: Organizational capabilities, strategic decision, and firm performance, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 317 - 334.
  29. Wu, Y., B. Lin, C. Shih, C. Chen,, January 2013, Communicating and prioritizing science and technology policy using AHP., Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 437-451.
  30. Chen, C., Y. Huang, and B. Lin, 2012, How firms innovate through R&D internationalization? An S-curve hypothesis, Research Policy, 1544 - 1554.
  31. Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, S. Chang, 2011, Knowledge management capacity and organizational performance: The social interaction view, International Journal of Manpower, 645 - 660.
  32. Chen, C., H. Shih, Y. Yeh, 2011, Individual initiative, skill variety, and creativity: The moderating role of knowledge specificity and creative slack, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 3447 - 3461.
  33. Huang, Y., Chen, C.,, July 2010, The impact of technological diversity and organizational slack in innovation, Technovation, 420 - 428.
  34. Chen, C., Y. Huang, April 2010, Creative workforce density, organizational slack, and innovation performance, Journal of Business Research, 411 - 417.
  35. Chen, C., J. Huang, Y. Hsiao, 2010, Knowledge management and innovativeness: The contingent role of organizational climate and structure, International Journal of Manpower, 848 - 870.
  36. Wei, C., C. Chen, and M. Chung, 2009, Technology sourcing evaluation of an advanced technology industry: Taiwan’s contactless smart card, Asia Pacific Management Review, 509 - 517.
  37. Wei C., M. Chung, C. Chen, March 2009, Hierarchical evaluation scheme on technology sourcing for advanced public transport systems, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 89 - 111.
  38. Huang, Y., C. Chen, and H. Chang, 2009, A multiple criteria evaluation of creative industries for the cultural creativity center in Taiwan, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 473 - 496.
  39. Chen, C., H. Shih and S. Yang, 2009, The role of intellectual capital in knowledge transfer, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 402 - 411.
  40. Chen, C., 2009, Technology commercialization, incubator and venture capital, and new venture performance, Journal of Business Research, 93 - 103.
  41. Chen C., J. Huang, 2009, Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance – The mediating role of knowledge management capacity, Journal of Business Research, 104 - 114, (2014-2015 JCR Highly Cited Paper).
  42. 蕭詠璋,陳忠仁, February 2008, 組織變革與資訊科技對組織績效影響之研究, 組織與管理, 73 - 94.
  43. Cheng, A., C. Chen, C. Chen, 2008, A fuzzy multiple criteria comparison of technology forecasting methods for predicting the new materials development, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131 - 141.
  44. Chen, C, October 2007, Information technology, organizational structure, and new product development - The mediating effect of cross-functional team interaction, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 687 - 698.
  45. Chen, C., J. Huang, April 2007, How organizational climate and structure affect knowledge management – The social interaction perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 104 - 118.
  46. Wu, H., B. Lin, C. Chen, January 2007, Examining governance-innovation relationship in the high-tech industries: Monitoring, incentive and a fit with strategic posture, International Journal of Technology Management, 86 - 104.
  47. Wu, H., B. Lin, C. Chen, January 2007, Contingency view on technological differentiation and firm performance: evidences in an economic downturn, R&D Management, 75 - 88.
  48. Lin, B., C. Chen, H. Wu, January 2007, Predicting citations to biotechnology patents based on the information from the patent documents, International Journal of Technology Management, 87 - 100.
  49. Lin, B., C. Chen, January 2006, Fostering product innovation in industry networks: The mediating role of knowledge integration, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 155 - 173.
  50. Chen, C., M. Chung, C. Wei, September 2006, Government policy of technology selection for advanced traveler information systems, R&D Management, 439 - 450.
  51. Chen, C., H. Wu, B. Lin, May 2006, Evaluating the development of high-tech industries: Taiwan’s science park, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 452 - 465.
  52. 陳忠仁,張陽隆, March 2006, 產業群聚對廠商行為及組織績效影響之研究– 以台灣高科技產業為例, 中山管理評論, 315 - 338.
  53. Lin, B., C. Chen, H. Wu, February 2006, Patent portfolio synergy, technology strategy, and firm performance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 17 - 26.
  54. Chen, C., Q. Yeh, January 2005, A comparative performance evaluation of Taiwan’s high-tech industries, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 16 - 33.
  55. Chen, C., W. Wu, January 2005, A comparative study of the alliance experiences between American and Taiwanese firms, International Journal of Technology Management, 136 - 151.
  56. 陳忠仁, 蔡淑茹, March 2005, 知識創造來源、知識管理能力及知識屬性對創新績效影響之研究–組織學習理論觀點, 中山管理評論, 389 - 416.
  57. Chen, C., B. Lin, March 2004, The effects of environment, knowledge attribute, organizational climate, and firm characteristics on knowledge sourcing decision, R&D Management, 137 - 146.
  58. 陳忠仁,賴秋燕, May 2004, 事業網路對競爭策略、核心能力與創新績效關係之調和影響–資源基礎觀點, 台灣管理學刊, 313 - 334.
  59. Chen, C., June 2004, The effects of knowledge attribute, alliance characteristics, and absorptive capacity on knowledge transfer performance, R&D Management, 311 - 321.
  60. Chen, C., C. Huang, September 2004, A multiple criteria evaluation of high-tech industries for the science-based industrial park in Taiwan, Information & Management, 839 - 851.
  61. Chen, C., February 2003, The effects of environment and partner characteristics on the choice of alliance forms, International Journal of Project Management, 77 - 154.
  62. 陳忠仁, 吳學良, 陳盈太, March 2003, 新事業選擇育成中心多重準則評估之研究, 科技管理學刊, 1 - 24.
  63. 陳忠仁, 張慶原, January 2002, 高科技廠商利用策略聯盟進行知識移轉影響因素之研究, 科技管理學刊, 37 - 60.
  64. Lin, B., C. Chen, May 2002, The effects of formation motives and interfirm diversity on the performance of strategic alliance, Asia Pacific Management Review, 139 - 166.
  65. Chen, C., B. Lin, May 2001, A resource-based view of IT outsourcing: Knowledge sharing, communication, and coupling quality, Asia Pacific Management Review, 149 - 173.








  1. 名列2020及2021年度及終身科學影響力排行榜全球前2%頂尖科學家
  2. 科技創新管理研究獎,國際科技管理學會(IAMOT),2009
  3. 呂鳳章先生紀念獎章,中華民國管理科學學會,2009
  4. 發表超過50篇國際SSCI期刊論文
  5. JCR Highly Cited Paper: Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance – The mediating role of knowledge management capacity, Journal of Business Research, 2009, 62(1), 104 - 114.
  6. 陳忠仁, 2021,策略管理: 競爭優勢與經營發展,華泰文化事業股份有限公司

