Professor Info
Name: 吳菊華 Wu, Chu Hua
Discipline: Finance
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 3663
Assistant Professor
Corporate Finance Corporate Governance Mergers & Acquisitions
Academic BG.
PhD in International Business Commerce from National Chengchi University(2002.09-2008.05)
MBA in Commerce from National Chengchi University (1998.09-2000.06)
Bachelor in Economics from National Chengchi University (1994.09-1998.06)
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Business, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology (2005.02-2006.02)
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Business, Vanung University (2005.09-2006.02)
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Trade, Takming University of Science and Technology (2002.08-2004.07)
Analyst of Department of Risk Management in Chinatrust Commercial Bank (2000/7-2022/8)
Journal Papers
MeiChi Huang, Chu-Hua Wu, I-Shan Cheng (2021), "A truly global crisis? Evidence from contagion dependence across international REIT markets", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 58, November,2021 (SSCI, IF=1.535)
Chu-Hua Wu and Hao-En Chiang (2019), "Impact of Diversified Mergers and Acquisitions on Corporate Risk", Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 15(1), 93-115. (EconLit)
Mei-Chen Lin, Chu-Hua Wu and Ming-Ti Chiang (2014), "Investor Attention and Information Diffusion from Analyst Coverage", International Review of Financial Analysis,Vol. 34, 235-246 (SSCI, NSC: B+)
Chia-Ching Cho and Chu-Hua Wu (2014), “Role of Auditor in Agency Conflict and Corporate Governance: Empirical Analyses of Taiwanese Firms”, Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 8(3), 333-353 (SSCI, PRJ)
Chu-Hua Wu and Jiun-Ting Ho (2014), “Ownership Pattern and Long-term M&A Performance”, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2, 65-95(TSSCI, PRJ)
Chu-Hua Wu and Len-Kuo Hu (2009), “Strategic Choice between Joint Ventures and Mergers for Vertical Integration”, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 17, No.3, 103-125. (TSSCI, PRJ)
Conference Papers
Chu-Hua Wu, Chia-Hung Wu, and Pei-Hsuan Wu (2020), "Innovation and Financial Performance from Technological Mergers and Acquisitions : Perspective from Organizational Learning Capability and Financial Slack", The 28th SFM Conference - Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Chu-Hua Wu adn Ying-Chin Hung (2019), "Effect of Geographic Distance and Culture Difference on Corporate Risk of Acquirer", SIBR 2019 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
Chu-Hua Wu and Pei-Yin Wu (2018), "Financial Condition of Firms and M&As", SIBR 2018 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
Chu-Hua Wu and Li-Ting Huang (2017), "Impact on Risk of Acquiring Firm after M&As", The 6th International Conference on Social Sciences and Business, Okinawa, Japan
Tzu-Hsuan Chang and Chu-Hua Wu (2016), "Do Family Firms Controlled by Founder Perform Better? Evidence from Taiwan", 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, 2016. 04, Kyoto, Japan
Chu-Hua Wu and Chih-Hsuan Chen (2014), “Government Ownership and Financial Stability”, Tenth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA). 2014. 07. Bangkok, Thailand
Chu-Hua Wu and Len-Kuo Hu (2013), “Success or Failure of Mergers under the Stability Condition”, Ninth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA). 2013. 07. Osaka, Japan
Chu-Hua Wu and Len-Kuo Hu (2012), “Foreign Borrowing or Domestic Financing: A Dual Agency Perspective”, Eighth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), 2012. 06. Singapore
卓佳慶, 吳菊華 (20012) , “D o B ig-4 auditors m itigate the agency conflicts in Eastern A sia? Theory and Evidence”, 現代會計論壇學術研討會議, 2012. 05 雲科大
Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu (2011), “Theory of Dynamic Preference: Impact of Trade Imbalance on Funancial Crisis”, Seventh Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), 2011. 06 Busan, Korea and 第一屆國學與經營管理國際學術研討會, 2012. 04 台大管院
Chu-Hua Wu and Jiun-Ting Ho (2010), “Does Ownership Affect The Long-Term Performance of The Acquiring Firms?”, The 18th Securities and Financial Markets (SFM), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Chia-Ching Cho and Chu-Hua Wu (2009), “Corporate Governance and Auditor Selection: An Agency Theory Perspective”, 2009 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, 2009.06.
Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu, (2008), “Soft Budget Constraint and Acquisition Pricing”, 2008 6th NTU IEFA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.05
Len-Kuo Hu, Chu-Hua Wu and Chien-Heng Tu (2008), “Liquidity Demand and Soft Budget Constraint for Mergers and Acquisitions”, honored as best paper in Mergers and Acquisitions Forum 2007, Beijing, China, 2007.07
Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu, “Optimal Shareholding of Vertical Integration:Joint Ventures vs. Merger”, Mergers and Acquisitions Forum 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.07.
Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu, “Strategic Choice of Joint Venture vs. Merger - An Incomplete Contract Approach”, Asian FA/FMA/TFA Conference Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.07
Research Grants
不確定環境下之企業決策與風險管理--專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案計畫), MOST105-2632-H-155-001
訊息不對稱與公司風險管理之相關研究--專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案計畫), NSC-100-2632-H-155-001- MY2
"Success or Failure of Mergers from the Stability Condition." NSC project:100-2410-H-155-016
"Foreign Borrowing or Domestic Financing : A Dual-Agency Perspective." NSC project:99-2410-H-155-021
"Do Big-5 auditors mitigate the agency conflicts between majority and minority shareholders in Eastern Asia? Theory and Evidence." NSC project:98-2410-H-155-003
PhD. Dissertation, 2008. "Studies on the Strategic Choice of Joint Ventures vs. Mergers and the Economic Impact of Liquidity Demand on Firm's Acquisition Pricing."
Industrial Grants
Financial Management_BBA
International Finance_BBA
Quantatative Methods_MS in Finance
Managerial Economics_EMBA
Theory of Corporate Finance_Phd
108 WU, PEI-HSUAN, Innovation and Financial Performance from Technology Mergers and Acquisitions:Perspective from Organizational Learning Capability and Financial Slack
108 TANG, TSUNG-SHENG, The Spillover Intra-Conglomerate Effects of Financial Difficulties
108 Shan-Yu Li, Compensation design and post-merger performance
106 Hao-En Chiang, Impact of Diversified M&A on the Corporate Risk
106 Ying-Chin Hung, Effect of geographic distance and culture difference on corporate risk of acquirer
106 Shih-Hao Huang, Impact of independent board of directors on the corporate performance
106 Pei-Ying Wu, Financial Condition of Firms and M&A
104 Yi Lun Chung, CEO and Board’s M&A Experience to acquirer long-term performance: complements or substitutes?
104 Han-Ni Tsai, Revisit asset pricing model:Evidence from global REITs during the recent housing boom-bust cycle
103 Yu-Ting Chen, Do REITs Market Fluctuations Have a Contagious Effect on The CDS Premium?─Evidence from a Threshold Regression Analysis
103 Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Do Family Firms Controlled by Founder Perform Better?
102 I-Shan Cheng Nonlinear Comovements and Contagion in International REIT Markets: Evidence from Markov-switching Models
102 Nien-Ying Lin, CEO or Board Experience and Acquirer Long-term Performance
101 Po-Min Hsu, Contagion linkages between REIT and credit markets during the housing crisis: Evidence from international real estate markets
101 Chi-Hsuan Chen, Government Ownership of Banks and Financial Stability
99 Tzu-Hsuan Wang, Do Big-4 auditors enhance firm’s value in Eastern Asia?
99 Cheng-Jer Chung, Do firms with soft budget constraint problem pay more in M&As? Evidence from Eastern Asia.
98 Jiun-Ting Ho, Does ownership affect the long-term performance of the acquiring firms?
Awards & Certificates
2022 YZU Best Teaching Award
2021 YZU Best Counseling and Service Award
2016 YZU Best Teaching Award
2014 Cheng I-Shan, Nonlinear Comovements and Contagion in International REIT Markets: Evidence from Markov-switching Models, 2014 Seventh TSC Thesis Symposium Awards
2007/7 “Liquidity Demand and Soft Budget Constraint for Mergers and Acquisitions”, honored as best paper in Mergers and Acquisitions Forum 2007, Beijing, China, 2007.07
Pro. Membership
Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China
Beta Gamma Sigma Member
Other Contributions
2022/12 Presenter in 「2022 National Online Conference on Bilingual Education」of Asia University
2020/12 Discussant of The 28th SFM Conference - Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2019/7 Discussant of SIBR 2019 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
2019/3 Reviewer of Journal of Business Administration
2018/7 Discussant of SIBR 2018 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
2014/7 Discussant of 2014 Tenth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Bangkok
2014/3-2014/4 Reviewer of Journal of Business Ethics
2013/7 Discussant of Ninth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Osaka
2013/2-2013/3 Reviewer of Journal of Business Ethics
2013/2 Drafter of Testing Center of Technological and Vocational Education
2012/6 Discussant of Eighth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Singapore
2011/6 Disussant of Seventh Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA),Busan
2011/12-2012/1 Reviewer of Journal of Financial Studies
2011/01-2016/12 Accountant of Chung-Hwa International Trade Association
2010/12 Discussant of The 18th Securities and Financial Markets (SFM), Kaohsiung
2010/12-2011/1 Reviewer of 中山管理評論
2010/9-2010-10 Reviewer of Journal of Financial Studies
2010/8-2010/9 Reviewer of 中山管理評論
2010/3-2010/4 Reviewer of Journal of Financial Studies
2008/6 Discussant of 2008 6th NTU IEFA Conference, Taipei