Professor Info

Name: 羅懷均 Lo, Huai-Chun
Discipline: Finance
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 6367


Professor, Director of EMBA Program; Convener of Finance Discipline


Earnings Management Corporate Finance Investment Policy Analyst Behavior

Academic BG.

  • Ph.D. in International Business, National Taiwan University.


  • Post Doctoral Fellow, Graduate Institute of International Business, National Taiwan University
  • Lecturer, Department of Finance, Feng Chia University

Journal Papers

  1. Lin, H.W., Lo, H.C., & Wu*, R.S. (2016). Modeling Default Prediction with Earnings Management. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 40, 306-322. (NSC Rank: A tier2, SSCI 2016 IF=1.754).

Conference Papers

  1. 1. 1. Lo, H.C. & Chan, C.Y. (2022). Mean Reverting in Stock Ratings Distribution. 2022 International Conference on Business Administration, Taiwan, 2022/05
  2. 2. Wu, R.S., Lin, H.W.W., & Lo, H.C. (2022). The Effects of Current and Cumulative Real Earnings Management on Default Prediction. International Conference of the Taiwan Finance Association, Taiwan, 2022/06.
  3. 3. Wu, R.S., &Lo, H.C. (2020). A Rose Has Its Thorn: The Role of Institutional Investors in SEO Firms’ Reporting Behavior. 2020 Korean Accounting Association Annual Global Meeting. (Online)
  4. 4. Wu, R.S., Lin, H.W.W., & Lo, H.C. (2020). The Effect of Cumulative Earnings Management on Default Prediction. The 13th NCTU International Finance Conference, Taiwan, 2020/01.
  5. 5. Lin, H.W.W., Wu, R.S., & Lo, H.C. (2019 August). Financial Distress Prediction: From the View of Real Earnings Management. 2019 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (AAA), U.S..
  6. 6. Lin, H.W.W., Wu, R.S., & Lo, H.C. (2018, October). Does Real Earnings Management Matter in Default Prediction?. 2018 Financial Management Annual Meeting (FMA), U.S..
  7. 7. Kweh, Q.L., Lo, H.C., & Ting, I.W.K. (2018, March). How Do Ownership Concentration and Family Control Influence Over-Investment and Financial Risk?. 2018 85th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Germany.
  8. 8. Huai-Chun Lo (2018, August). Over-Investment and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2018 Academicsera- International Conference on Economics Finance and Accounting (ICEFA), Singapore.
  9. 9. Huai-Chun Lo (2018, July). Spillover Effect of Over-Investment along the Supply Chain, 15th International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Corporate Social Responsibilities, Indonesia.
  10. 10. Lo, H.C., & Chuang, H.C. (2017, Oct). Does Supply Chain Information Help Predict Firm Risk?. Universal Academic Cluster International Autumn Conference, Japan, Tokyo.
  11. 11. Kweh, Q.L., Lo, H.C., & Ting, I.W.K. (2017, Jun). Ownership Structure and Financial Risk. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Business and Economics, Italy.
  12. 12. Ting, I.W.K., Kweh, Q.L., & Lo, H.C. (2017, Apr). Ownership Concentration And R&D Investments? Variations Brought by Family Control in Taiwan. FGIC 1st Conference on Governance & Integrity 2017, Malaysia.
  13. 13. Chan, C.Y., Lo, H.C., & Wang, Y.Z. (2016, Jun). The Role of CEO Perquisites in Firm Cash Holding: A US Case. Young Finance Scholars' Conference, Brighton, UK.
  14. 14. Lo, H.C., & Chuang, H.C. (2016, May). Information Value of Supply Chain to Analysts' Recommendation Quality: Evidences from Corporate Distress. 2016 Finance, and Accounting Conference (IEFA), Taipei.
  15. 15. Chan, C.Y., & Lo, H.C. (2015, Jun). Mean Reverting Phenomenon of Stock Ratings Distribution. 2015 Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting, Changsha, China.
  16. 16. Lin, H.W.W., Lo, H.C., & Wu, R.S. (2015, Apr). Modeling Default Prediction with Earnings Management. 6th Financial markets and corporate governance conference, Australia. 研討會財務會計領域最佳論文獎.

Research Grants

  1. 105 Ministry of Science and Technology, Firm's Ownership and Investment Risk.
  2. 104 Ministry of Science and Technology, Mean Reverting Phenomenon of the Distribution of Stock Ratings and Adjusted mechanism.
  3. 103 Ministry of Science and Technology, Do Financial Analysts Efficiently Incorporate Information of Corporate Social Responsibility In Their Research Reports?
  4. 101 Ministry of Science and Technology, Corporate Bankruptcies via Analysts'Adding/Dropping Stocks in Their Recommended Lists.
  5. 100 Ministry of Science and Technology, The Strategic Reports of Alien Analysts and Information Uncertainty.


Industrial Grants


  1. Corporate Finance
  2. Personal Finance
  3. Statistics
  4. Financial Data Analysis


Awards & Certificates

  1. Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
  2. Passed Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I Exam
  3. Senior Securities Specialist
  4. Futures Specialist
  5. Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Professionals
  6. Trust Businesses Specialist
  7. Financial Planning Specialist
  8. Wealth Management Planner
  9. Wealth Management Consultant

Pro. Membership

  1. A trustee of Banking Education Association of Taiwan.

Other Contributions