Professor Info

Name: 吳佳虹 Chia-Hung Wu
Discipline: IntBiz
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 6411


Assistant Professor


Technology Management. Organizational learning and knowledge creation in high technology industries. Patent Analytics. Social network analysis.

Academic BG.

  • Ph.D. in Technology Management, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, 2012


  • Senior Engineer, Department of Business Process Reengineering, TSMC. May, 2003 –September, 2004
  • Senior Engineer, Department of Data Value Development, MXIC. June, 2000 – September. 2002

Journal Papers

  1. Chia-Hung Wu, Che-Wei Chou*, Chen-Fu Chien, Yun-Siang Lin (2024) Digital transformation in manufacturing industries: Effects of firm size, product innovation, and production type. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 207,123624.
  2. You-Ta Chuang*, David H. Weng, Chia-Hung Wu, Kelly Thomson(2023). See You in Your Backyard: Multipoint Contact, Firm’s Capacity and Capability, and Technological Expansion. Strategy Science, 8(1), 85-102.
  3. Chen, M. N., & Wu, C. H. (2020). Complementary-in use appropriability in innovative service firms: An empirical study in Taiwan. Research Policy, 49(7), 104014. (SSCI)
  4. Kuo, C. I., Wu, C. H., & Lin, B. W. (2019). Gaining from scientific knowledge: the role of knowledge accumulation and knowledge combination. R&D Management, 49(2), 252-263. (SSCI)
  5. BW Lin, & CH Wu. 2010. How does knowledge depth moderate the performance of internal and external knowledge sourcing strategies? Technovation, 30(11-12), 582-589. (SSCI)
  6. WP Tsai, & CH Wu, 2010. Knowledge combination: A cocitation analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 53(3), 441-450. (SSCI) (Editorial material)

Conference Papers

  1. Chia-Hung Wu, Wen-Tin Fang(2023) Technological acquisition and innovation performance: The moderation effects of knowledge leverage. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Special Conference 2023.
  2. 吳佳虹、許博泓 (2022) 和而不同: YouTube平台新進頻道之最適獨特性策略。2022組織與管理學會年會與研討會。 (Best Paper Award)。
  3. Chia-hung Wu, Yun-Siang Lin, Che-Wei Chou, Chen-Fu Chien (2021) Digital transformation maturity of manufacturing enterprises: Digital readiness, big data capabilities, and data-driven insight. R&D Management Conference 2021.
  4. Chu-Hua Wu, Chia-Hung Wu, Pei-Hsuan Wu (2020)Innovation and Financial Performance from Technological Mergers and Acquisitions: Perspective from Organizational Learning Capability and Financial Slack. SFM Conference 28th.
  5. You-Ta Chuang, David H. Weng, Chia-Hung Wu (2020) See you in your backyard: How Multipoint Contact in Product Markets Affects Firm's Expansion into Rival's Technological Areas. AOM Annual Conference 2020.
  6. Chia-Hung Wu, Min-Nan Chen(2019)Technological Regimes in Knowledge-intensive Industries: The Effects on Firm Innovation behavior. AOM Annual Conference 2019.
  7. Yu-chun Chen, Chia-hung Wu (2019)The role of governmental intermediary in cross-country entrepreneurial resources transfer: A four countries comparison. R&D Management Conference 2019.
  8. Chia-I Kuo, Chia-hung Wu, Bou-Wen Lin (2017)Gaining from Scientific Knowledge: The Role of Knowledge Accumulation and Knowledge Combination. AOM Annual Conference 2017.
  9. Min-Nan Chen, Chia-Hung Wu (2016) Modes of Appropriability in Taiwanese Innovating Service Firms: Reconsidering the Early Study of Thoma & Bizer (2013). DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference.
  10. Chia-Hung Wu, Min-Nan Chen (2016) Technological regime and firm innovative entries: A knowledge structure perspective. DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference.
  11. Chia-Hung Wu, Fang-Mei Tseng, Ju-Yin Weng (2015) Do Early Adopters Upgrade Early?An Empirical Study of Mobile 4G Service. PICMET’15 Conference.

Research Grants

  1. 最適獨特性與產品市場進入績效:以YouTube平台新進頻道為例 (MOST 111-2410-H-155 -001 -MY3) 計畫主持人111.08.01--114.07.31 科技部
  2. 技術併購之非區域化搜尋行為:競爭效果之影響 (MOST 110-2410-H-155-025) 計畫主持人110.8.1~111.7.31 科技部
  3. 併購後知識整合:人際社會網路結構對疆界拓展行為之影響(MOST 109-2410-H-155-027 -) 計畫主持人109.8.1~110.7.31 科技部
  4. 技術購併與創新績效: 知識轉移應用的影響效果(MOST 107-2410-H-155-045-) 計畫主持人107.8.1~108.7.31 科技部
  5. 技術體制與創新進入:知識結構之觀點(MOST 105-2410-H-155-050 -)計畫主持人105.8.1~106.7.31 科技部
  6. 知識結構特性與新領域創新績效 (MOST 104-2410-H-155-049 -) 計畫主持人104.8.1~105.7.31 科技部
  7. 高科技產業大數據分析、智能製造與數位決策技術研發同盟(PB10504-0124) 共同主持人 105.8.1~108.7.31 科技部
  8. 人工智慧製造系統研究中心(PB10803-0009) 共同主持人 107.8.1~112.7.31 科技部


Industrial Grants



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