Professor Info
Name: 尤淨纓 Miko Yu
Discipline: IntBiz
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 6410
Associate Professor
Cross Cultural Management Behaviour Economics Digital Economics Negotiation.
Academic BG.
Ph.D in management, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
Research fellow of smart grid economics, Kyoto University.
Special postdoctoral scholar in Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University.
Visiting researcher in Strategic Technology Management Institute, National University of Singapore.
Lecture, English Bachelor of Business Administration, the College of Management, Yuan-Ze university, Taiwan.
Director, JDJC Group and FS, UK.
Marketing director, FS Studio, Australia.
Project leader, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan. (Department: Computer & Communications Research Laboratories)
Journal Papers
Ching-Ying Yu, Hua-Hsing Sun, Sheng-Chieh Chen (2023). Research on the Relationship between Organizational Justice, Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction – A Case of Flight Attendants. International Journal of Business.28 (2), 1-20.
Yi-Chung Hu, Yu-Jing Chiu, Ching-Ying Yu & Jung-Fa Tsai (2021) Integrating Nonlinear Interval Regression Analysis with a Remnant Grey Prediction Model for Energy Demand Forecasting, Applied Artificial Intelligence, DOI: 10.1080/08839514.2021.1983120.(impact factor: 2.0)
Yi-Chung Hu; Peng Jiang; Jung-Fa Tsai; Ching-Ying Yu, (2021, Jan). An Optimized Fractional Grey Prediction Model for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Forecasting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2),587. (impact factor: 3.36)
邱榆淨; 鄧曉華; 尤淨纓; 李宗偉; 陳筱琪; 易青雲; 艾昌明, “美國專利訴訟的策略評估模式,” 中原企管評論, vol. 19 (2) pp. 1 – 22, 2021/04
Ching-Ying Yu; Re-An Lo, “Factors Affecting Customers’’ Purchase Intentions in Live Streaming Shopping,” Journal of Management & Decision Sciences, vol. 3 (2) pp. 1 – 12, 2020/12
Fred Phillips, Ching-Ying Yu, Tahir Hameed, Mahmoud Abdullah El Akhdary (2017, Dec). The knowledge society's origins and current trajectory. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 1,175-191.(impact factor: 4.91)
Sitoh M.K., Pan S.L.,Yu C.Y. (2014). Business Models and Tactics in New Product Creation: The Interplay of Effectuation and Causation Processes. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.2(61), 213 - 224.(impact factor: 2.81)
Tseng, F. M. and Yu, C.Y.(2005). Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Logit Model for Taiwan’s Internet Telephony Market. OMEGA International Journal of Management Science 33(3):189-282. (SSCI)
Conference Papers
Ching-Ying Yu; Hua-Hsing Sun (2023,Dec). “Emotional Labor Impact on Airline SDGs,” 2023 ISPIM Connects Salzburg - " The Sound of Innovation ". Salzburg, Austria.
Ching-Ying Yu; Yu-Jing Chiu; Hsin-His Chen; Chin-Yi Chen (2023, July). “KEY SUCCESS FACOR OF E-COMMERCE PLATFORM OPERATION,” The times indicated are in "Central European Summer Time - CEST (Copenhagen)"
Ching-Ying Yu (2023, Jul), "Scenario Simulation Enhances Creativity Education-Case Study of Negotiation Curriculum". PICMET, Mexico
Ching-Ying Yu, Ssu-Yun Wu (2023,Jun), ”How the Conversion of Internet Celebrity's Influence into Revenue,” 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference - "Evaluating Circular innovation ". Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ching-Ying Yu, Ching-Li Kao (2023,Jun),”Discussion on sustainable operation of construction industry under climate change,” 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference - "Evaluating Circular innovation ". Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ching-Ying Yu, Kun-Lin Wang(2023,Jun),”Discussion on the business model and the service innovation of long-term care institutions-taking Taiwan as an example ,”2023 ISPIM Innovation and Circular Economy,Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ching-Ying Yu, Wu Yi Chang (2023, Jun), “AI Application for ATCO Performance Assessment,” 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference - "Innovation and Circular Economy". Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ching-Ying Yu(2023,Jul.”Integrating Green Patents into the Company's Strategic Business Approach ,”2023 ISPIM Innovation and Circular Economy,Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ching-Ying Yu , Chen,Ru-hao(2022,Nov),”Influencing factors in business negotiation of Chinese and Vietnamese ,”ISPIM Connects Athens Conference The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future. Athens, Greece.
Ching-Li Kao , Ching-Ying Yu (2022, Nov), “The allocation of resources in epidemic ,” ISPIM Connects Athens Conference The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future. Athens, Greece.
Wu Yi Chang, Ching-Ying Yu (2022, Nov), “AI Application for Air Traffic Controllers Control Behavior Identification,” ISPIM Connects Athens Conference The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future. Athens, Greece.
Kun Lin Wang,Ching-Ying Yu(2022, Nov), “Determinants of long-term care refusal in older adults,” ISPIM Connects Athens Conference The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future. Athens, Greece.
Hsiao-Hsun Yuan, Ching-Ying Yu(2022, Nov), “New structural economics in China brand commercial vehicle revolution,” ISPIM Connects Athens Conference The Role of innovation: Past, Present, Future. Athens, Greece.
Ching-Ying Yu, Huahsing Sun, Sanjain Chen (2021, Aug),"Research on the Relationship between Organizational Justice, Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction –A Case of Flight Attendants",
IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management.
Ching-Ying Yu; Wen-Ping Hsieh, “Factors affecting customers’ purchase intentions in live streaming shopping,” XXXI ISPIM Conference Special Call for Contributions on Crisis-
driven Innovation, 2020/06
Ching-Ying Yu; Fu-Chieh Chang, “Special Call for Contributions on Crisis- driven Innovation,” XXI ISPIM Conference Special Call for Contributions on Crisis- driven Innovation,2020/06
Ching-Ying Yu;Re-An Lo (2019, Jun). The Effects of Overconfidence and Mental Accounting on Strategic Readiness. XXX ISPIM innovation conference.
Re-An Lo;Ching-Ying Yu (2019, Jun). An exploration of corporate social responsibility and gamification paired with virtual reality stimulating empathy and enhancing employee engagement. 2019法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師圓寂十週年 國際研討會.
Tzyy-Jan Lai;Ching-Ying Yu (2019, Jun). Sense of Interdependence and the Altruistic behavior. 2019法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師圓寂十週年國際研討會
Ching-Ying Yu; Ling-Lang Tang; Chang, Ko-Wei (2017,Sep.) A study of applied product life cycle theory in high-end products via high-mix, low-volume production strategy – for the case of copper clad laminate industry. International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
Lai, Jun-ru; Ling-Lang Tang; Ching-Ying Yu (2017,Sep.) Discussion on the influence of agile manufacturing and large-scale customization on the competitive advantage of taiwan enterprises from the viewpoint of lean production.International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
Chechena Kuular; Ching-Ying Yu (2017,Sep.) Foreign R&D activities in Russian high-tech medical equipment industry. International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
Hsiao-Hsun Yuan; Ching-Ying Yu (2017,Sep.) The Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities from the Resource-Based View: Diesel Commercial Vehicles of IndependentChinese Brands Entering the Taiwanese Market. International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI)
Wenping Hsieh; Ching-Ying Yu; Wenyeh Huang (2017,Sep.) The influence of luxury car brand’s retail channel types on consumer’s purchase decisions.International Conference on Innovation and Development (16th ICTPI).
Ching-Ying Yu; Takanori Ida (2016, Jun). Empathy Diffusion - NGO Sustainable Development. ISPIM, Portugal.
Yu, C.-Y. (2015, Jun). Boundary spanning governance – insights the video game developer perspective. ISPIM, Australia.
Yu-Ting Chang, Fang-Mei Tseng, Ya-Ti Lin, Ching-Ying Yu (2014, Oct). Corporate Business Model Innovation: The Case of Travel Agent. PICMET, Japan.
Tseng, F. M.,Wang, S.Y. and Yu, C.Y. “An Integrated Model for Analyzing the Development of the 4G Telecommunications Market in Taiwan”, PICMET 2011, USA
Tseng, F. M., Chiu, Y. J. and Yu, C.Y. (2003). Hierarchical Fuzzy Integral Multinomial Logit Model for Taiwan’s Broadband Service Market. 32th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. Ireland.
曾芳美、尤淨纓 (2002) “網路電話選擇⾏行為分析”, 第三屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會, 輔仁大學.(NSC 89-2416-H-364-003)
Lee C.N. Wang H. S. and Yu, C.Y. (2003). The Developing of marketing and technology for Intelligent Transportation System(ITS)in Taiwan. CIEE magazine Taiwan.
Yu, C.Y., Tseng, F. M. and Tzeng, G.H. (2002). Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Logit Model. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Hawaii, USA.
Yu, C.Y. (2002). The Business Model of Multimedia Car Platform in Taiwan. World Metro Symposium & Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yu, C.Y. and Tzeng, G.H. (2002).Applied Partitioned Fuzzy Logit Model to Internet Telephony Choice Behaviour. 31th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering. Greece.
Yu, C.Y. (2002). ITS Development in Japan. Digital Video Multimedia Magazine.
李克聰、常書娟、尤淨纓 (1998) "⾶飛航安全內外在環境因素之研究分析," 中華民國第五屆運輸安全研討會.
李克聰、尤淨纓、常書娟、劉建良 (1998)"施⼯工區域交通安全改善之研究," 87年道路交通安全與執法研討會.(233~241) ,中央警察⼤大學.
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