Professor Info

Name: 黃敏萍 Huang, Min-Ping
Discipline: OrgMgt
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 2629


Dean, Professor


Leadership, Team Management, Chinese Organizational Behavior, Cross-cultural Organizational Management

Academic BG.

  • Ph.D. in Business Administration (OB & HRM), National Taiwan University


  • Vice Dean, College of Management, Yuan-Ze University, 2018-2022
  • Director of MBA & PhD Programs, College of Management, Yuan-Ze University, 2018-2022
  • Coordinator, Discipline of Organization Management, College of Management YZU, 2016-2022
  • Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, College of Management, Yuan-Ze University
  • Visiting Scholar, Euro-Asia Research Center, INSEAD, France, 2004-2005
  • Project Director, Searching for Academic Research Excellence, National Science Council, 2001-2008
  • Senior Researcher, Research Center of I-O Psychology Studies, National Taiwan University, 2000 till Now
  • Board of Directors/Supervisors, Taiwan Association of I-O Psychology (TAIOP), 2018-2024at Present
  • Review Committee Board, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan, 2019-2022
  • Journal Editor Committee, NTU Management Review (Taiwan), 2010-2012, 2014-2016
  • Guest Journal Editor, Organization and Management (Taiwan), 2011
  • Exam Committee, Accreditation Council for Chinese Business Education (ACCBE), 2021
  • Review Committee, Taoyuan City Government Business Women Award, 2023
  • Review Committee, Taoyuan City Government Model Civil Servant Award, 2024
  • Lecturer, Far East Business Group. (Mini MBA Program)
  • Lecturer, Far East University. (Leadership and Team Building)
  • Lecturer, China Chemical & Pharmaceutical Corporation (CCPC). (Organizational Behavior and Leadership)
  • Lecturer, Asia Cement Corporation. (Leading for Transformation and Change; Leading Teams)
  • Lecturer, O'right Corporation. (Team Building and Team Learning; Coaching and Leading Teams)
  • Lecturer, Yuan Ze University- Executive MBA in Vietnam. (Organizational Behavior and Leadership)

Journal Papers

  1. Chi, S. C., & Huang, M. P. (1995). A Study on the Relationships between Charismatic Leadership and Corporate Norms in Large Enterprises in Taiwan. (In Chinese) NTU Management Review, 6(2), p.109-134. (TSSCI)
  2. Chi, S. C., Lou, S. S., & Huang, M. P. (1998). The Relationships between Interpersonal Trust and Speech Taboo of Organizational Members. (In Chinese) NTU Management Review, 9(1), p.177-200. (TSSCI)
  3. Huang, K. L., Huang, M. P., Tsai, C. T., & Chen, H. F., (1999). The Life Adjustment of Taiwanese Expatriate Managers and the Human Resource Management in Sino-Taiwanese Joint Ventures in Mainland China. (In Chinese) NTU Management Review, 9(2), p.1-32. (TSSCI)
  4. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P. (2000). Leadership in Chinese Business Organizations: A Cultural Value Analysis. (In Chinese) Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, 8(4), p.583-617. (TSSCI)
  5. Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., & Chou, L. F. (2002). Paternalistic leadership and its effectiveness: Evidence from Chinese organizational teams. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 3(1), p.85-112. (PSYCHOINFO)
  6. Huang, M. P., Chi, S. C., & Huang, K. L. (2002). Team Structure and Effectiveness in Cross-functional Teams: A Structural Contingency Perspective. (In Chinese) Journal of Management, 19(6), p.979-1007. (TSSCI, 2003 The Annual Best Paper Award)
  7. Hsu, W. L., Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P. (2002). Chinese Business Leaders’ Employee Categorization and Managerial Behaviors. (In Chinese) Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 18, p.51-94. (TSSCI)
  8. Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Wang C. C. (2003). Transformational Leadership, Intrateam Interaction, and Effectiveness of the Team and Team Members: Testing the Validity of IPO Model. (In Chinese) Journal of Management, 20(3), p.397-427. (TSSCI)
  9. Huang, M. P. (2003). Organizational Leadership Research in Taiwan: From Etic to Emic. (In Chinese) Research in Applied Psychology, 20, p.27-52.
  10. Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Huang, M. P., Farh, J. L., & Peng S. P. (2003). A Triad Model of Paternalistic Leadership: Evidence from Business Organizations in Mainland China. (In Chinese) Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 20, p.209-250. (TSSCI)
  11. Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Huang, M. P., Wu, T. Y., & Farh, J. L. (2004). Paternalistic leadership and subordinate reverence: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7(1), p.89-117. (SSCI, impact factor .847)
  12. Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., Cheng, H. Y., & Chao C. C. (2004). The direction and rationality of organizational behavior research: Questions and answers. (In Chinese) Research in Applied Psychology, 21, p.24-33.
  13. Shen, C. T., Huang, M. P., & Cheng, B. S. (2004). The power of shared mental model on knowledge sharing: Investigating the moderating effects of personality trait and personality similarity between team members. (In Chinese) Journal of Management, 21(1), p.47-62. (TSSCI)
  14. Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Chou, L. F. (2005). Fitting in organizational values: The mediating role of person-organization fit between CEO charismatic leadership and employee outcomes. International Journal of Manpower, 26(1), p.35-49. (SSCI)
  15. Chou, L. F., Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., & Cheng, H. Y.(2006). Guanxi networks and members’ effectiveness within Chinese work team: The mediating effect of the centrality of trust networks. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 9(2), p.79-95. (SSCI, impact factor .847)
  16. Chou, L. F., Wang, A. C., Wang, T. Y., Huang, M. P., & Cheng, B. S. (2008). Shared work values and team member effectiveness: The mediation of trustfulness and trustworthiness. Human Relations, 61 (12), p.1713-1742. (SSCI, impact factor 1.637) (Recommended A-tier journal of NSC)
  17. Cheng, B. S., Wang, A. C., & Huang, M. P. (2009). The road more popular versus the road less traveled: An “insider’s” perspective of advancing Chinese management research. Management and Organization Review, 5(1), 91-105. (SSCI, impact factor 2.806) (Recommended journal of NSC)
  18. Huang, M.P., and Huang, J. C. (2011). Looking forward the new era of team research in Taiwan. (In Chinese) Organization and Management, the special issue of team management and group dynamics, 4(1), p.1-9. (TSSCI)
  19. Huang, M. P., & Leung, W. C., & Hsin, J. N. (2012). Confucian Dynamism Work Values and Team Performance: A Multiple-Level Analysis. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, p.178-188. (SSCI, impact factor .847)
  20. Huang, M. P., & Lin, T. T., & Cheng, B. S., & Leung, W. C. (2012). Charismatic Leadership in the Chinese Enterprises: Construct Analysis and Scale Development. (In Chinese) Journal of Management, 29(4), p.307-331. (TSSCI, 2013 The Annual Best Paper Award )
  21. Zhang Xu, Fan Yun, Huang Minping, & Yan Jing (2013). Formation Mechanism Model Construction of Organizational Commitment Based on Self-Determination Theory:When Autonomy Need Becomes the Dominant Need. (In Chinese) Nankai Business Review, 16(6), p.59-69. (CSSCI)
  22. Cheng, B.S., Boer, D., Chou, L. F., & Huang, M.P.,, (2014). Paternalistic Leadership in Four East Asian Societies: Generalizability and Cultural Differences of the Triad Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), p.82-90. (SSCI, impact factor 1.547)
  23. Huang, M. P., & Kao, F. H. (2014). The Values-Fit Based Charismatic Leadership Theory: The Mediation Process and Multilevel Analysis. (In Chinese) Chinese Journal of Psychology, 56(2), p.215-235. (TSSCI)
  24. Kao, F. H., Cheng, B. S., Kuo, C. C., & Huang M.P. (2014). Stressors, withdrawal, and sabotage in front line employees: The moderating effects of caring and service climates. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87( 4), p. 755~780 . (SSCI, impact factor 2.48, Recommended A-tier journal of MOST)
  25. Kao, F. H., Cheng, B. S., & Huang M.P. (2015). Moral leadership, peer influence, & the moderating effect of self-esteem of front-line service employees. (In Chinese) Chinese Journal of Psychology, 57(2), p.155~176. (TSSCI)
  26. Wang, A. C., Tsai, C. Y., Dionne, S. D., Yammarino, F. J., Spain, S. M., Ling, H. C., Huang, M. P., Chou, L. F., & Cheng, B. S. (2018). Benevolence-dominant, authoritarianism-dominant, and classical paternalistic leadership: Testing their relationships with subordinate performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), p. 686-697. (SSCI, Impact Factor 5.631, Recommended A-tier journal of MOST)
  27. Chien, C. J., Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Lin, L. H. (2019). Private Guanxi between Supervisor and Subordinate: How Private Guanxi Promote Organizational Effects? (In Chinese) Journal of Management and Business Research, 36(2), p.195-223.(TSSCI)
  28. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P. (2019). 50 Years of Organizational Behavior Research in Taiwan: Approach, Turnaround, and Reflection. (In Chinese) Chinese Journal of Psychology, 61(4), p.341~359. (TSSCI)
  29. Huang, M. P. (2020, Sep.) Organizational Behavior Research of Cultural Psychology Perspective: From Theory Applicability to Theory Innovation. (In Chinese) Humanities and Social Sciences, Most, 21-4-20,p.107-110.
  30. Kao, F. H., Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S. & Peng, C. H. (2022, March). Why team members help each other? Investigating cross-level antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 25(1), p.126-137. (SSCI, Impact factor 1.424)
  31. Huang, M. P., & Cheng, Y. H.,(2024, March). Upward Influence Tactics: Proposition and Examination on Model of Cultural Integration. (In Chinese) Chinese Journal of Psychology, 66(1), 83-112.(TSSCI)
  32. Azzuhri M., Huang, M. P., & Dodi, W. I. (2024, Aug.). Reinventing Spiritual Leadership from an Indonesian Perspective. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 24(2), p.289-308. (Scopus, Impact Factor 2.0)

Conference Papers

  1. Selected International Conference Papers:
  2. Huang, M.P., & Cheng, B.S. (2002). Fitting in organizational values: The effect of person-organization fit on the relationship between CEO charismatic leadership and employee organizational commitment. Work Values and Behaviour in an Era of Transformation. The 8th Biannual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV). Poland, Warsaw.
  3. Cheng, B.S, & Chou, L. F., & Huang, M. P. (2002). Shared team value and team effectiveness: Assessing the mediating effect of intrateam process. Work Values and Behaviour in an Era of Transformation, p.74-80. The 8th Biannual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV). Poland, Warsaw.
  4. Huang, M. P., Hsu, W. L., & Chou, L. F. (2003). The Interactive Effects of Structure and Contextual Factors in Knowledge Worker Cross-functional Teams. The 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute. Shanghai, China.
  5. Jiang, D. Y., Shen, C. T., & Huang, M. P. (2003). The power of team shared mental model on knowledge sharing: Investigating the moderating effect of team member’s personality. The 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute. Shanghai, China.
  6. Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Chou, L. F. (2004). Transformational team leadership in Chinese context: Differential effects of relationship-focused and tasked-focused leader behavior on intrateam cooperation and team effectiveness. Inaugural conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Peking, China.
  7. Hsu, W. L., Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P. (2004). Moral Leadership: Construct and Measurement. Inaugural conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Peking, China.
  8. Chou, L. F., Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., & Hsu, W. L. (2004). Guanxi Networks and Member Effectiveness in Chinese Teams: The Mediated Effects of Trust Networks. 2004 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). New Orleans, USA.
  9. Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Wang, T.Y., & Huang, M. P., (2005). Values diversity and team member’s effectiveness: The mediation of trustfulness and trustworthiness. 2005 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). Hawaii, USA.
  10. Shen, C. T., & Huang, M. P. (2006). Team personality elevation, team personality diversity, and Team effectiveness: An empirical study of R&D work teams. 2006 Biannual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Nanjing, China.
  11. Huang, M. P., & Cheng, M. Y., (2007). Charismatic Leadership and Value Congruence: A Multi-level analysis. 2007 Hawaii International Conference on Business. Hawaii, USA
  12. Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., Liang, W. C., & Chou, L. F. (2008). The effect of relationship quality in Taiwanese military teams: Investigating the interaction of Leader-member exchange and team members’ exchange. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin, Germany.
  13. Shen,C. T.,Huang, & M. P.(2009). We are not only the same, but also different: Exploring the effect of team personality composition on R&D teams' effectiveness. 2009 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). Chicago, USA.
  14. Huang, M. P., Liang, W. C., & Kao, L. T. (2010). The Upward Influence Strategies in Chinese Organizations. 2010 Biannual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Shanghai, China.
  15. Lin, T. T., Cheng, B. S., Wang, A. C., Chou, L. F., & Huang, M. P.(2010). Trust in Leader and Perceived Organizational Support as the Mediators of the Relationship between Benevolent Leadership and Subordinate Outcomes. 2010 Biannual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Shanghai, China.
  16. Huang, M. P., and Liang, W. C. (2011). The influence of charismatic leadership on subordinates’ values-fit: A multi-level analysis. The 9th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP). Brisbane, Australia.
  17. Lin,T. T, Chou, L.F., Cheng, B.S., and Huang, M.P. (2011). Unpacking the Relationship between CEO Paternalistic Leadership Style and Firm Performance. 2011 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  18. Lin, T. T., Chou, W. J., Huang, M. P., Garber, I., Málovics, E., and Cheng, B. S. (2011). Paternalistic Leadership Style of Male and Female Leaders across Eight Societies. The Regional Conference of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Istanbul, Turkey.
  19. Huang, M. P., Kao, F.H., & Pong, C. H. (2012)。The antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior within teams: A multi-level analysis. The 5th annual conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong.
  20. Huang, M.P., Kao, F.H., & Cheng B.S. (2012). The Partnership Performance in Professional Partnership Teams: Investigating the Relationship among Partners’ Relationship, Trust, and Organizational Control. The biannual conference of International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
  21. Lin, L. H., & Huang, M.P. (2012). Investigating the relationship between leader-member exchange and psychological ownership: The mediating role of organization justice. The biannual conference of International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
  22. Tsai, C. Y., Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., Sotak, K. L., Seth, S. & Chou, W. J. (2012). Joint effect of leader-member and team-member exchange quality on working related outcomes. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association (AOSM), Ft Lauderdale, Florida.
  23. Kao, F. H., Huang M. P., & Cheng, B. S. (2014). Why Employee Turnover? The influence of Chinese management and Organizational Justice. The 22nd International Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Paris, France.
  24. Huang M. P., & Kao, F. H. (2014). Reinvestigating the charismatic leadership theory: the mediation, level issues, and contextural factors. The 6th Biannual Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Peiking, China.
  25. Liang, K. Y., & Huang, M. P. (2014). A Study of Talent Attraction Strategies on Social Enterprises. 2014 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI). Japan.
  26. Kao, F. H., & Huang, M. P (2015). The relationship between paternalistic leadership and employee withdrawal: Does organizational justice matter? The 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.
  27. Huang, M. P., & Kao, F. H. (2017, Jun). Team Leadership in Innovation Teams: Construct Clarification and Measure Development. 2017 AAOM & TAOM Biennial Conference., Fukuoka, Japan.
  28. Lee, C. H.; Huang, C.Y .; Huang M.-P., (2019/02). What is Public agency? And civil servants how to see? The relationship between organizational identity contents, organizational identification and employees’ behaviors for the Public agency in Taiwan. Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA). Perth, Australia.
  29. Liao, W. Y .; Huang M. P.; Huang, C.Y ., (2019/04). Differential treatments in team and team effectiveness: The role of in-group members", Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference (NEDSI). Philadelphia, USA.
  30. Nguyen, N. G., & Huang, M. P. (2020, Dec.). Key Successful Factors for Startup Team: The Right Co-Founder(s). 1st International Conference of Indonesia Academy of Management (IAOM), virtual conference, Dec. 9-10, 2020.
  31. Lin, T. Y., Huang M. P., & Chien, C. J. (2021). Do not disturb: Remote worker’s boundary management tactics for the role transition. International Conference on Management and Service Innovation, May. 7, 2021.
  32. Huang, M. P., & Cheng, Y. H (2022). Upward influence strategies: The cultural integration model. TAIOP 2022 International Conference. NTU, Taiwan,
  33. Huang, M.P., Tai, C. Y., & Cheng, Y. H. (2023). Differential Leadership and Group Effectiveness: The Diffusion Effect of In-Group Subordinates. IACCP 2023, 27th Regional European Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Ireland.
  34. Huang, M. P., Liao, W. Y., & Tai, C. Y. (2024). Exploring the diffusion model of differential leadership. The Joint Conference of 13th AAOM and 2024 TAOM. Malaysia.
  35. Shalini, S., & Huang, M. P. (2024). Fostering sustainability: Unveiling the influence of low-tier women leadership on interconnected ESG policies in Darjeeling tea gardens. The Joint Conference of 13th AAOM and 2024 TAOM. Malaysia.
  36. Cheng, B. S., Huang, M.P., & Tsai, C. Y. (2024). Data Leadership: A Psychological Perspective. The 18th CDOIQ International Chief Data Officer and Information Quality Symposium. MIT Sloan College of Management, USA.
  37. Hsiao, C. S., Huang M. P., & Chien, C. J. (2024). Imperative or not? The Process Analysis of How Digital Leadership Drives Digital Transformation: A Socio-Technical Systems Perspective. TAIOP 2024 International Conference of Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. NTU, Taiwan.
  38. Chiang. C. I., & Huang, M. P. (2024). Exploring the Synergistic Effectiveness of Advance Care Planning Consultation Teams. TAIOP 2024 International Conference of Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. NTU, Taiwan.
  39. Chen, C. Y., & Huang, M. P. (2024). Team Ambidextrous Leadership and Team Process: An Investigation on Cross-functional Task Force. TAIOP 2024 International Conference of Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. NTU, Taiwan.

Research Grants

  1. The Triad Model of Paternalistic Leadership: Evidence from Business Organizations in Mainland China. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology (2/4), Ministry of Education, 89-H-FA01-2-4-4. Project Co-director, 2001/4/1~2002/3/31.
  2. Moral Leadership in Paternalistic Leadership. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology (3/4), Ministry of Education, 89-H-FA01-2-4-4. Project Director, 2002/4/1~2003/3/31.
  3. Moral Leadership in Paternalistic Leadership. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology (4/4), Ministry of Education, 89-H-FA01-2-4-4. Project Director, 2003/4/1~2004/3/31.
  4. Relationalism and Work Teams In Chinese Organizations: The Effects of Team Composition. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology, the project 8th (1/4), National Science Council, NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE. Project Director, 2004/4/1~2005/3/31.
  5. Relationalism and Work Teams In Chinese Organizations: The Effects of Team Values. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology, the project 8th (2/4), National Science Council, NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE. Project Director, 2005/4/1~2006/3/31.
  6. Relationalism and Work Teams In Chinese Organizations: The Effects of Internal Exchange Relationship Quality. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology, the project 8th (3/4), National Science Council, NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE. Project Director, 2006/4/1~2007/3/31.
  7. Relationalism and Work Teams In Chinese Organizations: The Effects of External Social Context. Searching for Academic Research Excellence in Chinese Indigenous Psychology, the project 8th (4/4), National Science Council, NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE. Project Director, 2007/4/1~2008/3/31.
  8. Charismatic Leadership and Leadership effectiveness: A subordinate-organization culture fit perspective. National Science Council, NSC90-2416-H-155-017. Project Director, 2001/8/1~2002/7/31.
  9. Demographic Similarity vs. Guanxi: The effect of team composition on team effectiveness in Taiwan high-tech industry. National Science Council, NSC91-2416-H-155-016. Project Director, 2002/8/1~2003/7/31.
  10. The Value-Fit Based Charismatic Leadership Theory: From the Construct building to the measurement development. National Science Council, NSC92-2416-H-155-026. Project Director, 2003/8/1~2004/7/31.
  11. Knowledge sharing in work teams: Antecedent, consequence, and the moderating effect of time. National Science Council, NSC93-2416-H-155-020. Project Director, 2004/8/1~2005/7/31.
  12. The Value-Fit Based Charismatic Leadership Theory: Multiple validities of the new inventory. National Science Council, NSC94-2416-H-155-018–SSS. Project Director, 2005/8/1~2006/7/31.
  13. Cooperation effectiveness in professional partnership teams: An interactive perspective between trust and control. National Science Council, NSC95-2416-H-155-009. Project Director, 2006/8/1~2007/7/31.
  14. A Multi-level Analysis of Charismatic Leadership Behaviors: A Values-fit Perspective. National Science Council, NSC96-2416-H-155-001-SSS. Project Director, 2007/8/1~2008/7/31.
  15. The upward influence tactics in Chinese organization. National Science Council, NSC97-2410-H-155-008-MY2. Project Director, 2008/8/1~2010/7/31.
  16. Collective Team Leadership and Team Innovation: Theory Building and Model testing. National Science Council, NSC99-2410-H-155-004-MY2. Project Director, 2010/8/1~2012/7-31.
  17. Examining a Triad Model of Chinese Charismatic Leadership Theory. NSC101-2410-H-155-030-MY2. Project Director, 2012/8/1~2014/7/31.
  18. Team Leadership for Innovation: Measurement, Mechanism, and Model Testing. MOST103-2410-H-155-041-MY2. Project Director, 2014/8/1~2016/7/31.
  19. Tensions of social enterprises: Organizational challenges and responses of social entrepreneurs. MOST 105-2410-H-155-054, Project Director, 2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31.
  20. Harmony values and team effectiveness in Chinese cultural context: Investigating the dualistic model of harmony. MOST 106-2410-H-155-045-SSS, Project Director, 2017/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31.
  21. An integrative model of upward influence strategies: Model building and cross-cultural examination. MOST 107-2410-H-155 -035 -SS2, Project Director, 2018/08/01~2020/07/31.
  22. Employee Pro-environmental Behavior: Construct, Measurement, and Validation. MOST 109-2410-H-155 -017 -SSS, Project Director, 2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31.
  23. Reconstruction on Differentiate Leadership: The Diffusion Model. MOST 110-2410-H-155 -031-SS2, Project Director, 2021/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31.
  24. Digital Leadership for Digital Transformation: A Social-Technical System Perspective. NSTC 112-2410-H-155 -007 -SS2. Project Director, 2023/08/01 ~ 2025/07/31.
  25. Searching for Teaching Excellence, Ministry of Education, Project Co-director, 2008/8/1~2009/7/31, 2009/8/1~2010/12/31.


  1. Huang, M. P. (2003). Organizational Leadership, In B. S. Cheng & D. Y. Jiang & H. Y. Cheng (Eds.), Organizational Behavior Studies in Taiwan, P227-252. Taipei: Hwatai.
  2. Cheng, B. S., Huang, K. L., Lu, H. C. & Huang, M. P. (2004). Leadership in Taiwanese Enterprises. In D. Tjosvold & K. Leung (Eds.), Leading in high growth Asia: Managing relationship for teamwork and change, P.83-108. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
  3. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P. (2005). Leadership in Chinese organizations. (In Chinese) In K. S. Yang, K. K. Hwang, & C. F. Yang (Eds.), Chinese indigenous psychology, Ch21, p749-787. Taipei: YuanLiou.
  4. Huang, M. P. (2006). The Cradle of Technology - Industrial Technology research Institute. In T. Tsai, & B. S. Cheng (Eds.), The Silicon dragon: High-tech industry in Taiwan, Ch2, p.26-49. UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
  5. Huang, M. P. (2006). The Theoretical analysis of high performance research teams. In B. S. Cheng & D. Y. Jiang (Eds.), Chinese Organizational Behavior: Topics, Research and Publication, Ch11, p366-392. Taipei: Hwatai.
  6. Chou, L. F., Cheng, B. S., Farh, J. L., Jen, C. K., & Huang, M. P. (2006). Paternalistic Leadership. In B. S. Cheng & D. Y. Jiang (Eds.), Chinese Organizational Behavior: Topics, Research and Publication, Ch2, p46-75. Taipei: Hwatai.
  7. Hsu, W. L., Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Farh, J. L.(2006). Moral Leadership. In B. S. Cheng & D. Y. Jiang (Eds.), Chinese Organizational Behavior: Topics, Research and Publication, Ch4, p122-144. Taipei: Hwatai.( With)
  8. Huang, M. P. (2006) The Cradle of Technology - Industrial Technology research Institute. In T. Tsai, & B. S. Cheng (Eds.), Silicon dragon: High-tech industry in Taiwan, Ch2, p26-49. UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
  9. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P.(2008). The Case Research in Field Studies. In X. P. Chen & A. Tsui & J. L. Farh (Eds.), The Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Studies, Ch10. China: Beijing University.
  10. Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P. (2011) 60 years of Taiwan Leadership Research after the Second World War : The Etic, Emic, and Globalized perspectives. Humanities and Social Sciences Review and Prospects in Taiwan and Mainland China (1949-2009), p.115-148.
  11. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P.(2014). Ch10 The Case Research in Field Studies. In X. P. Chen & A. Tsui & J. L. Farh, B. S. Cheng (Eds.), The Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Studies, Taipei: Hwatai.
  12. Kao, F. H., Huang, M. P., & Cheng, B. S. (2016). Why Employee Turnover? The influence of Chinese Management and Organizational Justice. In C. Roland-Lévy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski & W. K. Gabrenya Jr. (Eds.), Unity, Diversity and Culture, p. 200-204. Melbourne, Florida USA: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2014.
  13. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P.(2021). Ch6 50 Years of Organizational Behavior Research in Taiwan:Approach, Turnaround, and Reflection. 60th Anniversary of Chinese Journal of Psychology, p.153-175. Taipei: Wu-Nan.
  14. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P.(2022). Ch23 Leadership in Chinese Organizations. 30 years of Chinese Indigenous Psychology, p.3-46. Taipei: Wu-Nan.
  15. Cheng, B. S., Chen, X. P., Sheng, W., & Huang, M. P.(2024). The Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Studies, 4th. edition. Taipei: Hwatai.
  16. Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P.(2024). Ch10 The Case Research in Field Studies. In Cheng, B. S., Chen, X. P., Sheng, W., & Huang, M. P. (Eds.), The Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Studies, 4th. edition. Taipei: Hwatai.

Industrial Grants



Awards & Certificates

  1. Yuan Ze Innovation Teaching Award-The Honorable Mention, 2021
  2. Project Director Grants, National Science Council, 2001-2025
  3. University Grants for Special Talents, National Science and Technology Council, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015
  4. 6th UMC Research Award_Honorable Mention, 2016
  5. Annual Best Paper Award, Journal of Management(Taiwan), 2013
  6. Young Research Scholarship Award, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2007
  7. Annual Best Paper Award, Journal of Management(Taiwan), 2003
  8. Advisor, Yunus Prize of 2nd Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition_Finalists, 2017
  9. Advisor Award, Annual Best Doctoral Dissertation for small & medium enterprises research, Chinese Management Association, 2011
  10. Advisor Award, EMBA Thesis of College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2006
  11. Advisor Award, Research Projects for Undergraduate Students, National Science Council, 2003
  12. Advisor Award, Annual Best MBA Thesis, Chinese Management Association, 2002

Pro. Membership

Other Contributions