Professor Info
Name: 王瑄 Wang, Sarah Hsuan
Discipline: Accounting
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 2196
Assistant Professor
Financial Accounting, Capital Market, Internal Control
Academic BG.
PHD,Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University
Master, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University
Bachelor, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University
UNC Chapel Hill visiting scholar 200508-200608
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University 200408-200507
Full-time Teaching Assistant, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University 200108-200207
Auditor, Deloitte CPA firm 199906-200108
Journal Papers
Shu Yeh and Hsuan Wang, 2015. Market Efficiency Tests of Other Comprehensive Income Items and the Discount or Premium on Equity Transactions.Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 27:3, 1-30. (TSSCI)
Woody M. Liao, Chia-Chi Lu, Hsuan Wang. 2014. Venture capital, corporate governance, and financial stability of IPO firms. Emerging Markets Review, 18(March), 19–33. (SSCI).
Chan-Jane Lin, Hsuan Wang, and Chun-You Ko. 2013. Financial Instruments Reclassification, Prior Income Smoothing History and Subsequent Market Return. Journal of Accounting Review, 56:39-73. (TSSCI).
Shu Yeh, Wei-lian Fang, Yann-ching Tsai, and Hsuan Wang. 2012. The Association of Parent and Subsidiary’s Financing Activities and the Consolidated Presentation of Enterprises Liabilities. Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 24:3, 47-78. (TSSCI)
Shu Yeh and Hsuan Wang. 2009. The Value Relevance of Alternative Methods of Accounting for Stock-based Compensation. Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 21(1): 163~194. (TSSCI)
Shu Yeh and Hsuan Wang. 2008. Introduction to Financial Accounting of Employee Profit-sharing Programs. FT Law Review,157: 22-27.
Conference Papers
Shu Yeh; Hsuan Wang; Chun-You Ko (2016, May). THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CHANGES IN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PERFORMANCE AND STOCK RETURNS: AN EMPIRICAL EXAMINATION. 39th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. Maastricht, Nederland.
Shu Yeh and Hsuan Wang (2015, Dec). Implications of matching depreciation with sales revenue for equity valuation. 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference , Tainan, Taiwan. (MOST 102-2410-H-002-035). 2015ATPC best paper award.
Shu Yeh, Hsuan Wang, and Chun-You Ko (2015, Dec). The Association between Changes in Corporate Social Responsibility Performance and Stock Returns: An Empirical Examination . 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Tainan, Taiwan.
Hsuan Wang and Shu Yeh (2015, Jul). Valuation Implications of Matching Depreciation with Sales Revenues. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, Singapore.
Shu Yeh,and Hsuan Wang (2015, Apr). Implications Of Matching Depreciation With Sales Revenue For Equity Valuation. EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION 38TH ANNUAL CONGRESS, Glasgow United Kingdom.
Hsuan Wang and Shu Yeh(2015年12月)。 The changes in earnings valuation relevance over time. 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Tainan, Taiwan。
楊炎杰,李貴富,王瑄,葛俊佑(2012年12月)。分攤式意見對審計品質認知與 股權評價影響之研究。2012會計理論與實務研討會。
王瑄、張鈺詩(2011年12月)。實質盈餘管理與未來營運績效之關連性研 究。2011會計理論與實務研討會。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
王瑄、連瑞雯(2011年12月)。企業資訊揭露程度是否與盈餘管理程度有關?以台灣上市櫃公司為例。2011會計理論與實務研討會。本人為第一作者、 通訊作者。
王瑄、葉疏(2011年11月)。股價是否充分反映其他綜合淨利項目及股權交易之評價內涵?。第三屆海峽兩岸會計學術研討會,廣州。本人為第一作者、 通訊作者。
王瑄、葉疏,2010,「股價是否充分反映其他綜合淨利項目及股權交易之評價內涵?」,2010會計理論 與實務研討會,淡江大學會計學系與中華會計教育學會聯合舉辦,台北。
葛俊佑、林嬋娟、王瑄,2010,「金融危機下之金融商品重分類會計方法選擇動機」,2010會計理論 與實務研討會,淡江大學會計學系與中華會計教育學會聯合舉辦,台北。
王瑄,2008,「資產減損提列與未來股價報酬之關聯性研究」, 2008年兩岸新興會計論壇,中原大學會計系,桃園。
葉疏、杜榮瑞、王瑄,2005,「財務報表信心危機下,財務資訊透明度與股價異常報酬相關性研究」,2005 會計理論與實務研討會,中華會計學會,台北。
Research Grants
Industrial Grants
Intermediate Accounting(I)
Intermediate Accounting(II
Intermediate Accounting(III))
Cost and Managerial Accounting
Seminar on Audit Profession
Accounting Principle(I)
Accounting Principle(II
Symposium of Accounting Standards
Advanced Accounting(I)
Advanced Accounting(II)
Awards & Certificates
Certified Public Accountant of Republic of China.
Certified Internal Auditor.
2015 Best paper awards. 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference.
2012 Best paper awards, ,Review of Securities and Futures Markets.
2014 Outstanding paper award. UMC Managerial paper Award.
Pro. Membership
Member of Taiwan Accounting Association.
Member of European Accounting Association.
Other Contributions