Professor Info
Name: 吳相勳 Wu, Sonic
Discipline: IntBiz
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 6407
Assistant Professor
Business Model Analysis Startup Evaluation Strategy Management Industry Analysis
Academic BG.
Ph.D. Business Administration, National Taiwan University, 2009.
MBA in Business Management, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (R.O.C.) , August, 2001 – June, 2003
Analyst, Color Imaging Industry Promotion Office: January 2001 – December 2004 (4 years)
Assistant Engineer, IPack: January 2002 – December 2002 (1 year)
Journal Papers
李吉仁,吳相勳,趙育穎(2008),「美錡科技股份有限公司」, 產業與管理論壇—第 10 卷第 03 期,p. 86-109 Sonic Wu. (2010), “Moderating Effect of Powerful Customer on the Competence-Firm Performance Relationship”, The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 15, March 2010.
Conference Papers
Chia-Wen Hsu, Sonic Wu, and Ji-Ren Lee. (2011), “Resource Configuration, Business Scope and Performance: A Dynamic CapabilityPerspective”, Paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management 2011 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
Sonic Wu. (2009), “Initial Conditions, Dynamic Changes, and Performance”, Paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
Sonic Wu. (2008), “Fading from Sight: Effects of Network Structure on Firm Exit”, Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.
Ji-Ren Lee, Sonic Wu. (2008), “Specialization, Scope, and the Dynamics of Endogenous Growth”, Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.
Ji-Ren Lee, Sonic Wu. (2007), "Specialization, Scope, and the Dynamics of Endogenous Growth: An Empirical Investigation on Taiwanese Electronics Manufacturing Firms", Paper prepared for International Conference of Globalization and Development in Chinese Economic Region, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sonic Wu., Wiboon Kittilaksanawong. (2006), “Effects of Powerful Customers on Organizational Processes and Performance”, Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
Sonic Wu. (2005), "Generalist Versus Specialist: Who Performs Better In High-Tech Sectors?”, Paper presented at the 25th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Yi-Ju Lo, Sonic Wu and Ji-Ren Lee. (2005), “Competence Building, Business Configuration, and Economic Performance”, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Competence-based Management, Antwerp, Belgium.
Research Grants
Industrial Grants
Awards & Certificates
Pro. Membership
Other Contributions