Professor Info

Name: 曾翊恆 Tseng, Yi-Heng
Discipline: IntBiz
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. +886-3-4638800 ext. 2696


Associate Professor


Market Microstructure International Finance Econometrics Investor's behavior

Academic BG.

  • Ph.D. in Economics, National Taiwan University (Sep, 2004~June, 2008)


  • Associate Professor, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2016/2-
  • Chair, Discipline of International Business, 2016/8-2022/7
  • Director of Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs, 2016/8-2022/1
  • Assistant Professor, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2008/8-2016/1
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan, 2011/9-2012/6
  • Research Analyst in The Second Research Division, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), Taipei. 2003/9-2004/12

Journal Papers

  1. Tseng, Y.H. (2024), "Oder Choices, Oder Execution Quality and Trading Volume: An Empirical Study of Reductions in Call Auction Interval," NTU Management Review, 34 (2), 139-184. (TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal)
  2. Lee, Y.L.* and Y.H. Tseng (2021), "Do Firm Characteristics Affect Price Discovery? Evidence from Chinese Cross-Listed Stocks," Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, 19 (2), 3-14. (Peer Review Journal)
  3. Tseng, Y.H. (2021), "The Information Content of the pre-opening limit order book- An Empirical Study of Transparency Reform at the Opening Call," Academia Economic Papers, 49(4), 569-607. (TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal)
  4. Tseng, Y.H. (2019), "An Empirical Study of Widening Daily Price Limit and Extending the Closing Call,", Academia Economic Papers, 47 (4), 613-650. (TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal)
  5. Liu, Y.Y., F.M. Tseng* and Y.H. Tseng (2018), "Big Data Analytics for Forecasting Tourism Destination Arrivals with the Applied Vector Autoregression Model," Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 130, 123-134. (SSCI, 5-year Impact Factor=3.226)(Peer Review Journal)
  6. Tseng, Y.H.* and P.Y. Wei (2017), "Public Information, Price Discovery and Order Choices during the Opening Call", Academia Economic Papers, 45 (4), 503-598. (TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal)
  7. Tseng Y.H.*,Chia-Ling Chang and Kai-Li Wang (2017), "Order Choices, Order Performance, and Price Discovery during Closing Call Auctions - A Case Study of Improved LOB Disclosure in Taiwan Stock Exchange," Journal of Financial Studies, 25(2), 105-156. (TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal)
  8. Tseng Y.H. (2016), "Call Auctions, Limit Order Book Information and Order Aggressiveness," Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 28 (1), 39-102. (TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal).
  9. Chou, K.W.* and Y.H. Tseng (2016), "Oil prices, exchange rates, and the price asymmetry in the Taiwanese retail gasoline market," Economic Modelling (SSCI) , 52(B), 733-741.
  10. Tseng Y.H.* and S.H. Chen (2015), "Limit Order Book Transparency and Order Aggressiveness at the Closing Call: Lessons from the TWSE 2012 New Information Disclosure Mechanism," Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 35(A), 241-272. (SSCI) (Most ranking: Atier-2), (Peer Review Journal)
  11. Chen, S.H., C.L. Chang, and Y.H. Tseng (2014), "Social Networks, Social Interaction and Macroeconomic Dynamics: How much Could Ernst Ising Help DSGE?" Research in International Business and Finance, 30, 312-335. (SSCI) (Peer Review Journal)(Most Ranking: B)
  12. Tseng, Yi-Heng (2014), "How Do Investors Determine the Order Aggressiveness in Price and Volume during the Closing Call Auction? The Influence of Information Disclosure on Individual and Institutional Investors," Taiwan Economic Review, 42, 539-599. (TSSCI), (Peer Review Journal)
  13. Chou, K.W. and Y.H. Tseng (2011), “Oil Price Pass-through into CPI Inflation in Asian Emerging Countries: The Discussion of Dramatic Oil Price Shocks and High Oil Price Periods,” British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 2, 1-13. (EconLit)(Peer Review Journal)
  14. Chou, K.W. and Y.H. Tseng (2011), “Pass-Through of Oil Prices to CPI Inflation in Taiwan,”International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 69, 73-83. (EconLit)(Peer Review Journal)
  15. Lin, H.L., L.-M. Liu, Y.H. Tseng and Y.W. Sun (2011), “Taiwan’s International Tourism: A Time Series Analysis with Calendar Effects and Joint Outlier Adjustments,” International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(1), 1-16. (SSCI, ABI/Inform)(Peer Review Journal)
  16. Huang, A.Y.H. and Y.H. Tseng (2010), “Is Crude Oil Price Affected by the US Dollar Exchange Rate?” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 58, 109-120. (EconLit)(Peer Review Journal)
  17. Wei, P.Y., Y.H. Tseng, and C.L. Chang (2010), "Does U.S. Exchange Rate Matters in Oil Price Forecasts?" Taiwan Economic Forum, 8(8), 61-91.(Peer Review Journal)
  18. Wu, M. D., K. W. Chou, and Y. H. Tseng (2009), "Construction and Application of the Index of Financial Market Pressure: How the Eight East-Asian Countries React to the Financial Tsunami," Taiwan Economic Forum, 7(9), 53-73.(Peer Review Journal)
  19. Tseng, Y. H.* and T. W. Tsaur, (2008), “A Practical Study of Constructing Taiwan’s Real Effective Exchange Rates Index: Prediction Performance for Combination of Currency Baskets and Weights Choices,” Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy , 39(1), 97-143.(TSSCI)(Peer Review Journal)
  20. Chou, K. W., Y. H. Tseng, and P. C. Lin (2008), "Empirical Study of Currency Substitution for New Taiwan Dollar-U.S. Dollar," Taiwan Economic Forum, 6(10), 40-63.(Peer Review Journal)
  21. Chou, K. W. and Y. H. Tseng, (2008), “The Prediction Performance for Macroeconomic Market Fundamentals: An Empirical Analysis of Exchange Rate Models for Taiwan and Other Six Countries,” Taiwan Economic Forum, 6(8), 36-65.(Peer Review Journal)
  22. Tseng, Y. H., (2007), “An Empirical Study about Real Effective Exchange Rates of New Taiwan Dollar: The Computation of Index for Currency Baskets and Analysis for Prediction Performance,” Taiwan Economic Forum, 5(12), 46-78.(Peer Review Journal)

Conference Papers

  1. Tseng, Y.H., "Dispensable or Unignorable? An Empirical Investigation on Intraday Odd-Lot Trading in the Taiwan Stock Exchange", 2024 ​International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association (2024TFA), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 2024.
  2. Tseng, Y.H., "Continuous Actions and Order Submissions: the case of Taiwan Stock Market," 2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2024. (Editors’ Choice Awards, awarded by NTU Management Review)
  3. Tseng, Y.H., "Continuous Actions and Order Submissions: An Investigation for the Taiwan Stock Market", 2023 ​International Conference for Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (2023TFA), Taoyuan, Taiwan, June 2023.
  4. Tseng, Y.H., "The Adoption of Continuous Auctions and Multiple Choices in Order Submission", 2023 ​International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association (2023TFA), Taichung, Taiwan, June 2023.
  5. Liu, Yuan-Yuan, Fang-Mei Tseng, and Yi-Heng Tseng (July 2022), Predicting Tourist Numbers by Big Data analytics? An Empirical Research based on 2SLS, SOI & Swansea University 2022 Conference, Swansea, UK.
  6. Tseng, Y.H., "Reforms on Non-margin Day Trading and Their Policy Implications", 2022 ​International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association (2022TFA), Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 2022.
  7. Tseng, Y.H., "Limit Order Book Information during the Pre-opening Call Auction", 2021 ​International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association (2021TFA), Taoyuan, Taiwan, September 2021.
  8. Tseng, Y.H. (January, 2020), "Matching Frequency, Periodical Call Auctions and Order Aggressiveness," XI. International Conference on Economics (EconWorld2020@Porto), The Faculty of Labor Sciences of University of Seville and World Economic Research Institute, Porto, Portugal.
  9. Tseng, Y.H. (April, 2019), "How Do Quicker Matching Frequency in Periodical Call Auctions Affect the Order Choices and the Quality of LOB Information? Evidences from the 2013-2014 TWSE Reforms," The 10th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG 2019), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
  10. Tseng, Y.H. and Chung-Ching Tai, "Trading Frequency, Information Quality and Order Choices - Evidences from the Accelerations in the Information Disclosure," The 9th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG 2018), La Trobe Business School, Melbourne, Australia, April 2018.
  11. Tseng, Y.H. and Shu-Heng Chen, "Limit Order Book Transparency and Order Aggressiveness at The Closing Call: Lessons from the TWSE 2012 New Information Disclosure Mechanism", The 11th NCTU International Finance Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec 2017.
  12. Tseng, Y.H., "Call Auctions, Limit Order Book and Order Aggressiveness", 2016​ ​International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association (2016TFA), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2016.
  13. Tseng, Y.H. and Chia-Ling Chang. "Order Choices and Price Discovery in Call Auction: Lessons from the Transparency Reform of the Taiwan Stock Exchange," 4th International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance (ISCEF2016), Paris, France, April 2016.
  14. Tseng, Y.H. and Chia-Ling Chang. "Order Choices, Order Performance, and Price Discovery During the Closing Call -- Empirical Findings in the Transparency Reform in Taiwan Stock Exchange," in 2016 Financial Market and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG2016), Melbourne, Australia, March 2016.
  15. Tseng, Y.H., “Order Choices during the Call Auction: The Case of Extremely Low Transparency in the Taiwan Stock Exchange,” in 2nd International Workshop on Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics (FMND), Paris, France, June 2015.
  16. Yang, Lian-Sheng, Chia-Ling Chang, Yi-Heng Tseng, “Aggregation Problem in the DSGE Model,” in Society for Computational Economics - Computing in Economics and Finance, 2015 (CEF2015), Taipei (National Chengchi University), Taiwan, June 2015.
  17. Tseng, Y.H., “Order Aggressiveness in Call Auction: Lessons from Closing Call’s New Information Disclosure Mechanism in Taiwan,” in 5TH Financial Market & Corporate Governance Conference (FMCGC), Brisbane, Australia, April 2014.
  18. Tseng, Y.H., “Does Information Disclosure in the Five Minutes During the Closing Session Help Investors'' Prediction of Closing Prices,” in 2013 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Yunlin (National Yunlin University of Science and Technology), Taiwan, May 2013.
  19. Chen, T.Y., and Y.H. Tseng (2011), "Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass-Through of Categorized Import Price Index-- An Empirical Study of Taiwan," International Joint Conference on Service Sciences 2011, Taipei.(Peer Review Proceedings)
  20. Yeh, R.S., B.Q. Yang, and Y.H. Tseng (2011), "Performance Determinants of Hotel Industry in Taiwan: 2000-2009," Seoul Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Tourism Association, Seoul, Korea.(Peer Review Proceedings)
  21. Chen, S.H., C.L. Chang, and Y.H. Tseng (2010), "Applying Network Structure to Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibirium (DSGE) Macroeconomic Models," 16th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF2010), City University London.(Peer Review Proceedings)
  22. Tseng, Y.H. and C.L. Chang (2009), "Estimating the Potential Crowding-Out Effect on Taiwan's International Tourism Market Rssulted from the Pour of Mainland China Tourists," The Second Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE), Thailand.(Peer Review Proceedings)
  23. Chen, S.H., C.L. Chang, and Y.H. Tseng (2010), "Empirical Puzzles or Aggregation Problems," The Society for Computational Economics: 15th International Conference, Computing in Economics and Finance, Sydney, Australia.(Peer Review Proceedings)

Research Grants

  1. Tseng Y.H.(2024), "Lottery-like Stocks, Liquidity and Changes in Trading Mechanism: Recent Empirical Investigations on the Taiwan Stock Exchange" NSTC Project. (NSTC 112-2410-H-155-032 -, ongoing project: 2024/8/1-2025/7/31)
  2. Tseng Y.H.(2023), "Increasing the Intraday Odd-lot Call Auction Frequency: The Implication of Difference-in-Differences Approach for the Impacts of Shorter Auction Intervals on the Market-wide Odd-lot Trades Imbalance and the Individual Trader's Odd-lot Order Placement" NSTC Project. (NSTC 112-2410-H-155-032 -, ongoing-project: 2023/8/1-2025/4/30)
  3. Tseng Y.H.(2022), "Dispensable or Unignorable? An Empirical Investigation on Intraday Odd-Lot Trading in the Taiwan Stock Exchange" MOST Project. (MOST 111-2410-H-155-031-)(project completion)
  4. Tseng Y.H.(2021), "The Adoption of Continuous Auctions, Investors' Order Submissions and Trading Value in Regular Session- Evidences from the Taiwan Stock Exchanges" MOST Project. (MOST 110-2410-H-155-011-)(project completion)
  5. Tseng Y.H.(2020), "The Application of Difference-in-Differences Approach on the Impact of Regime Transform Issues: Influences of Deregulation, Propagation and Tax Reduction of Non-Margin Day Trading on Order Choices and Execution Quality" MOST Project. (MOST 109-2410-H-155-010-)(project completion)
  6. Tseng Y.H.(2018), "Evaluation of the Disclosed Content of the Simulated Discrete-Time Limit Order Book -Empirical Applications of Analysis on the Order Choices Based on the Censored Intra-day Data" MOST Project. (MOST 107-2410-H-155-010-)(project completion)
  7. Tseng Y.H.(2017), "An Intraday Data Based Investigation into the Influences of Widening Price Limits in June 2015 on Order Choices, Investors’ Risks and Welfare: Also Analyzing the Cooling-Off Effect of Various Trading Halt Mechanisms Adopted in the Taiwan Stock Exchange" MOST Project. (MOST 106-2410-H-155-019-)(project completion)
  8. Tseng Y.H.(2016), "Trading Frequency, Information Quality, Order Choices and Various Performance Indicators: Evidences from the Simulation under the Continuous Auction Mechanism," MOST Project. (MOST 105-2410-H-155-015-)(project completion)
  9. Tseng Y.H.(2015), "Price Discovery, Order Aggrssiveness and Market Simulation during the Opening Call Auction Session: The Case of Taiwan Stock Exchange," MOST Project. (MOST 104-2410-H-155-004-)(project completion)
  10. Tseng Y.H.(2011), "Degree of Oil Price Pass-Through into Inflation and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model: Cases of Taiwan and Several Small Open Asian Economies," NSC Project. (NSC100-2410-H-155-027-)(project completion)
  11. Tseng Y.H.(2010), "Exchange Rate Pass-Through Asymmetry and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model:Cases of Taiwan and Newly Industrialized Countries," NSC Project. (NSC99-2410-H-155-011)(project completion)
  12. Tseng Y.H.(2009), "Degree of Currency Substitution and Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model: Cases of Taiwan, Japan and Korea Economies," NSC Project. (NSC-98-2410-H-155-024)(project completion)


  1. Handbook of Asian Finance: Financial Markets and Sovereign Wealth Funds (ISBN: 978-0-12-800982-6), Edited by:Greg N. Gregoriou and David Lee, Academic Press (An Imprint of Elsevier).
  2. Tseng, Y.H.(2008),"Index Constructing, Prediction Performance, and Empirical Analysis of New Taiwan Dollar Real Effective Exchange Rate", Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Economics, National Taiwan University , June 2008.

Industrial Grants

  1. Tseng, Y.H. (2014), "The employment program of the prospective industry and entrepreneurship: Year 2", supported by Workforce Development Agency (MOL)
  2. Tseng, Y.H. (2013), "The employment program of the prospective industry and entrepreneurship: Year 1", supported by Workforce Development Agency (MOL)
  3. Chen, S.H. and Y.H. Tseng (2012), "An analysis of the influence of the pre-close Limit order book transparency reform on the tock market", supported by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation.
  4. Wu, S. and Y.H. Tseng (2011), "the indicators of competitiveness of green energy", supportted by Industrial Technology Research Institute.


  1. 2024 Fall, Economics. International Finance, Introduction to Economics
  2. 2024 Spring, Economics. Econometrics
  3. 2023 Fall, Economics. International Finance
  4. 2023 Spring, Economics. International Finance and Trade, Statistics, Microeconomics
  5. 2022 Fall, International Finance, Economics
  6. 2022 Spring, Econometrics, Economics
  7. 2021 Fall, International Finance, Economics
  8. 2021 Spring, International Finance and Trade, Economics
  9. 2020 Fall, International Finance, Economics
  10. 2020 Spring, Econometrics, Economics
  11. 2019 Fall, International Finance and Trade, Economics
  12. 2019 Spring, Econometrics, Economics
  13. 2018 Fall, International Finance and Trade, Economics
  14. 2018 Spring, Econometrics, Economics
  15. 2017 Fall, International Finance and Trade, Economics
  16. 2017 Spring, Econometrics, Economics
  17. 2016 Fall, International Finance and Trade, Economics
  18. 2016 Spring, Global Economic Analysis, Econometrics, Economics
  19. 2015 Fall, International Cross-country Trade and Finance, economics (2), International Finance and Trade
  20. 2015 Spring, Global Economic Analysis, Econometrics, Economics
  21. 2014 Fall, Regional Market Research, International Cross-country Trade and Finance , Economics, World Trade Market: Surveys and Analysis
  22. 2014 Spring, Global Economic Analysis, Econometrics, International Bussiness and Trade Practices, Global Emerging Market:Investment and Evaluation
  23. 2013 Fall, Modern Economics Issue, Special Topics in Management, International Finance: Theory and Empirics, International Cross-country Trade and Finance , Economics
  24. 2013 Spring, Regional Market Research, Global Economic Analysis, Econometrics
  25. 2012 Fall, Modern Economics Issue, Special Topics in Management, International Finance: Theory and Empirics, International Cross-country Trade and Finance , Economics
  26. 2012 Spring, Global Economic Analysis
  27. 2011 Fall, International Finance (2), Modern Economics Issue, Special Topics in Management
  28. 2011 Spring, Macroeconomics, International economics: theories and policies
  29. 2010 Fall, International Finance (2)
  30. 2010 Spring, Macroeconomics (2)
  31. 2009 Fall, International Finance (2)
  32. 2009 Spring, Macroeconomics (2)
  33. 2008 Fall, International Finance, Regional Market Research


  1. Graduated in 2024, Yi-Jou, Wu, Odd-lot trading, lottery characteristics, and the lunch effect
  2. Graduated in 2024, Fang-Ho, Su, Order decisions for popular lottery-like stocks in odd-lot trading
  3. Graduated in 2023, Yen-Yu, Chiu, Weather, lunch time and order submissions under continuous auctions
  4. Graduated in 2023, Tien-Chi, Wang, The Impact of the Non-margin Day Trading on Tax Reduction of Three Specific Types of Institutional Investors: Preliminary Evidences on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (co-supervisor: Chih-Chiang, Wu)
  5. Graduated in 2022, Ya-Hsuan, Wei, The effect of reducing day trading transaction tax on program trading behavior
  6. Graduated in 2022, Thi Le Dung, Thai, Tax deduction on day trading and order imbalances: The case of Taiwan stock market (International student)
  7. Graduated in 2022, Luu Ha My, Pham, Tax deduction on day trading and day of the week effect: The preliminary findings from Taiwan Stock Exchange (International student)
  8. Graduated in 2021, Vei-Cheng Lai, Categorized limit ordered aggressiveness and matching frequency: Preliminary findings in the TWSE (co-supervisor: Chih-Chiang, Wu)
  9. Graduated in 2020, Chi-Yuan Tien, Applying Difference-in-Differences Method on the Spillover Effects from the Transparency Reform During the Opening Call Option: The Case of Electronic Stocks
  10. Graduated in 2019, Chong Zhao Sin, Multiple Classification of Order Aggressiveness and Decision-Related Research from TWSE 2015 Price Limit Mechanism (International student)
  11. Graduated in 2019, Chun-Ya Xie, Effect of Price Limits on Program Trading Behavior
  12. Graduated in 2019, Han-Kun Tien, Supported by A Silver Spoon Matter? An Empirical Study Shows the Performance of Venture Capital Investment on Reward-Based Crowdfunding (co-supervisor: Chia-Ling, Chang)
  13. Graduated in 2019, Xin-Ting Jhang, Effect of Matching Time Reduction on Order Frequency and Decision of Foreign Investor
  14. Graduated in 2018, Pham Hong Hanh, Limit order book, order imbalances, and investors' order decisions. (International student)
  15. Graduated in 2017, Tzu-Hsiang Liao, The Effect of Frequency of Order Arrival and Magnet Effect - A Study of High Price Stock and Low Price Stock in Taiwan Stock Market
  16. Graduated in 2017, Fang-Ya Liu, To discuss the strategy of Taiwan's real estate agent-taking Sin-Yi reality and Yung-Chiang Reality for example (EMBA program, co-supervisor: Sonic, Wu)
  17. Graduated in 2017, Wan-Chen Lin, How do Clearing Time Reforms influence on Cancellations from Individual and Institutional Investors?-Application and Preliminary Study of Order Book (co-supervisor: Huai-Chun, Lo)
  18. Graduated in 2017, Yun-Ching Wang, The Influence of Stock Price Approaching Price Limit on Investors’ Order Aggressiveness (co-supervisor: Huai-Chun, Lo)
  19. Graduated in 2017, Wen-Jui Yu, The Weekend Effect on Investor’s Order Decision in Taiwan Stock Market - Empirical Findings from The Following Two Hours after Opening on Monday
  20. Graduated in 2016, Yu-Hsuan Chiu, Overnight News and Order Choices –Empirical Findings from the Market Observation Post System and the Two Principal Newspapers
  21. Graduated in 2015, Meng-Hua Wu, The Study of Brand Experience and Value in the B&B Hotel Industry of Taiwan: Take Adagio Hotel as Example (co-supervisor: Etta Y. I. Chen)
  22. Graduated in 2015, Yu-Chien Shyu, Technical analysis and exploring the behavior of the Taiwan stock market investor-A Study of KD, MACD, RSI
  23. Graduated in 2015, Juei-Yang Hung, Lunch Effect, Weather Effect, and Investor's Order Behavior -A Study of Electronic Industry and Non-electronic Industry in Taiwan Stock Market
  24. Graduated in 2014, Po-Yu Chen, The Analysis of Price Asymmetric Pass Through on Taiwan Import Bulk Grain
  25. Graduated in 2014, Bing-Shiang Tseng, Short-sales Constraints and Lifted: Evidence from the Price Discovery of Taiwan Secondary Market
  26. Graduated in 2014, Hsiang-Teng Shen, Price Discovery During Pre-opening Session in Taiwan-A Study of Electronic Industry and Non-electronic Industry
  27. Graduated in 2013 Meng-Chia Li, Information Disclosure During The Closing Session, Industries, and Investors’ Order Choices
  28. Graduated in 2011, Yen-Chen Chen, Exchange Rate Pass-Through Phenomenon of Stock Price for Cross-Border Listed Companies:An Empirical Research between A Stock and H Stock
  29. Graduated in 2011, Bai-Chien Yang, Performance Determinants of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan
  30. Graduated in 2011, Tzu-Ying Chen, Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass-Through of Categorized Import Price Index : An Empirical Study of Taiwan
  31. Graduated in 2011, Guan-Yi Lee, The Major Determinants of Taiwan Outbound Tourists to America, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong
  32. Graduated in 2010, Ping-Yang Wei, An Empirical Study of U.S. Nominal Effective Exchange Rate and Oil Price Forecasting

Awards & Certificates

  1. Grants for leading the NSC (or Most) projects in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  2. Awards for the teaching performance of Yuan Ze University in 2012(rank: extremely excellent), 2013(rank: excellent), 2014(rank: top), 2015(rank: excellent), 2016(rank: extremely excellent), 2017(rank: extremely excellent), 2018(rank: extremely excellent), 2019(rank: extremely excellent), 2020(rank: extremely excellent), 2021(rank: excellent), 2022(rank: excellent)
  3. Awards for the mentoring and service performance of Yuan Ze University in 2010(rank: excellent), 2012(rank: excellent), 2013(rank: extremely excellent), 2014(rank: excellent), 2016(rank: top), 2017(rank: top), 2018(rank: top), 2019(rank: top), 2020(rank: top), 2021(rank: extremely excellent)
  4. 2024/4/20 Editors’ Choice Awards, awarded by NTU Management Review, in 2024 Frontiers in Accounting and Finance International Conference
  5. 2017/7/6 2017 Best paper awards, ,Review of Securities and Futures Markets.

Pro. Membership

  1. Member of the Taiwan Economics Association (2010~)
  2. Member of the Taiwan Finance Association (2013~)
  3. Member of the Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) (2014~)

Other Contributions

  1. 2024/6/8 Invited discussant, subject 4G (Financial Modelling and Market Micro-structure), at Annual Meeting 2024 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  2. 2024/6/7 Invited discussant, subject 1C (Financial Accounting), at Annual Meeting 2024 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  3. 2024/5/14 Invited speech, titled "Dispensable or Unignorable? An Empirical Investigation on Intraday Odd-Lot Trading in the Taiwan Stock Exchange," at Deparment of Economics, National Central University.
  4. 2024/3/x Invited reviewer of 3 NSTC research grants for university students
  5. 2024/3/x Invited reviewer of 3 NSTC research projects
  6. 2024/2/x Invited Grader of Civics (Economics), at the College Entrance Examination Center, Taiwan
  7. 2023/3/x Invited reviewer of 4 NSTC research grants for university students
  8. 2023/3/x Invited reviewer of 2 NSTC research projects
  9. 2023/1/xx Invited reviewer of "Corporate Management Review (TSSCI)".
  10. 2023/1/10 Invited discussant, session I, at 2023 Finance Conference of Shih Hsin University.
  11. 2023/1/xx Invited reviewer of "Taipei Economic Inquiry (TSSCI)".
  12. 2022/11/xx Invited reviewer of "Computational Economics (SSCI)".
  13. 2022/10/xx Invited reviewer of "Chung Yuan Management Review".
  14. 2022/6/xx Invited reviewer of "Computational Economics (SSCI)".
  15. 2022/6/18 Invited discussant, subject 4E (Market participation and investment), at Annual Meeting 2022 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  16. 2022/3/xx Invited reviewer of "International Journal of Finance and Economics (SSCI)"
  17. 2021/12/25 Invited discussant, session I (Capital Market), at 2021 Financial Markets Conference of Shih Hsih University.
  18. 2021/12/xx Invited reviewer of "Chung Yuan Management Review".
  19. 2021/9/25 Invited discussant, subject 4C (Investment III), at Annual Meeting 2021 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  20. 2021/3-5 Invited reviewer of 2 MOST research projects
  21. 2021/3/xx Invited reviewer of "Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI)".
  22. 2021/2 Invited external reviewer of program curriculum of college of management, Fo Guang University.
  23. 2020/9/xx Invited reviewer of "International Journal of Finance and Economics (SSCI)".
  24. 2020/9/xx Invited reviewer of "Computational Economics (SSCI)".
  25. 2019/9/xx Invited reviewer of "Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI)".
  26. 2019/8/xx Invited reviewer of "Complexity (SCI expanded)".
  27. 2019/4/xx Invited reviewer of "Academia Economic Papers (TSSCI)".
  28. 2018/4/6 Invited discussant, at The 9th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG 2018), Australia, Melbourne.
  29. 2018/3/xx Invited reviewer of "Computational Economics (SSCI)".
  30. 2017/12/16 Invited discussant, subject 2E (Financial Economics), at Annual Meeting 2017 of Taiwan Economics Association.
  31. 2017/5/19 Invited discussant, subject 2D (Investment), at Annual Meeting 2017 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  32. 2017/1/xx Invited reviewer of "Economic Modelling (SSCI)".
  33. 2016/12/17 Invited discussant, subject 1D (Financial Economics), at Annual Meeting 2016 of Taiwan Economics Association.
  34. 2016/11/xx Invited reviewer of "Computational Economics (SSCI)".
  35. 2016/6/xx Invited reviewer of "Open Economies Review (SSCI)".
  36. 2016/5/27 Invited discussant, subject 1D (Finanical Market and Econometrics), at Annual Meeting 2016 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  37. 2016/4/15 Invited discussant, at 4th International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance (ISCEF2016), France, Paris.
  38. 2016/3/3 Invited speech, titled "Uncovering the veil of pre-opening call session," at Department of Information Management, Yuan Ze University.
  39. 2016/2/25 Invited member of the editorial review board of "Business & Economic Review" Journal.
  40. 2016/1/28 Invited international reviewer for the thesis of PhD of Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan.
  41. 2015 or 2016/xx/xx Invited reviewer of "Macroeconomic Dynamics (SSCI)", "Computational Economics (SSCI)", "Sun Yat-Sen Management Review (TSSCI)"
  42. 2016/1/8 Invited speech, titled "Investors' Behavior during the Opening Call," at Department of Finance, Tunghai University.
  43. 2015/12/12 Invited discussant, subject 3D (Industrial Economics), at Annual Meeting 2015 of Taiwan Economics Association.
  44. 2015/10/20 Invited reviewer of the panel discussion on the project of "The Value-added Approaches of Medium-sized and Small Enterprises", at Taiwan Institute of Economic Research.
  45. 2015/8/29 Invited reviewer of a submitted paper to the Macroeconomic Dynamics (SSCI journal, Most Ranking: A)
  46. 2015/8/11 Invited speech, titled "Order Choices during the Call Auction: The Case of Extremely Low Transparency in the Taiwan Stock Exchange," at AI ECON, National Chengchi University.
  47. 2015/7/18 Invited reviewer, at 2015 International Conference on Behavioral, Economic and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC 2015), China, Shanghai.
  48. 2015/6/20-22 Invited local committee, at 21st Computing in Economics and Finance, CEF2015 (hosted by National Chengchi University).
  49. 2015/6/4 Invited discussant, at 2nd International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics” (FMND), France, Paris.
  50. 2014/12/30 Invited speech, titled "Order choices and Price Discovery during the Opening Call", at Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University.
  51. 2014/8/30 Invited speech, titled "Order Aggressiveness in Call Auction," at AI ECON, National Chengchi University.
  52. 2014/5 Invited discussant, subject 3A (Corporate Finance), at Annual Meeting 2014 of Taiwan Finance Association.
  53. 2013/10/17 Invited speech, titled "The Pre-close Transparency Reform and Order Aggressiveness," at Department of Economics, Feng Chia University.
  54. 2012/12/9 Invited speech, titled "The Pre-close Information Disclosure and Investors' Order prices," at Department of Economics, Tunghai University.
  55. 2012/5/25 Invited speech, titled "Some Implications of Empirical Works Using the Gauss programming," at Department of Economics, Shih Hsin University.
  56. 2011/10/11 Invited speech, titled "A Reinvestigation on the Pass-through Effect and Time Varying Pattern of New Taiwan Dollar exchange Rates," at Deparment of Economics, National Central University.
  57. 2011/9/30 Invited reviewer, at the Essay Contest 2011 on the Improvement and Transformation of Taiwan's Industry Structures, hosted by Department of Economics, Shih Hsin University.
  58. 2011/3/25 Invited speech, titled "A Reinvestigation on the Degree of Assymmetric Pass-Through Effect of New Taiwan Dollar exchange Rates," at Department of Economics, Shih Hsin University.
  59. 2008/12 Invited discussant, subject 1A (CEANAI: Trade and Environment), at Annual Meeting 2008 of Taiwan Economics Association.