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  • 【學術經歷】
  • 元智大學管理學院 學術副院長 (2018-2022)
  • 元智大學管理學院 經營管理碩士班暨博士班 主任 (2018-2022)
  • 元智大學管理學院 組織管理學群 召集人 (2016-2022)
  • 元智大學管理學院 副教授、助理教授
  • 歐洲管理學院 (INSEAD) 歐亞比較管理研究中心 訪問學者 (2004-2005)
  • 教育部與國科會追求學術研究卓越 計畫主持人 (2001-2008)
  • 國立台灣大學工商心理學研究室 資深研究員 (2000 迄今)
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  • 台灣工商心理學學會 (TAIOP) 理事、監事 (2018-2024 現任)
  • 國科會 專題計畫複審委員 (2019-2022)
  • 台大管理論叢 編輯委員 (2010-2012, 2014-2016)
  • 組織與管理期刊 專刊客座主編 (2011)
  • 華文商管教育認證組織 (ACCBE) 命題委員 (2021)
  • 桃園市政府 桃企女力獎 評審委員 (2023)
  • 桃園市政府 模範公務人員選拔 審議委員 (2024)
  • 【企業培訓】
  • 遠東集團 中高階主管訓練課程 授課教授 (華人組織管理與跨文化議題)
  • 遠東企業大學 授課教授 (領導與團隊建立)
  • 中國化學製藥 人才培訓課程 授課教授 (組織行為與領導)
  • 亞洲水泥 高階精錬班 授課教授 (企業轉型與領導變革)
  • 亞洲水泥 現代化主管班 授課教授 (領導與團隊建立)
  • 歐萊德 主管培訓課程 授課教授 (團隊建立與團隊學習)
  • 歐萊德 業務主管培訓課程 授課教授 (團隊教練領導學)
  • 元智大學 越南境外在職專班 EMBA 授課教授 (組織行為與領導)
  • 期刊論文
  • 會議論文
  • 研究計畫
  • 專書/個案/其他出版品
  • 產學計劃
  • 教授課程
  • 論文指導
  • 獲獎與專業證照
  • 學會會員
  • 其他校外服務
  • 戚樹誠、黃敏萍 (1995)。國內大型企業魅力領導與公司規範之關聯性研究,台大管理論叢,6(2),109-134頁。(TSSCI)
  • 戚樹誠、羅新興、黃敏萍 (1998)。組織成員的人際信任與言論禁忌之關聯性—以國軍軍官為研究樣本,台大管理論叢,9(1),177-200頁。(TSSCI)
  • 黃國隆、黃敏萍、蔡啟通、陳惠芳 (1999)。台商派駐大陸合資企業之管理人員的生活適應與該合資企業的人力資源管理,台大管理論叢, 9(2),1-32頁。(TSSCI)
  • 鄭伯壎、黃敏萍 (2000)。華人企業組織中的領導:一項文化價值的分析,中山管理評論,8(4),583-617頁。(TSSCI)
  • 黃敏萍、戚樹誠、黃國隆 (2002)。跨功能任務團隊之結構與效能:一項結構權變模式之觀點,管理學報,19(6),12月,979-1007頁。(TSSCI, 2003 管理學報年度最佳論文)
  • 徐瑋伶、鄭伯壎、黃敏萍(2002)。華人企業領導人的員工歸類與管理行為,本土心理學研究期刊,18期,12月,51-94頁。(TSSCI)
  • Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., & Chou, L. F. (2002). Paternalistic leadership and its effectiveness: Evidence from Chinese organizational teams. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 3(1), p.85-112. (PSYCHOINFO)
  • 黃敏萍、鄭伯壎、王建忠(2003)。轉型領導、團隊內互動、及團隊與成員效能:I-P-O模式之驗證,管理學報,20(3),6月,397-427頁。(TSSCI)
  • 黃敏萍 (2003)。台灣之組織領導研究:從客位到主位之研究途徑。應用心理學研究,20期,冬季號,27-52頁。
  • 鄭伯壎、周麗芳、黃敏萍、樊景立、彭泗清(2003)。家長式領導的三元模式:中國大陸企業組織的證據。本土心理學研究期刊,20期,12月,209-250頁。(TSSCI)
  • 鄭伯壎、黃敏萍、鄭弘岳、郭建志(2004)。組織行為研究的方向與理路:疑問與解答。應用心理學研究,21期,春季號,24-33頁。
  • 沈其泰、黃敏萍、鄭伯壎(2004)。團隊共享心智模式與知識分享行為:成員性格特質與性格相似性的調節效果。管理學報,21(1),47-62頁。(TSSCI).
  • Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Huang, M. P., Wu, T. Y., & Farh, L. (2004). Paternalistic leadership and subordinate reverence: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7(1), p.89-117. (SSCI, impact factor .847)
  • Huang, M.P., Cheng, B.S., & Chou, L. F. (2005). Fitting in organizational values: The mediating role of person-organization fit between CEO charismatic leadership and employee outcomes. International Journal of Manpower, 26(1), p.35-49. (SSCI)
  • Chou, L. F., Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., & Cheng, H. Y. (2006). Guanxi networks and members’ effectiveness within Chinese work team: The mediating effect of the centrality of trust networks. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 9(2), p.79-95.(SSCI, impact factor .847)
  • Chou, L. F., Wang, A.C., Wang, T. Y., Huang, M. P., & Cheng, B. S. (2008). Shared work values and team member effectiveness: The mediation of trustfulness and trustworthiness. Human Relations, 61 (12), p.1713-1742. (SSCI, impact factor 1.637, 國科會管一學門 A 級推薦期刊)
  • Cheng, B.S., Wang, A.C., Huang, M.P. (2009). The road more popular versus the road less traveled: An “insider’s” perspective of advancing Chinese management research. Management and Organization Review. (SSCI, impact factor 2.806, 國科會管一學門推薦期刊)
  • 黃敏萍、黃家齊(2011)。展望台灣團隊研究的新紀元。組織與管理,團隊管理與團體動態專刊,4(1),1-9頁。(TSSCI)
  • Huang, M. P., & Leung, W. C., & Hsin, J. N. (2012). Confucian Dynamism Work Values and Team Performance: A Multiple-Level Analysis. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, p.178-188. (SSCI, impact factor .847)
  • 黃敏萍、林姿葶、鄭伯壎、梁瑋鈞(2012)。華人企業組織中的魅力領導:由概念分析到量表建構。管理學報,29(4),307-331頁。 (TSSCI, 2013 管理學報年度最佳論文)
  • 張旭、樊耘、黃敏萍、顏靜 (2013)。基於自我決定理論的組織承諾形成機制模型構建:以自我需求成為主導需求為背景。南開管理評論,16(6),59-69頁。(CSSCI)
  • Cheng, B.S., Boer,D., Chou, L. F., & Huang, M.P., et.al., (2014). Paternalistic Leadership in Four East Asian Societies: Generalizability and Cultural Differences of the Triad Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), p.82-90. (SSCI, impact factor 1.547)
  • 黃敏萍、高鳳霞 (2014)。價值契合觀點之魅力領導理論:中介歷程與多層次分析。中華心理學刊,56(2),215-235頁。(TSSCI)
  • Kao, F. H., Cheng, B. S., Kuo, C. C., & Huang M.P. (2014). Stressors, withdrawal, and sabotage in frontline employees: The moderating effects of caring and service climates. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87( 4), p. 755~780 . (SSCI, impact factor 2.48, 科技部管一學門 A 級推薦期刊)
  • 高鳳霞、鄭伯壎、黃敏萍 (2015)。近朱者不赤,近墨者必黑?第一線服務人員的 同儕效應及德行領導與個人自尊的調節效果。中華心理學刊,57(2),155~176頁。 (TSSCI)
  • Wang, A. C., Tsai, C. Y., Dionne, S. D., Yammarino, F. J., Spain, S. M., Ling, H. C., Huang, M. P., Chou, L. F., & Cheng, B. S. (2018). Benevolence-dominant, authoritarianism-dominant, and classical paternalistic leadership: Testing their relationships with subordinate performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), p.686-697. (SSCI, Impact Factor 5.631, 科技部管一學門推薦期刊)
  • 簡忠仁、黃敏萍、林良軒、鄭伯壎 (2019)。上下只會交征賊?垂直私交關係如何促進組織效益。管理學報,36(2),195-223頁。(TSSCI)
  • 鄭伯壎、黃敏萍(2019)。組織行為研究在台灣五十年:路線、轉折及反思。中華心理學刊,61(4), 341-359頁。(TSSCI)
  • 黃敏萍 (2020/9)。文化心理觀點的組織行為研究:從理論的本土適用性到理論的創新。人文與社會科學簡訊,專題:走向跨領域研究的創新發現。21卷 (21-4-20),107-110。
  • Kao, F. H., Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S. & Peng, C. H. (2022, March). Why team members help each other? Investigating cross-level antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 25(1), p.126-137. (SSCI, Impact factor 1.424)
  • 黃敏萍、鄭昱宏(2024)。向上影響策略:文化整合模式之探討與驗證。中華心理學刊,66(1), 83-112。(TSSCI)
  • Azzuhri M., Huang, M. P., & Dodi, W. I. (Accepted). Reinventing Spiritual Leadership from an Indonesian Perspective. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. (Scopus, Impact Factor 2.4)
  • Selected International Conference Papers:
  • Huang, M.P., & Cheng, B.S. (2002). Fitting in organizational values: The effect of person-organization fit on the relationship between CEO charismatic leadership and employee organizational commitment. Work Values and Behaviour in an Era of Transformation. The 8th Biannual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV). Poland, Warsaw.
  • Cheng, B.S, & Chou, L. F., & Huang, M. P. (2002). Shared team value and team effectiveness: Assessing the mediating effect of intrateam process. Work Values and Behaviour in an Era of Transformation, p.74-80. The 8th Biannual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV). Poland, Warsaw.
  • Huang, M. P., Hsu, W. L., & Chou, L. F. (2003). The Interactive Effects of Structure and Contextual Factors in Knowledge Worker Cross-functional Teams. The 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute. Shanghai, China.
  • Jiang, D. Y., Shen, C. T., & Huang, M. P. (2003). The power of team shared mental model on knowledge sharing: Investigating the moderating effect of team member’s personality. The 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute. Shanghai, China.
  • Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Chou, L. F. (2004). Transformational team leadership in Chinese context: Differential effects of relationship-focused and tasked-focused leader behavior on intrateam cooperation and team effectiveness. Inaugural conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Peking, China.
  • Hsu, W. L., Cheng, B. S., & Huang, M. P. (2004). Moral Leadership: Construct and Measurement. Inaugural conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Peking, China.
  • Chou, L. F., Cheng, B. S., Huang, M. P., & Hsu, W. L. (2004). Guanxi Networks and Member Effectiveness in Chinese Teams: The Mediated Effects of Trust Networks. 2004 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). New Orleans, USA.
  • Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Wang, T.Y., & Huang, M. P., (2005). Values diversity and team member’s effectiveness: The mediation of trustfulness and trustworthiness. 2005 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). Hawaii, USA.
  • Shen, C. T., & Huang, M. P. (2006). Team personality elevation, team personality diversity, and Team effectiveness: An empirical study of R&D work teams. 2006 Biannual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Nanjing, China.
  • Huang, M. P., & Cheng, M. Y., (2007). Charismatic Leadership and Value Congruence: A Multi-level analysis. 2007 Hawaii International Conference on Business. Hawaii, USA
  • Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., Liang, W. C., & Chou, L. F. (2008). The effect of relationship quality in Taiwanese military teams: Investigating the interaction of Leader-member exchange and team members’ exchange. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Berlin, Germany.
  • Shen,C. T.,Huang, & M. P.(2009). We are not only the same, but also different: Exploring the effect of team personality composition on R&D teams' effectiveness. 2009 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). Chicago, USA.
  • Huang, M. P., Liang, W. C., & Kao, L. T. (2010). The Upward Influence Strategies in Chinese Organizations. 2010 Biannual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Shanghai, China.
  • Lin, T. T., Cheng, B. S., Wang, A. C., Chou, L. F., & Huang, M. P.(2010). Trust in Leader and Perceived Organizational Support as the Mediators of the Relationship between Benevolent Leadership and Subordinate Outcomes. 2010 Biannual Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Shanghai, China.
  • Huang, M. P., and Liang, W. C. (2011). The influence of charismatic leadership on subordinates’ values-fit: A multi-level analysis. The 9th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (IOP). Brisbane, Australia.
  • Lin,T. T, Chou, L.F., Cheng, B.S., and Huang, M.P. (2011). Unpacking the Relationship between CEO Paternalistic Leadership Style and Firm Performance. 2011 Annual Conference of Academy of Management Association (AOM). San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  • Lin, T. T., Chou, W. J., Huang, M. P., Garber, I., Málovics, E., and Cheng, B. S. (2011). Paternalistic Leadership Style of Male and Female Leaders across Eight Societies. The Regional Conference of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Huang, M. P., Kao, F.H., & Pong, C. H. (2012)。The antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior within teams: A multi-level analysis. The 5th annual conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong.
  • Huang, M.P., Kao, F.H., & Cheng B.S. (2012). The Partnership Performance in Professional Partnership Teams: Investigating the Relationship among Partners’ Relationship, Trust, and Organizational Control. The biannual conference of International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Lin, L. H., & Huang, M.P. (2012). Investigating the relationship between leader-member exchange and psychological ownership: The mediating role of organization justice. The biannual conference of International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Tsai, C. Y., Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., Sotak, K. L., Seth, S. & Chou, W. J. (2012). Joint effect of leader-member and team-member exchange quality on working related outcomes. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association (AOSM), Ft Lauderdale, Florida.
  • Kao, F. H., Huang M. P., & Cheng, B. S. (2014). Why Employee Turnover? The influence of Chinese management and Organizational Justice. The 22nd International Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Paris, France.
  • Huang M. P., & Kao, F. H. (2014). Reinvestigating the charismatic leadership theory: the mediation, level issues, and contextural factors. The 6th Biannual Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Peiking, China.
  • Liang, K. Y., & Huang, M. P. (2014). A Study of Talent Attraction Strategies on Social Enterprises. 2014 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI). Japan.
  • Kao, F. H., & Huang, M. P (2015). The relationship between paternalistic leadership and employee withdrawal: Does organizational justice matter? The 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.
  • Huang, M. P., & Kao, F. H. (2017, Jun). Team Leadership in Innovation Teams: Construct Clarification and Measure Development. 2017 AAOM & TAOM Biennial Conference., Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Lee, C. H.; Huang, C.Y .; Huang M.-P., (2019/02). What is Public agency? And civil servants how to see? The relationship between organizational identity contents, organizational identification and employees’ behaviors for the Public agency in Taiwan. Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA). Perth, Australia.
  • Liao, W. Y .; Huang M. P.; Huang, C.Y ., (2019/04). Differential treatments in team and team effectiveness: The role of in-group members", Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference (NEDSI). Philadelphia, USA.
  • Nguyen, N. G., & Huang, M. P. (2020, Dec.). Key Successful Factors for Startup Team: The Right Co-Founder(s). 1st International Conference of Indonesia Academy of Management (IAOM), virtual conference, Dec. 9-10, 2020.
  • Lin, T. Y., Huang M. P., & Chien, C. J. (2021). Do not disturb: Remote worker’s boundary management tactics for the role transition. International Conference on Management and Service Innovation, May. 7, 2021.
  • Huang, M. P., & Cheng, Y. H (2022). Upward influence strategies: The cultural integration model. 2022 TAIOP International Conference. National Taiwan University, Taipei, TW.
  • 家長式領導的三元模式:中國大陸企業組織的證據。教育部華人本土心理學研究追求卓越計畫子計畫(2/4),89-H-FA01-2-4-4,共同主持人,2001/4/1~2002/3/31。
  • 家長式領導之德行領導:概念建構與實徵衡鑑。教育部華人本土心理學研究追求卓越計畫子計畫(3/4),89-H-FA01-2-4-4,主持人,2002/4/1~2003/3/31。
  • 家長式領導之德行領導:效度探討與構念比較。教育部華人本土心理學研究追求卓越計畫子計畫(4/4),89-H-FA01-2-4-4,主持人,2003/4/1~2004/3/31。
  • 關係主義下的華人組織團隊研究:團隊組成之影響。國科會華人本土心理學研究追求卓越延續計畫子計畫八(1/4),NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE,主持人,2004/4/1~2005/3/31。
  • 關係主義下的華人組織團隊研究:團隊價值觀之影響。國科會華人本土心理學研究追求卓越延續計畫子計畫八(2/4),NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE,主持人,2005/4/1~2006/3/31。
  • 關係主義下的華人組織團隊研究:團隊內領導者與成員互動之影響。國科會華人本土心理學研究追求卓越延續計畫子計畫八(3/4),NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE,主持人,2006/4/1~2007/3/31。
  • 關係主義下的華人組織團隊研究:團隊外部社會系絡之影響。國科會華人本土心理學研究追求卓越延續計畫子計畫八(4/4),NSC93-2752-H-155-001-PAE,主持人,2007/4/1~2008/3/31。
  • 魅力領導與效能—一項部屬價值觀與組織文化契合之觀點。國科會專題研究計畫,NSC90-2416-H-155-017,主持人,2001/8/1~2002/7/31。
  • 背景相近與社會關係孰重?台灣高科技團隊之團隊組成與團隊效能之研究。國科會專題研究計畫,NSC91-2416-H-155-016,主持人,2002/8/1~2003/7/31。
  • 價值契合觀點之魅力領導理論:概念建構與實徵衡鑑。國科會專題研究計畫,NSC92-2416-H-155-026,主持人,2003/8/1~2004/7/31。
  • 團隊內知識分享之研究:前因、後果及時間之調節效果。國科會專題研究計畫,NSC93-2416-H-155-020,主持人,2004/8/1~2005/7/31。
  • 價值契合觀點之魅力領導理論:多元效度之建立與比較。國科會專題研究 計畫,NSC94-2416-H-155 -018 -SSS,主持人,2005/8/1~2006/7/31。
  • 專業合夥團隊之合作效能:一項信任與控制互動之觀點。國科會專題研究 計畫,NSC95-2416-H-155-009,主持人,2006/8/1~2007/7/31。
  • 魅力領導行為的多層次分析:一項價值契合的觀點。國科會專題研究計畫,NSC96-2416-H-155-001-SSS,主持人,2007/8/1~2008/7/31。
  • 華人組織的向上影響策略。國科會專題研究計畫,NSC97-2410-H-155-008- MY2,主持人,2008/8/1~2010/7/31(多年期計畫)。
  • 共享式團隊領導與團隊創新:理論建構與模式驗證。NSC99-2410-H-155-004-MY2,主持人,2010/8/1~2012/7/31(多年期計畫)。
  • 華人魅力領導:三元模式之驗證。NSC101-2410-H-155-030-MY2,主持人,2012/8/1~2014/7/31(多年期計畫)。
  • 創新性團隊領導:測量、機制及模式建立。MOST103-2410-H-155-041-MY2,主持人,2014/8/1~2016/7/31(多年期計畫)。
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