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元智大學教務長June,2017-Jan., 2022
元智大學管理學院院長, August, 2013 – May, 2017
波特蘭州立大學Fullbright訪問學者, August, 2011 – June, 2012
元智大學國際企業系與國際企業學群教授, August, 2005 – Present
元智大學管理學院學術副院長,, August, 2010 – July, 2013
元智大學管理學院博士班主任, August, 2010 – July, 2011, August, 2012 – July, 2013
商管產學橋接研究中心主任 2009.10.1~2010.12.31
Ivey Business School, Western University,個案寫作培訓, April, 2009
元智大學國際企業系系主任, August, 2006 – July, 2009
元智大學國際企業系副教授, August,2003 – July, 2005
玄奘大學國貿系系主任,, August, 2000 – July,2001
玄奘大學財金系副教授兼系主任, August,1999 – July, 2003
# 期刊編輯委員
1.The Editorial Board of International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
2.The Editorial Board of Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI)
3.The Editorial Board of The International Journal of Information and Management Sciences
4. The Editorial Board of Journal of Logistics and Management (2008 till 2014)
5. The Editorial Board of International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies (2009. Jan. till 2010 Dec.)
6.科技管理學刊 (TSSCI)
審查委員,國科會、科技部專題研究計畫,民92~ 現在。
國際商管教育協會 (AACSB),訪視委員(PRT member),International University of Japan, 2017年
J.Y. Liu, Q.S. Meng, Fang Mei Tseng*, Y.T. Sun (2024), Three decades of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions research: Mapping the field and paths forward, IEEE Transactions on Engineering management, 71, 5847 - 5868. (SSCI)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ngoc B Jade. Nguyen, H.H. R., Weng, F.Y. Lu (2024), Effects of Team Diversity, Emergent Leadership, and Shared Leadership on Team Performance in a Multi-stage Innovation and Creativity Crowdsourcing Competition, The International Journal of Management Education, 22(2), July 2024, 100948. (SSCI)
Sun, Y. T., Jiang, L., Cao, C., & Tseng, F.M. (2024), From contributors to boundary spanners: evolving roles of government agencies in China’s innovation policy network (1980–2019), Technovation, 132, April 2024, 102974 (SSCI).
曾芳美*,陳聖杰 (2024)運用專利資料探討雲端運算技術發展趨勢, 科技管理學刊,29(1), 33-64.(TSSCI)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Jiaying Liu, Eunice Ina N. Palma Gil, Lu, Louis Y.Y. (2023), Identifying and monitoring emerging blockchain technologies using patent analysis, World Patent Information, 75, 102236 (ESCI, Scopus).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ching-Wen Liang, Ngoc B. Nguyen (2023), Blockchain technology adoption and business performance in large enterprises: A comparison of the United States and China, Technology in Society, 73,102230. (SSCI).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, J.Y. Weng, C.M. Wang (2023), How the Supplier Relationship, Supplier Market Position, and Supplier Proximity Impact Supplier Involvement and New Product Performance. Research-Technology Management 66(1) 53-65. (SSCI).
Fang-Mei Tseng, J. Y. Weng*, F. W. Liu, M. H. Hsieh (2022), How to design contests and motivate participants to engage in crowd innovation contests, The International Journal of Management Education 20(3) 100722. (SSCI).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Palma Gil, Eunice Ina N., Lu, Louis Y.Y. (2021), Developmental trajectories of blockchain research and its major subfields, Technology in Society, 66, 101606. (SSCI).
Jianghui Yan, Jinping Liu*, Fang-Mei Tseng (2020), An evaluation system based on the self-organizing system framework of smart cities: A case study of smart transportation systems in China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 119371. (SSCI)
Jianghui Yan*,Fang-Mei Tseng, Louis Y. Y. Lu (2018), Developmental trajectories of new energy vehicle research in economic management: Main path analysis, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 137, 168-181.(SSCI)
李喬芳, 曾芳美*, 盧煜煬(2018),主要領域虛擬實境學術論文之發展軌跡,科技管理學刊, 23(2) ,61-96. (TSSCI).
Yuan-Yuan Liua, Fang-Mei Tseng*, Yi-Heng Tseng (2018), Big data analytics for forecasting tourism destination arrivals, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 130, 123-134. (SSCI)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Robert Harmon (2018), The impact of big data analytics on the dynamics of social change, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 130, 2018, 56.(SSCI)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Wen-Chou Huang* (2017), The Long-Term Effects of Tourist Policy Adjustments on the Development of Tourism in Taiwan: Consideration of Time Trends and Fourier Component Test Results" International Journal of Tourism Research.19(3):349-357.(SSCI).
Thomas C. Chuang, John S. Liu *, Louis Y. Y. Lu, Fang-Mei Tseng, Yachi Lee, Chih-Ting Chang (2017), The Main Paths of eTourism: Trends of Managing Tourism Through Internet, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.(SSCI)
Fang-Mei Tseng, L., Chiang (2016), Why does co-creation with customer increase new travel product performance? Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2309–2317 (SSCI).
Jing-Rung Yu, Fang-Mei Tseng* (2016), Fuzzy Piecewise Logistic Growth Model for New Product Sales Forecasting: A Case Study of the TV Industry, International Journal of Fuzzy systems, 511-522 (SCI).
Fang-Mei Tseng, Jing-Rung Yu* (2014), A Two Stage Fuzzy Piecewise Logistic Model for Penetration Forecasting. Applied Soft Computing, 21, 149–158.(SCI)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ya-Lin Liu, Hsiang-Hsun Wu (2014), Market Penetration among competitive innovation products: The Case of the Smartphone Operating System, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 32, April–June, 40–59 (SSCI, IF=0.967).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Shenq-Yuan Wang, Chih-Hung Hsieh, Aifang Guo (2014), An Integrated Model for Analyzing the Development of the 4G Telecommunications Market in Taiwan, accepted by Telecommunications Policy, 38(1), 14–31.(SSCI, IF=1.594)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Hsin-Yen Chiang (2013), Exploring Consumers to Buy Innovation Products: Mobile phone Upgrading intention, Journal of High Technology Management Research, 24(2), 77–87. (ABI)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Chiu-Yen Wang (2013), Why Don't Satisfied Consumers Show Reuse Behavior? The Context of Online Games, Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 1012–1022. (SSCI, IF=2.293).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ya-Ti Lin, Shen-Chi Yang (2012), Combining conjoint analysis, scenario analysis, the Delphi method, and the innovative diffusion model to analyze the development of innovative products in Taiwan's TV market, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(8), 1462-1473. (SSCI, IF=1.776).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Huiyi Lo (2011), “Antecedents of Consumers' Intentions to Upgrade Their Mobile Phones" Telecommunications Policy 35, 74–86 (SSCI). NSC97-2410-H-155 -022 -MY2
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Chih Hung Hsieh, Ya-Ni Peng, Yi-Wei Chu (2011), Using Patent Data to Analyze Trends and The Technological Strategies of The Amorphous Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cell industry, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78(2), 332-345. (SSCI, Impact factor 1.776).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Yi-Chung Hu (2010), Four Bankruptcy Prediction Models: Logit, Quadratic Interval Logit, Neural and Fuzzy Neural Networks”, Experts System with Application, 37 1846–1853. (SCI, Impact factor 1.926).
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Yu-Jing Chiu, Ja-Shen Chen (2009), “Measuring Business Performance in the High-Tech Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study of Taiwan's Large-Area TFT-LCD Panel Companies”, Omega International Journal of Management Science, 37(3), 686-697. (SSCI, Impact factor 3.101)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Yi-Chung Hu (2009), “Quadratic Interval Bass Model for New Product Sales Diffusion”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (4) 8496-8502. (SCI, Impact factor 2.908)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Yi-Chung Hu (2009), “Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Nested Logit Model for the Taiwan's Internet Telephony Market”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 86(8)1283-1299. (SCI, impact factor 0.478)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ai-Chia Cheng, Y. N. Peng (2009), Assessing Market Penetration: Combining Scenario Analysis, Delphi, and the Technological Substitution Model: The Case of the OLED TV Market” Technological forecasting and social Change, 76 (7) 897-909. (SSCI, Impact factor 1.776).
Yi-Chung Hu*, Fang-Mei Tseng (2009), Mining Simplified Fuzzy If-Then Rules for Pattern Classification, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 8(3) 473–489. (SCI, impact factor 1.312).
Fang-Mei Tseng* (2008), Quadratic Interval Innovation Diffusion Models for New Product Sales Forecasting, Journal of the Operational Research society, 59(8), 1120-1127. (SSCI). (2008 Impact factor 0.839)
Yi-Chung Hu*, Fang-Mei Tseng (2007), Functional-link Net with Fuzzy Integral for Bankruptcy Prediction, Neurocomputing, 70, 2959-2968. (SCI, 2007 Imapct factor 0.865)
Fang-Mei Tseng*(2006), Applied Stated Preference method for Taiwan’s Broadband Service Choice Behavior, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 23 (5), 393-402. (TSSCI) (EI)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Yu-Jing Chiu, (2005) “Hierarchical Fuzzy Stated Preference method for Taiwan’s Broadband Service Market”, OMEGA International Journal of Management Science 33(1), 55-64. (SSCI, 2005 Imapct factor 0.648)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Lin Lin, (2005) “Quadratic Interval Logit Model for Forecasting Bankruptcy”, OMEGA International Journal of Management Science 33(1), 85-91. (SSCI, 2005 Imapct factor 0.648)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ching-Ying Yu (2005) “Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Multinomial Logit Model for Taiwan’s Internet Telephony Market”, OMEGA International Journal of Management Science 33(3), 189-282. (SSCI, 2005 Imapct factor 0.648)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, (2005) “Forecasting The Customer Market for Internet Telephony in Taiwan” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 22(2) p.93-105. (EI).
Yi-Chung Hu*, Fang-Mei Tseng (2005) “Applying Backpropagation Neural Networks to Bankruptcy Prediction” International Journal of Electronic Business Management,3(2) p97-103.
Mong yu Lee and Fang-Mei Tseng*, (2004) “ Market Segmentation of Consumer Internet Telephony”, TAMSUI OXFORD Journal of Management Sciences, 20(2)1-20
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Gwo-Hshiung (2002), “A Fuzzy Seasonal ARIMA model for forecasting”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 126(3), 367-376. (SCI, 2002 Imapct factor 0.55)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Hsiao-Cheng Yu, Gwo-hshiung Tzeng (2002), “Combining Neural Network with Seasonal Time Series ARIMA Model” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 69(1), 71-87. (SSCI, 2002 Imapct factor 0.356)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Hsiao-Cheng Yu, Gwo-hshiung Tzeng (2001), “Applied Grey Forecasting to Seasonal Time Series” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 67 (2-3), 291-302. (SSCI, 2001 Imapct factor 0.509)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng*, Hsiao-Cheng Yu, and Benjamin J.C. Yuan (2001), “Fuzzy ARIMA Model for Forecasting the Foreign Exchange Market”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 118 (1), 9-19. (SCI, 2001 Imapct factor 0.470)
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Gwo-hshiung Tzeng (1999), “Forecast Seasonal Time Series by Comparing Five Kinds of Hybrid Grey Models” Journal of the Chinese Fuzzy Systems Association, 5(2), 45-55. (EI)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng*, Hsiao-Cheng Yu (1999), “Fuzzy Seasonal Time Series for Forecasting the Production Value of Mechanical Industry in Taiwan” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 60(3), 263-273. (SSCI, 1999 Imapct factor 0.402)
曾芳美*(2005), “TFT-LCD大尺寸面板廠商企業價值之評估---以友達光電為例,”產業論壇, 7(1), 71-94.
曾芳美*(2005), “TFT-LCD面板廠商中國大陸設廠地點評選因素之研究,” 產業論壇, 7(4), p133-151. (NSC 92-2416-H-155-033-) (論文獎佳作).
曾芳美*(2003), “應用敘述性偏好法分析寬頻網路服務市場消費者選擇行為”,中原企管評論,1(2), 239-256.
曾芳美* (2003),“應用模糊敘述性偏好法分析網路電話選擇行為”,管理研究學報, 3(2) 247-270.
曾芳美* (2003),“網路電話市場區隔分析”,人文關懷與社會發展---管理篇,145-160.
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Jyh-CherngSheu, jia-Yuan Liang (2003), “Business Performance Analysis on Fubond Holding Company”, Hsuan Chuang Management, 1(1), 39-62. (in Chinese)
曾芳美*,尤淨纓 (2003),“網路電話選擇行為分析”,輔仁管理評論,10(2), 47-60.
Fang-Mei Tseng* (2003), “Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for a GaAs IC Manufacturing Location in China”, 玄奘學報管理專刊, 7, 255-274.
曾芳美* (2001),“論述我國IC工業之策略聯盟與技術移轉---以華邦電子為例”, 玄奘學報管理專刊, 3, 217-234.
曾芳美*,曾國雄 (1999),“SARIMA 、模糊時間數列、模糊迴歸時間數列、灰色預測四種方法在預測應用之比較-台灣機械產業之總產值預測為例”,灰色系統學刊,2(2), 83-98.
International Conference Papers
Y.Y. Liua, F.M. Tseng, Y.H. Tseng (2023), The Trends Social and Technological Changes of China Brought by its CCUS Policy Instruments, 2023 TFSC conference
Y.Y. Liua, Fang-Mei Tseng, Y.H. Tseng (2023), An Empirical Study on Attitudes and Consuming Motivations of China Z Generation Consumers, 2023 TFSC conference
Fang-Mei Tseng, S.C. Chen (2023), Application of patent data for the analysis of technology development trends in cloud computing, 2023 TFSC conference.
J.H. Yan, X.J. Yang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2023), Forecast of development trends in China’s intelligent vehicle industry, 2023 TFSC conference.
Fang-Mei Tseng, S.C. Chen (2023), Trends in technological development in the cloud computing industry, 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference.
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ngoc B. Nguyen, Louis Y.Y. Lu (2022), Developmental trajectories of subfields of research on mergers and acquisitions, ISPIM CONNECTS 2022
Fang-Mei Tseng, Eunice Ina N. Palma, Louis Y.Y. Lu (2022), Identifying and monitoring trends in blockchain technologies, ISPIM Innovation Conference 2022.
Y.Y. Liu, Fang-Mei Tseng, Y.H. Tseng (2022), Predicting Tourist Numbers by Big Data Analytics? An Empirical Research based on 2SLS Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (SOI) & Swansea University 2022
Fang-Mei Tseng,Eunice Ina N. Palma, Louis Y.Y. Lu (2021), Developmental trajectory and research themes of blockchain technology, ISPIM2021
Fang-Mei Tseng, Fang-Wen Liu (2019), How to motivate participants to engage in crowdsourcing competitions ISPIM 2019
Fang-Mei Tseng, Chia-Chi Hsu (2018), Effect of Industrial Customer Boundary Spanning Capabilities on Supplier Investment, ISPIM 2018.
Ching-Ying Yu, Fang-Mei Tseng, Hsuan-Chi Hwang (2018), Customers innovation service adoption and nonadoption behavior, ISPIM 2018.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ju-Yin Weng, Nien-Chu Wu,Yu-Ying Huang, Ying-Chih Lu, Chi-Neng Liu,Yi-Chang Wang, Ya-Ting Huang (2017), Integrating TRIZ and service QFD for a lucky draw system design: The case study, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ju-Yin Weng, Nien-Chu Wu, Yu-Ying Huang, Ying-Chih Lu; Chi-Neng Liu, Yi-Chang Wang, Ya-Ting Huang (2017), Resign a lucky draw service system by using QFD method and QR code technology, International Conference of Technology Policy and Innovation 2017.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ju-Yin Weng, Cheng-Ming Wang (2017), Supplier Involvement and New Product Performance: Moderating Effects, ISPIM 2017.
Eric Huang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2016), Customer Innovation Service Adoption Behavior: The Case of 4G, ISPIM 2016.
Tsu-Tung Ku, Fang-Mei Tseng (2016), Dynamic Boundary Spanning Process in Crowdsourcing Competition ISPIM 2016.
Yan-Zhi Wang;Fang-Mei Tseng;Ju-Yin Weng (2016) Consumer Upgrade Behavior Analysis in Mobile Telecommunication Service AAI 2016
Eric Huang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2016), Customer Innovation Service Adoption Behavior: The Case of 4G, ISPIM 2016. ISPIM 2016
Fang-Mei Tseng*, Tzu-Chun Lin (2015), Demand forecasting of new technology using data on analogies: the case of the long-term evolution mobile telecommunication market in Taiwan, PICMET 2015.
Chia-Hung Wu, Fang-Mei Tseng*, Ju-Yin Weng (2015), Do early adopters upgrade early? An empirical study of mobile 4G service, PICMET 2015.
Fang-Mei Tseng*, (2015), Moderating effects on customer involvement and new product performance, ISPIM 2015
Chao-Hsiang Wang, Fang-Mei Tseng, Moderating effects on International Cross-functional Integration and New Product Success, ISPIM 2015.
Yan-Zhi Wang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2015), Customer Usage Behavior Analysis in Personal Telecommunication Services, ISPIM 2015.
Yu-Ting Chang, Fang-Mei Tseng, Ya-Ti Lin, Ching-Ying Yu (2014), Corporate Business Model Innovation: The Case of Travel Agent, PICMET 2014.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ya-Ti Lin (2014), Moderating Effects of Customer Co-creation and New Product Performance in the Travel Industry PICMET 2014.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ya-Ti Lin (2014), Why doesn’t co-creation with well-know bloggers increase new service performance? ISPIM 2014.
Fang-Mei Tseng, (2013), Technology Substitution Models for LCD and LED TVs, PICMET 2013.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Hou-Tzung Lin (2012,) Combining Scenario Analysis, the Delphi Method, and the Innovation Diffusion Model for Analyzing the Development of the Light-Emitting Diode Panel Industry, PICMET 2012
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ya-Lin Liu (2012), Combining Scenario Analysis with the Diffusion Model and the Competitive Model for Analyzing the Development of the Smartphone Operating System, PICMET 2012
Fang-Mei Tseng, Chiu-Yen Wang (2012), Why Don't Satisfied Consumers Show Reuse Behavior? The Context of Online Games, PICMET 2012
Jing Rung Yu, You Wei Dong, Yi Hsuan Chang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2012), Comparison of Innovation Diffusion Models: A Case Study on the DRAM Industry, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Hsin-I Fang (2011), Customer Participation in Web 2.0 for New Service Development - A Case of Travel Agent, ISPIM 2011.
Jonathan C. Ho, Fang-Mei Tseng, Chung-Shing Lee (2011) Service Business Model Innovation: A Conceptual Model and A Framework for Management Consulting, IJCSS 2011.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Hsin-Yen Chiang, Hui-Yi Lo (2011), Stating Mobile Phone Upgrading Behavior, PICMET 2011.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Shenq-Yuan Wang, (2011), An Integrated Model for Analyzing the Development of the 4G Telecommunications Market in Taiwan, PICMET 2011.
Shenq-Yuan Wang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2010), Combining Scenario Analysis with Conjoint Analysis and the Mutigenerational Diffusion Model to Analyze the Development of the 4G Telecommunications Market in Taiwan, ISPIM 2010
Yadi Lin, Fang-Mei Tseng (2010), An Integrated Model for Analyzing the Development of Innovative Products:A case of TV Market in Taiwan, ISPIM 2010
Jing-Rung Yu, Fang-Mei Tseng, (2010), Market Share Forecasting by Using Fuzzy Multiple Objective Piecewise Logistic Model and Delphi Method, EURO 2010
Fang-Mei Tseng, Yadi Lin (2010), Considering Customers’ Preferences to Analyze the Development of the LEDTV Market in Taiwan, EURO 2010.
Jing-Rung Yu, Fang-mei Tseng (2009), Fuzzy Piecewise logistic regression model for new product sales forecasting, 2009 WINTER GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND FINANCE
Hsin-Yen Chiang, Fang-Mei Tseng, Huiyi Lo (2009), Enticing Consumers to Buy Innovation Products: The Context of Upgrading Behavior, ISPIM 2009
Shih-Chieh Kuo, Fang-Mei Tseng, Huiyi Lo (2009), What forms the migrating pattern for innovation adoption? ISPIM 2009.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Yi-Wei Chu, Ya-Ni Peng (2009), Using Patent Data to Analyze the Development of the Next Generation Solar Cell, PICMET 2009.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ai-Chia Cheng (2009), Combining Scenario Analysis with Delphi and Technological Substitution Model for Analyzing the Development of OLED TV Market”, PICMET 2009.
Chung-Shing Lee, Fang-Mei Tseng, Jonathan C. Ho (2009), A Diagnostic Framework for Managing Service Business Model Innovation, ICSSI 2009
Fang-Mei Tseng, Chia-Yu Le, (2008), Multi-Generational Diffusion of Cellular Phone Services in Developing and Developed Countries, IAMOT 2008 (NSC95-2416-H-155-014)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Chiao Cheng (2008)Multi-generational Innovation Diffusion Across Countries-A Study on TV-related Products, IAMOT 2008 (NSC95-2416-H-155-014)
Fang-Mei Tseng (2007), Quadratic Interval Innovation Diffusion Models for New Product Sales and Forecasting, IAMOT 2007
Fang-Mei Tseng (2007), The Factors Affecting Plant Location Selection in China: A Case Study of TFT-LCD Panel Industry, IAMOT 2007
Chuan-Hung Wang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2007), The Determinants of Venture Capital Profitability and Investment Duration via Different Exit Strategies: Evidence from an Emerging Market, AIB 2007
Chuan-Hung Wang, Fang-Mei Tseng (2006), The Venture Capitalist’s Choice of Exit Strategy , PICMET 2006 (2006, 7, 8-13)
Yi-Chung Hu*, Fang-Mei Tseng (2005), Applying backpropagation neural networks to bankruptcy prediction” International Journal of Electronic Business Management,3(2) p97-103.
Fang-Mei Tseng (2005), Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Nested Logit Model for Taiwan’s Internet Telephony Market IFORS 2005 (NSC 90-2416-H-364-002-) 2005, 7.11-15.
Mei-Chen Lo, Fang-Mei Tseng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (2005), Applied MCDM Approach for Measuring Information Quality accepted by IFORS 2005
Mei-Chen Lo, Chun-Yen Chang, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Fang-Mei Tseng (2005), Development Strategies of Pure Wafer Foundries Using AHP, ISAHP 2005.
Fang-Mei Tseng, Chi-Fa Lin (2004), Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) For GaAs IC Foundry Fabrication Location Evaluation, The 17h International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis.2004.8.6-11
Fang-Mei Tseng, Yu-Jing Chiu (2004,) Business Performance Evaluation on Large-Area TFT-LCD Panel Companies in Taiwan, The 17h International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis.2004.8.6-11 (NSC 92-2416-H-155-033-)
Mong yu Li, Fang-Mei Tseng* (2004), Market Segmentation of Consumer Internet Telephony, TAMSUI OXFORD Journal of Management Sciences, 20(2)1-20(NSC 89-2416-H-364-003-)
Fang-Mei Tseng , Yu-Jing Chiu (2003), Hierarchical Fuzzy Integral Multinomial Logit Model for Taiwan's Broadband Service Market, 32nd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2003, 8, 11. (NSC 90-2416-H-364-002-)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ching-Ying Yu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (2002), Partitioned Fuzzy Integral Logit Model, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. (NSC 89-2416-H-364-004-SSS)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Hsiao-Cheng Yu (1998), A Hybrid Forecasting Model by Combining the SARIMA Model and the Neural Network Model, The 3nd International Conference on Management (ICM’98) R476, 1998.
簡佳蓉,曾芳美,陳聖杰(2022),以專利組合分析探討企業之技術策略—以雲端運算產業為例, 2022科技管理年會暨論文研討會
曾芳美, 陳聖杰, 簡佳蓉(2022),雲端運算技術發展趨勢分析,第九屆海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會
曾芳美,梁晴雯 企業區塊鏈技術採用與經營績效:美國與中國的比較,2021科技管理年會暨論文研討會
曾芳美,翁如音;劉芳玟(2021)如何激勵參加者參與群眾外包的競賽 2021管理觀念與應用:總體環境不確定下之亞太企業管理研討會
曾芳美,翁華鴻,呂芬郁(2020)團隊多元化、團隊新興領導、團隊共同領導對團隊績效之影響:以多階段創新創意競賽為例 2020中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會
曾芳美,李喬芳;盧煜煬(2019) 虛擬實境學術論文之發展軌跡 第七屆海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會
魏昆楠,曾芳美,(2016) 以云端顾客关系管理应用于富竹科技公司之研究 第四屆兩岸科技管理學術會議
曾芳美,林子渊;Chiang, L. (2016)供货商地理位置对供货商参与新产品开发的干扰因素分析 第四屆兩岸科技管理學術年會
Chih-Hung Hsieh,詹前偉,Tung-Shan Liao,Fang-Mei Tseng,YI-JU LO,何筱文(2015),典範移轉下的動態競爭、產業效益及政策果 典範移轉下的動態競爭、產業效益及政策果 典範移轉下的動態競爭、產業效益及政策果, 2015 Chinese Society for Management of Technology Conference
林彥廷,曾芳美, (2015) 顧客參與新產品開發對新產品開發績效影響之干擾因素分析, 2015中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會
Tzu-Chun Lin;Fang-Mei Tseng(2014)應用層級分析法與擴散模型分析台灣第四代行動通訊的發展, 2014中華民國科技管理研討會
Fang-Mei Tseng, Shenq-Yuan Wang (2010) Analyzing the development of the 4G telecommunications market in Taiwan, 2010中華民國科技管理研討會
Fang-Mei Tseng, Ai-Chia Cheng (2009), Combining Scenario Analysis with Delphi and the Technological Substitution Model to Analyze the Development of the OLED TV Market, 2009中華民國科技管理研討會.
彭雅妮, 曾芳美 (2008),探討次世代太陽能電池之發展”2008中華民國科技管理研討會
Fang-Mei Tseng, Chia-Yu Le, Fang-Yu Hsu (2007), Multi-Generational Diffusion of Cellular Phone Services in Developing and Developed Countries, 2007中華民國科技管理研討會(NSC95-2416-H-155-014)
Chiao Cheng, Fang-Mei Tseng and Ching Mei Chu, (2007),Multi-generational Innovation Diffusion Across Countries-A Study on TV-related Products 2007中華民國科技管理研討會(NSC95-2416-H-155-014)
曾芳美,陳玉倫 (2006),科技產業中互補產品之創新擴散, 2006工研院創新與科技研討會
曾芳美,陳炳政 (2005), 科技產業價值之實質選擇權分析, 2005中華企業評價學會研討會(Best paper Award).
Fang-Mei Tseng, Yi-Chung Hu, (2005), Comparing Three Bankruptcy Prediction Models: Logit, Neural And Fuzzy Neural Networks 2005第二屆財務金融及財金未來學術暨實務研討會.
曾芳美,潘信榮(2005),應用多代擴散模型分析桌上型監視器之擴散趨勢, 2005 管理新思維學術研討會.
王銓竤,曾芳美(2005), 創投業者投資案退出策略選擇行為之研究, 2005中華民國科技管理研討會.
曾芳美,鄭勝丰(2005),消費者創新產品採用行為之研究--以平板型電腦為例, 2005中華民國科技管理研討會.
曾芳美(2004), TFT-LCD大尺寸面板廠商企業價值之評估---以友達光電為例, 2004台灣財務學術研討會研討會時間2004.4.24. (NSC 91-2416-H-364-002-)
曾芳美,Yu-Jing Chiu (2004),應用模糊多目標決策分析方法分析台灣大尺寸薄膜液晶顯示器產業經營績效,第三屆工研院創新與科技管理研討會, 2004.9.11(NSC 92-2416-H-155-033-)
Fang-Mei Tseng, (2004)Applied Stated Preference method for Taiwan’s Broadband Service Choice Behavior 2004年中華民國科技管理研討會論文集.2004.12.3. (NSC 90-2416-H-364-002-)
曾芳美(2004),TFT-LCD大尺寸面板廠商大陸設廠區位選擇分析,第一屆創新與管理學術研討會2004,12,17(NSC 92-2416-H-155-033-)
曾芳美 (2003), 寬頻網路服務市場消費者選擇行為之分析”, 2003電子商務與數位生活研討會論文集, 台北大學,2003.4.12. (NSC 90-2416-H-364-002-)
Fang-Mei Tseng (2003),Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for a GaAs IC Manufacturing Location in China,產業發展與公共管理學術研討會論文集,玄奘人文社會學院, 2003.6.17
曾芳美,朱克聰 (2003), 應用模糊現金流量折現法評估友達光電企業價值, 2003 人工智慧、模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會, 2003.12.5 (NSC 91-2416-H-364-002-)
曾芳美 (2003), Quadratic Interval Logit Model, 2003 人工智慧、模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會
曾芳美,尤淨纓(2002) ,網路電話選擇行為分析, 第三屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會(NSC 89-2416-H-364-003-)
曾芳美 (2002), 分割型模糊積分羅吉特模型”,第十屆模糊理論及其應用研討會。(NSC 89-2416-H-364-004-SSS)
曾芳美 (2001), Comparing Neural Networks Model with Grey Forecasting Model for Seasonal Time Series Data,2001年灰色系統理論與應用學術研討會.
曾芳美,洪瑜敏,曾國雄 (2000), 網路電話選擇行為之分析---模糊敘述性偏好的應用”, 2000年中華民國科技管理研討會論文集. (NSC 89-2416-H-364-003-)
曾芳美,李孟育,曾國雄(2000), Market Segmentation of Consumer Internet Telephony”, 2000年中華民國科技管理研討會論文集. (NSC 89-2416-H-364-003-)
Fang-Mei Tseng, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Hsiao-Cheng Yu and Benjamin J.C (1997), ARIMA 、模糊時間數列、模糊迴歸時間數列、灰色預測四種方法在預測應用之比較-台灣機械產業之總產值預測為例, 1997年灰色系統理論與應用研討會論文集, p53~68.
網路電話市場區隔及需求預測之研究(NSC89-2416-H-364-003-) 計畫主持人88.8.1~89.7.31 國科會
網路電話市場分析---分割型模糊積分羅吉特方法之應用NSC-89-2416-H-364-004- SSS計畫主持人89.8.1~90.7.31 國科會
寬頻網路服務市場消費者選擇行為之分析(NSC90-2416-H-364-002-) 計畫主持人90.8.1~91.7.31 國科會
TFT-LCD產業之評析與境外投資策略之研究(1/2) (91-2416-H-364-002- )計畫主持人91.8.1~92.7.31國科會
TFT-LCD產業之評析與境外投資策略之研究(2/2) (92-2416-H-155-033- ) 計畫主持人92.8.1~93.7.31 國科會
新產品銷售預測:模糊創新擴散模式與偏好模式NSC 94-2416-H-155 -008 -計畫主持人 94.8.1~95.7.31 國科會
多代擴散模型的探討:互補品 、附屬品與國際間擴散95-2416-H-155-014-計畫主持人 95.8.1~96.7.31 國科會
創新產品擴散趨勢分析96-2416-H-155-006-計畫主持人 96.8.1~97.7.31 國科會
新一代產品/服務的接受意願與擴散趨勢分析-以行動式WiMAX為例NSC97-2410-H-155 -022 -MY2計畫主持人97.8.1~99.7.31 國科會
多代創新產品擴散模式的整合與改良分析NSC99-2410-H-155-026-MY2計畫主持人99.8.1~101.7.31 國科會
新產品發展:消費者共創與上市前銷售預測 101-2410-H-155-008-MY2計畫主持人101.8.1~103.7.31國科會
產業加值與永續:產品與服務創新 總計畫主持人 102.8.1~105.7.31 國科會
產業加值與永續:產品與服務創新 子計畫一: 新產品與服務開發流程的模式選擇分析 子計畫主持人 102.8.1~105.7.31 國科會
顧客與供應商參與新產品發展是否能提升新產品績效? 計畫主持人 103.8.1~105.7.31 國科會
頂尖大學研究計畫數位匯流與大數據研究 子計畫智慧零售 子計畫主持人
跨疆界的創新與新產品發展績效:顧客參與與群眾外包的應用 計畫主持人 105.8.1~108.7.31 科技部
區塊鏈技術的發展趨勢、技術機會與商業生態系統研究- 計畫主持人108-2410-H-155 -025 -MY3 2019/08/01 ~ 2023/01/31 科技部
在數位時代下數位國際企業技術發展策略與商業生態系統分析 計畫主持人 - MOST111-2410-H-155-003-MY3 2022/08/01 ~ 2025/01/31國科會
策略服務業之創新與發展研究計畫 參與教授 97.10.1~102.10.31 經濟部
商管產學橋接研究中心先導計畫-臺灣大學團隊NSC 98-2420-H-002-050-共同主持人98.10.1~99.12.31 國科會
ebook與elearning市場調查 計畫主持人 99.2.1~100.1.31 遠傳電信
社會經濟需求掃瞄與盤點研究案 計畫主持人 102.6.16~103.5.15 財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心
兩岸產業搭橋效益評估 計畫主持人 103.5.1~103.11.30 工研院
行動行銷服務與解決方案實證 計畫主持人 105.2.1~105.10.1 工研院服科所
行動行銷模式建立與實證分析 計畫主持人 106.3.1~106.12.31 工研院服科所
再造人文社會科學教育發展計畫 教育部
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