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  • Chen, C., R. Guo, S. Wang & Y. Lin, 2022, Power distance diversification, ownership structure, and business group performance, Journal of Business Research, 151, 70-85 (SSCI).
  • Chen, K., C. Chen, J. Hsieh & Y. Lin, 2022, Business Portfolio Reconfiguration and Firm Performance-The Contingency Role of Organizational Capabilities, Slack and Ownership, Journal of Management & Organization, Accepted (SSCI).
  • Chen, Y, Y. Lin, P. Li & C. Chen, 2022, Understanding the interplay between competitor and alliance orientations in product innovativeness: An integrative framework, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 175, 121358 (SSCI).
  • Chen, C., Y. Lin, S. Wang & R. Guo, 2022, Parent-subsidiary linkage: how resource commitment and resource similarity influence firm performance, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39, 615–658 (SSCI).
  • Lee, H., Y. Hsiao, C. Chen & R. Guo, 2020, Virtual vs. physical platform: Organizational capacity and slack, strategic decision, and firm performance, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(12), 1983-1995 (SSCI)..
  • Wang, S, C. Chen, R. Guo, Y. Lin, 2020, Strategy, Capabilities, and Business Group Performance: The Endogenous Role of Industry Diversification, Management Decision, 58(1), 76-97 (SSCI).
  • Chen, C., B. Lin, J. Lin, & Y. Hsiao, 2020, Learning-from-Parents: exploitative knowledge acquisition and the innovation performance of joint venture, Journal of Technology Transfer, 45, 228–258. (SSCI).
  • Chen, C., R. Guo, Y. Hsiao, and K. Chen, 2018, How business strategy in non-financial firms moderates the curvilinear effects of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility on corporate financial performance, Journal of Business Research, 92, 154-167 (SSCI).
  • Lin, Y., C. Chen, and B. Lin, 2018, The dual-edged role of returnee board members in new venture performance, Journal of Business Research, 90, 347-358 (SSCI).
  • Chen, C., B. Lin, J. Lin, and Y. Hsiao, 2018, Technological diversity, knowledge flow and capacity, and industrial innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(12), 1365-1377 (SSCI).
  • Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, and Y. Choi, 2017, The innovation and economic consequences of the fit between organizational capabilities, knowledge attributes, and knowledge transfer mechanisms, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(8), 872-885.
  • 陳忠仁、郭瑞祥、王珊彗、劉又蜜, 2017, 動態能力演化─王品集團之經營發展與轉型策略, 產業與管理論壇, 19(4), 72-100 (TSSCI).
  • Lin, Y., C. Chen, and B. Lin, 2017, The influence of strategic control and operational control on new venture performance, Management Decision, 55(5), 1042-1064 (SSCI).
  • Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, B. Lin, and C. Kuo, September 2017, Resource alignment, organizational distance, and knowledge transfer performance: The contingency role of alliance form, Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(3), 635–653.
  • Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, R. Guo, and K. Hu, 2017, First-mover strategy, resource-capacity alignment and new product performance: A framework for mediation and moderation effects, R&D Management, 75 - 87.
  • Chen, C., B. Lin, J. Lin, and Y. Hsiao, 2017, In search of parents’ knowledge for joint venture’s innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 190 - 203.
  • Chen, C. and Y. Lin, April 2016, Managing the foreign investment portfolio: How industry and governance diversity influence firm performance, International Business Review, 1235 - 1245.
  • Su, C., B. Lin, and C. Chen, February 2016, Knowledge co-creation across national boundaries: Trends and firms’ strategies, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 457-469.
  • Chen, C., B. Lin, Y. Lin, and Y. Hsiao, February 2016, Ownership structure, independent board members and innovation performance: A contingency perspective, Journal of Business Research, 3371-3379.
  • Chen, C., Y. Hsiao, M. Chu, and K. Hu, July 2015, The relationship between team diversity and new product performance: The moderating role of organizational slack, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 568 - 577.
  • Su, C., B. Lin, and C. Chen, February 2015, Technological knowledge co-creation strategies in the world of open innovation, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 485-507.
  • Lin, Y., C. Chen, and B. Lin, July 2014, The roles of political ties and business ties in new ventures: evidence from China, Asian Business & Management, 411 - 440.
  • Chen, C., T. Liu, M. Chu, and Y. Hsiao, June 2014, Intellectual capital and new product development, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 154 - 173.
  • Chen, C., Y. Hsiao, and M. Chu, 2014, Transfer mechanisms and knowledge transfer: The cooperative competency perspective, Journal of Business Research, 2531 - 2541.
  • Chen, C. and Y. Hsiao, 2013, The endogenous role of location choice in product innovations, Journal of World Business, 360 - 0372.
  • Wu, Y., B. Lin, C. Chen, May 2013, How do internal openness and external openness affect innovation capabilities and firm performance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 704-716.
  • Hsiao, Y., Hung, S., C. Chen, and T. Dong, 2013, Mobilizing human and social capital under industry contexts to pursue entrepreneurship, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 553 - 570.
  • Hsiao, Y. and C. Chen, 2013, Branding vs. contract manufacturing: Organizational capabilities, strategic decision, and firm performance, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 317 - 334.
  • Wu, Y., B. Lin, C. Shih, C. Chen,, January 2013, Communicating and prioritizing science and technology policy using AHP., Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 437-451.
  • Chen, C., Y. Huang, and B. Lin, 2012, How firms innovate through R&D internationalization? An S-curve hypothesis, Research Policy, 1544 - 1554.
  • Hsiao, Y., C. Chen, S. Chang, 2011, Knowledge management capacity and organizational performance: The social interaction view, International Journal of Manpower, 645 - 660.
  • Chen, C., H. Shih, Y. Yeh, 2011, Individual initiative, skill variety, and creativity: The moderating role of knowledge specificity and creative slack, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 3447 - 3461.
  • Huang, Y., Chen, C.,, July 2010, The impact of technological diversity and organizational slack in innovation, Technovation, 420 - 428.
  • Chen, C., Y. Huang, April 2010, Creative workforce density, organizational slack, and innovation performance, Journal of Business Research, 411 - 417.
  • Chen, C., J. Huang, Y. Hsiao, 2010, Knowledge management and innovativeness: The contingent role of organizational climate and structure, International Journal of Manpower, 848 - 870.
  • Wei, C., C. Chen, and M. Chung, 2009, Technology sourcing evaluation of an advanced technology industry: Taiwan’s contactless smart card, Asia Pacific Management Review, 509 - 517.
  • Wei C., M. Chung, C. Chen, March 2009, Hierarchical evaluation scheme on technology sourcing for advanced public transport systems, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 89 - 111.
  • Huang, Y., C. Chen, and H. Chang, 2009, A multiple criteria evaluation of creative industries for the cultural creativity center in Taiwan, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 473 - 496.
  • Chen, C., H. Shih and S. Yang, 2009, The role of intellectual capital in knowledge transfer, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 402 - 411.
  • Chen, C., 2009, Technology commercialization, incubator and venture capital, and new venture performance, Journal of Business Research, 93 - 103.
  • Chen C., J. Huang, 2009, Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance – The mediating role of knowledge management capacity, Journal of Business Research, 104 - 114, (2014-2015 JCR Highly Cited Paper).
  • 蕭詠璋,陳忠仁, February 2008, 組織變革與資訊科技對組織績效影響之研究, 組織與管理, 73 - 94.
  • Cheng, A., C. Chen, C. Chen, 2008, A fuzzy multiple criteria comparison of technology forecasting methods for predicting the new materials development, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 131 - 141.
  • Chen, C, October 2007, Information technology, organizational structure, and new product development - The mediating effect of cross-functional team interaction, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 687 - 698.
  • Chen, C., J. Huang, April 2007, How organizational climate and structure affect knowledge management – The social interaction perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 104 - 118.
  • Wu, H., B. Lin, C. Chen, January 2007, Examining governance-innovation relationship in the high-tech industries: Monitoring, incentive and a fit with strategic posture, International Journal of Technology Management, 86 - 104.
  • Wu, H., B. Lin, C. Chen, January 2007, Contingency view on technological differentiation and firm performance: evidences in an economic downturn, R&D Management, 75 - 88.
  • Lin, B., C. Chen, H. Wu, January 2007, Predicting citations to biotechnology patents based on the information from the patent documents, International Journal of Technology Management, 87 - 100.
  • Lin, B., C. Chen, January 2006, Fostering product innovation in industry networks: The mediating role of knowledge integration, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 155 - 173.
  • Chen, C., M. Chung, C. Wei, September 2006, Government policy of technology selection for advanced traveler information systems, R&D Management, 439 - 450.
  • Chen, C., H. Wu, B. Lin, May 2006, Evaluating the development of high-tech industries: Taiwan’s science park, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 452 - 465.
  • 陳忠仁,張陽隆, March 2006, 產業群聚對廠商行為及組織績效影響之研究– 以台灣高科技產業為例, 中山管理評論, 315 - 338.
  • Lin, B., C. Chen, H. Wu, February 2006, Patent portfolio synergy, technology strategy, and firm performance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 17 - 26.
  • Chen, C., Q. Yeh, January 2005, A comparative performance evaluation of Taiwan’s high-tech industries, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 16 - 33.
  • Chen, C., W. Wu, January 2005, A comparative study of the alliance experiences between American and Taiwanese firms, International Journal of Technology Management, 136 - 151.
  • 陳忠仁, 蔡淑茹, March 2005, 知識創造來源、知識管理能力及知識屬性對創新績效影響之研究–組織學習理論觀點, 中山管理評論, 389 - 416.
  • Chen, C., B. Lin, March 2004, The effects of environment, knowledge attribute, organizational climate, and firm characteristics on knowledge sourcing decision, R&D Management, 137 - 146.
  • 陳忠仁,賴秋燕, May 2004, 事業網路對競爭策略、核心能力與創新績效關係之調和影響–資源基礎觀點, 台灣管理學刊, 313 - 334.
  • Chen, C., June 2004, The effects of knowledge attribute, alliance characteristics, and absorptive capacity on knowledge transfer performance, R&D Management, 311 - 321.
  • Chen, C., C. Huang, September 2004, A multiple criteria evaluation of high-tech industries for the science-based industrial park in Taiwan, Information & Management, 839 - 851.
  • Chen, C., February 2003, The effects of environment and partner characteristics on the choice of alliance forms, International Journal of Project Management, 77 - 154.
  • 陳忠仁, 吳學良, 陳盈太, March 2003, 新事業選擇育成中心多重準則評估之研究, 科技管理學刊, 1 - 24.
  • 陳忠仁, 張慶原, January 2002, 高科技廠商利用策略聯盟進行知識移轉影響因素之研究, 科技管理學刊, 37 - 60.
  • Lin, B., C. Chen, May 2002, The effects of formation motives and interfirm diversity on the performance of strategic alliance, Asia Pacific Management Review, 139 - 166.
  • Chen, C., B. Lin, May 2001, A resource-based view of IT outsourcing: Knowledge sharing, communication, and coupling quality, Asia Pacific Management Review, 149 - 173.
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  • JCR Highly Cited Paper: Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance – The mediating role of knowledge management capacity, Journal of Business Research, 2009, 62(1), 104 - 114.
  • 陳忠仁, 2021,策略管理: 競爭優勢與經營發展,華泰文化事業股份有限公司
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