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  • 台灣大學會計學博士,2007(6月)
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  • Ruey-Ching Lin, Chihua Li, Hong-Da Wang, and Yan-Jie Yang. 2020. "The regulation change in consolidation rules and the incentives for earnings management activities via related party transactions." Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming. [SSCI]
  • Jengfang Chen, Ying-Chin Ho, Chi-Chang Hung, and Yan-Jie Yang. 2019. "Measuring technical and allocative efficiencies of public accounting firms in Taiwan." Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming. [SSCI]
  • Jengfang Chen, Woody Liao, Guan-Syun Wu, and Yan-Jie Yang. 2019. "Information transfers and insider trading in stock substitutes: Evidence from economically linked firms in the supply chain." Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 4: 103-135.
  • Jiun-Nan Pan and Yan-Jie Yang. 2019. "The impact of economic uncertainty on the decision of fertility: Evidence from Taiwan." North American Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming. [SSCI]
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Jungpao Kang, Ruey-Ching Lin, and Joshua Ronen. 2016. “Auditor selection within a business group: evidence from Taiwan.” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 46(2): 195-215.
  • Chihua Li, Yan-Jie Yang, and Kuo-Chih Cheng. 2016. “Working capital management and estimations of discretionary accruals.” NTU Management Review 26(3): 63-92. [TSSCI]
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Qian Long Kweh, and Ruey-Ching Lin. 2014. “Earnings quality of Taiwanese group firms.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 21(2): 134-156. [SSCI]
  • Yun-Sheng Hsu, Cathy Zishang Liu, Yan-Jie Yang, and Yan-Yu Chou. 2013. “Implications of the British Petroleum oil spill disaster for its industry peers-evidence from the market reaction and earnings quality.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 20(3): 281-296. [SSCI]
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Jengfang Chen, Qian Long Kweh, and Hsin Chi Chen. 2013. “Ownership structure and efficiency in Taiwanese electronics firms.” Review of Accounting and Finance 12(4): 351-368.
  • Hsihui Chang, Jengfang Chen, Chun-Li Tsai, and Yan-Jie Yang. 2009. “IT capital accumulation and productivity growth in public accounting firms.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 56(4): 692-700. [SSCI]
  • Yan-Jie Yang and Yue-Duan Guan. 2006. "Do client importance and nonaudit services affect audit quality?" International Journal of Accounting Studies 43: 27-61. [TSSCI]
  • Chia-Hsin Chiang, Yan-Jie Yang, and Shu-Ling Yeh. (2023, Aug). Strategic Alignment and Cost Stickiness of Supplier Firms. 2023 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Denver, US.
  • Yun-Sheng Hsu, Jengfang Chen, and Yan-Jie Yang (2016, Jul). Does SOX matter in influence of non-audit services on accounting conservatism policy? MIRDEC 2016-2, Social Science Conference. Praha, Czech.
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Qian Long Kweh. (2015, Aug). The effects of shared-opinion audit reports on perceptions of audit quality. The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Science. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Chi-Hua Li, and Qian Long Kweh (2013, Sep). Diversification, ownership structure, and performance of group firms. International Conference on Management and Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Qian Long Kweh, and Ruey-Ching Lin (2013, May). Earnings quality of Taiwanese business group firms. 3rd Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2013), Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Jengfang Chen, Yunsheng Hsu, Yan-Jie Yang, and Yanyu Chou (2012, Jun). Environmental disclosure in financial report and market reaction to the petroleum disaster. International Conference on Education and Information Management (ICEIM-2012), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Yan-Jie Yang, Jugpao Kang, Ruey-Ching Lin, and Joshua Ronen (2011, Jul). Auditor selection within a business group: evidence from Taiwan. The 19th Annual Conference on PBFEAM, Taipei.
  • 楊炎杰 (2007)。配股政策與中國上市公司盈餘管理之研究。國立台灣大學會計系未出版博士論文。
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  • 2015 The effects of shared-opinion audit reports on perceptions of audit quality/ 最佳論文獎, AP15 Malaysia Conference.
  • 1996 中華民國會計師
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