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國立臺灣大學心理學博士 (工商心理學)
台大工商心理學研究室 / 研究員 ( 2007 - 迄今 )
台灣工商心理學學會(TAIOP ) / 理事 ( 2019 - 迄今 )
1. Edyta, C. P., Atroszko, P. A.*, & Chien, C. J., ...(accepted). The International Work Addiction Scale (IWAS): A Screening Tool for Clinical and Organizational Applications Validated in 85 Cultures from Six Continents. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, XX(X), XXX-XXX. SSCI, 5-year IF=6.6, Q1(17/279) in Psychiatry.
2. Chien, C. J.* (2025). Leader Identification and Disidentification: Constructs, Measurements, and nomological network. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 32(1), 12-33. SSCI, 5-year IF=5.2, Q1(81/401) in Management.
3. Chien, C. J.* & Lin, Y. C. (2024). Sense and Sensibility: Dual Routes from Ethical Leadership to Moral Voice. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39(4), 435-451. SSCI, 5-year IF=4.4, Q2(41/115) in Psychology, Applied.
4. Chien, C. J.* (2024). Interpersonal Relationships in Chinese Workplace: A Comprehensive Review and Future Directions. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 66(1), 153-192. In Chinese. TSSCI
5. Lin, T. T., Lin, Y. C., & Chien, C. J.* (2023). "Benevolence" and "Repayment": A Theoretical Review and Prospect of Benevolent Leadership. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 65(4), 299-326. In Chinese. TSSCI
6. Huang S. Y.* & Chien C. J. (2023). Investigating co-worker relationships in Chinese organizations from domain specific perspective. International Journal of Psychology, 58, 323-323. SSCI, 5-year IF=3.3, Q1(36/219) in Psychology, Multidisciplinary.
7. Chien, C. J.*, Cheng, B. S. (2023). How Leaders Affect Followers’ Identity Orientation? Theory Construction and Scale Development of Three-Level Identity Leadership. Journal of Management and Business Research, 40(4), 479-502. In Chinese. TSSCI
8. Chang, Y. S., Chien, C. J. *, & Shen, L. F. (2022). Teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic: A leader-member-exchange perspective. Evidence-Based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 11(1), 68-84. SSCI, 5-year IF=2.2, Q3(295/401) in Management.
9. Lin, Y. C., Chien, C. J.*, & Lin, T. T. (2022). Revisiting the Dual Perspectives of Chinese Benevolent Leadership: The Construct and Measurement. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 58, 3-59. In Chinese. TSSCI
10. Chang, Y. S.*, Chien, C. J., & Shen, L. F. (2021). Telecommuting during the coronavirus pandemic: Future time orientation as a mediator between proactive coping and perceived work productivity in two cultural samples. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 1-6. SSCI, 5-year IF=4.3, Q2(20/76) in Psychology, Social.
11. Guo, L., Chiang, J. T. J.*, Mao, J. U., & Chien, C. J., (2020). Abuse as a Reaction of Perfectionistic Leaders: A Moderated Mediation Model of Leader Perfectionism, Perceived Control, and Subordinate Feedback Seeking on Abusive Supervision. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(3), 790-810. SSCI, 5-year IF=6.9, Q1(8/402) in Management, 2020-2021 Top Cited Paper Award.
12. Chien, C. J.*, Cheng, B. S., & Lien, Y. H., (2019). Authentic Worship or Authentic Infection: A Dual-Route Model of Authentic Leadership. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 36(2), 195-223. In Chinese. TSSCI
13. Chien, C. J.*, Huang, M. P., Cheng, B. S., & Lin, L. H., (2019). Private Guanxi Between Supervisor and Subordinate: How Private Guanxi Promote Organizational Effects? Journal of Management and Business Research, 61(1), 1-24. In Chinese. TSSCI
14. Chien, C. J. & Cheng, B. S.*, (2017). Organizational Identity: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Research in Applied Psychology, 66, 143-202. In Chinese. Core Journal of Psychology
15. Chien, C. J., Chou, W. J., & Cheng, B. S.*, (2015). Becoming a Missionary Entrepreneur: The Process of “Sageness Within; Kingliness Without”. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 44, 3-71. In Chinese. TSSCI
01. Chien, C. J.*, Nguyen, K. L., & Nguyen, T. H. (2024, July). Do Well and Have Well? How Personal Attributions Affect the Evaluation of Proactive Work Behaviors between Colleagues in Organizations. 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
02. Yang, S. Y., Chien, C. J.*, & Nguyen, T. H. (2024, July). The Two Sides of One Coin: The Humble Dilemma of Narcissistic Leaders. 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
03. Chien, C. J.*, Jatta, S., & Lin, Y. C. (2024, May). Between Upgrade and Image: Unpacking the Drivers of Feedback-Seeking in High-Competition Workplaces. The 2024 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
04. Chien, C. J.*, Lin, C. W., & Nguyen, T. H. (2024, May). Does Overqualification Always Make One Feel Powerless? Examining the Moderating Role of Future Time Perspective in the Path from Overqualification to Career Proactive Behavior and Promotability. The 2024 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
05. Ji, Y. J., & Chien, C. J.* (2023, August). A Preliminary Study of Zang Feng Behavior in Chinese Organizations. The 14th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2023), Tokyo, Japan.
06. Change, Y. H., Chien, C. J.*, & Ho, S. C. (2023, May). Are generation Z more suppressive? Investigating the perception of a dark future and coping styles among generations X, Y, and Z during the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for career counseling. 2023 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Guidance and Counselling Association, ChuangHua, Taiwan.
07. Li, D. J., & Chien, C. J.* (2023, May). Scale Construction of Zang Feng Behavior in Chinese Organizations. The 2023 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
08. Chien, C. J.* (2022, August). Leader Identification and Disidentification: Constructs, Measurements, and nomological network. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Seattle, Washington, USA.
09. Liu, L. C., Chien, C. J.*, & Lee, Y. F. (2022, August). The Art of Keeping Distance: The Role of Boundary in Deterring Burnout Among Perfectionists in the Work–Family Interface. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Seattle, Washington, USA.
10. Chien, C. J.*, Molina, M. D. A., Dlamini, B. B., Wahyuni, D., & Kamalanon, P. (2022, July). Meager reward with justice or abundant repayment without equity: The curve relationship of distributive justice and performance under different levels of material reward. European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
11. Chien, C. J.* (2022, March). Righting the wrong: How paternalistic leadership transforms team conflict into team performance. European Forum of Entrepreneurship 2022. Prague, Czech Republic.
12. Lee, Y. F. & Chien, C. J.* (2021, October). Burning at both ends of the work and family: The relationship between perfectionism and burnout in real estate marketing agency. 2021 Taiwanese Psychological Association conference (2021 TPA conference), Virtual meeting.
13. Huang, J. H. & Chien, C. J.* (2021, October). “Enlightening with Affection" or "Motivating with Reason"? The Effect of Emotional Consensus and Cognitive Consensus on Team Performance. 2021 Taiwanese Psychological Association conference (2021 TPA conference), Virtual meeting.
14. Lin, Y. C. & Chien, C. J.* (2021, October). Why Subordinate Speaks Up? Because I Am Good, or Because We Are Good. 2021 Taiwanese Psychological Association conference (2021 TPA conference), Virtual meeting.
15. Chien, C. J.* Liew, Y. C., & Lin, Y. C. (2021 August). Why Ethical Leadership Generates Moral Voice: A Dual-Route Model of Moral Efficacy and Affective Attachment. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Virtual meeting. Published in the AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings.
16. Nguyen, K. L. & Chien, C. J.* (2021, March). How Personal Attributions Affect the Evaluation of Proactive Work Behaviors between Colleagues in Organizations. International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences (ICEBTS-2021), Virtual meeting.
17. Chien, C. J.* & Huang, S. Y. (2021, July). From the bad to the good: how paternalistic leader transfer team conflict into team performance. 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Virtual meeting.
18. Lin, Y. C. & Chien, C. J.* (2021, May). Revisiting the Dual Perspectives of Chinese Benevolent Leadership: The Construct and Measurement. The 2021 International Conference on Management and Service Innovation (2021 ICMSI), Taipei, Taiwan. Best Paper Award
19. Lin, T. Y., Hung, M. P., & Chien, C. J.* (2021, May). Do not disturb: Remote worker’s boundary management tactics for the role transition. The 2021 International Conference on Management and Service Innovation (2021 ICMSI), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
20. Chien, C. J.*, Lin, L. F., & Lien, Y. H. (2021, May). Righting the Wrong: How a paternalistic leader transfer team conflict into team performance. 2021 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) international conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
21. Chang, L.Y., Chien, C. J.*, Cheng, B. S., & Lin Y. C. (2021, May). The Effect of Benevolent Leadership on Subordinates’ Work- Family Conflict: A Dual-Pathway Model. 2021 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) international conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
22. Kuo, L., Chiang, J. T. J.,*, & Chien, C. J. (2019, August). Triggering Boss's Control-Freak: How Avoiding Feedback Makes a Perfectionist Leader Abuse Employees. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, USA. Published in the AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings.
23. Chang, C. C., Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2019, June). Working hard for “Whom”? Scale developing and Mediation effect of Individual-Oriented and Supervisor-Oriented Achievement Motivation. Asia Academy of Management Conference (AAOM), Bali, Indonesia.
24. Chien, C. J.*, Cheng, B. S., & Lien, Y. H. (2019, May). Authentic Worship or Authentic Infection: A Dual-Route Model of Authentic Leadership. 2019 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) international conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
25. Chiang, Y.I., Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2019, May). From psychological safety to employee creative performance:The mediating role of knowledge sharing and acquisition. 2019 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) international conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
26. Huang, S. Y., Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2019, May). Private Guanxi among Coworkers: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Effect Verification. 2019 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) international conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
27. Chien, C. J.*, Cheng, Y. H., Sie, Y. J., Lu, M. J., & Cheng, B. S. (2019, July). Voice in A Group: It Makes Us Powerful or Makes Us Powerless? European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Moscow, Russia.
28. Cheng, Y. H., Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2018, November) "Does Authoritarian Leader Build a Parent-child Relationship with Subordinates? A Relational Identity perspective". 2nd International Conference on Advances In Business Management And Law (ICABML). Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Best Paper Award
29. Chou, S. C. M., Chien, C. J.*, Chou, W. J., & Cheng, B. S. (2017, August). Managing Contradiction in a Paradoxical World. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA. Published in the AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings.
30. Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2017, July). Can Authenticity be contagious? Subordinate's Psychological Authenticity as a mediation of Authentic Leadership. European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
31. Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2017, June). Consequence of leader disidentification: The moderating effect of leader identification。Asia Academy of Management Conference (AAOM),Fukuoka, Japan.
32. Chien, C. J.*, Huang, M. P., Cheng B. S., & Lin, L. S. (2017, Sep.) Private Guanxi Between Supervisor and Subordinate: How Private Guanxi Promote Organizational Effects? 10th Academic Conference of Chinese Psychologist. Harbin, China.
33. Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2016, August). Interpersonal segmentation: The Concept, Measurement, and Effect. Congress of the International Association for Cross-Culture psychology (IACCP), Nagoya, Japan.
34. Chien, C. J.*, & Cheng, B. S. (2015, July). Becoming a Missionary Founder: An Identity-based Approach. European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, Italy.
35. Chien, C. J.* & Cheng, B. S. (2014, Jun.) Entrepreneur’s Self-identity and Leadership. 2014 International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (IACMR), Beijing, China.
36. Chien, C. J.* & Cheng, B. S. (2013, Aug.) Emotion Regulation of Leader: A Dyadic Analysis Approach. 8th Academic Conference of Chinese Psychologist. Beijing, China.
37. Kuo, S. T., Lin, T. T.*, Chien, C. J., & Chou, W. J. (2013, August). One more time: How does role identity contrast influence work family enrichment. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Orlando, USA. Published in the AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings.
38. Tsai, C.Y., Wang, A. C.*, Chien, C. J., & Cheng, B. S. (2012, July). Effects of Relational Schema Combinations on Leader Member Exchange Quality. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA. Published in the AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Ministry of science and technology
01. 112-113. The effects of three-level identity leadership: The test of multiple-sample and multiple-method. NSTC112-2410-H-155-029
02. 110-112. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish: an exploratory study of organizational based self-modesty in Chinese culture. MOST 110-2410-H-155-034.
03. 109-110. The antecedents, mechanisms and consequences of private guanxi between colleagues. Ministry of science and technology. MOST 109-2410-H-155-019.
04. 108-109. Identity Leadership in Organization: A theoretically oriented re-exploratory study. Ministry of science and technology. MOST 108-2410-H-155-001.
Ministry of Education
1. 110. Case study & PBL teaching. Higher Education Sprout Project: Sustained progress and rise of universities in Taiwan. 117152-12140229.
2. 109. Teaching professional communities. Higher Education Sprout Project: Sustained progress and rise of universities in Taiwan. 117136-12140220.
3. 108. Case study & PBL teaching. Higher Education Sprout Project: Sustained progress and rise of universities in Taiwan. 117116-12140201.
4. 108. Teaching professional communities. Higher Education Sprout Project: Sustained progress and rise of universities in Taiwan. 117116-12140706.
5. 107. Case study & PBL teaching. Higher Education Sprout Project: Sustained progress and rise of universities in Taiwan. 117100-12140215.
6. 107. Connection between practices and academician. Higher Education Sprout Project: Sustained progress and rise of universities in Taiwan. 117100-12130309.
1. 簡忠仁、鄭伯壎(2015)。組織認定。鄭伯壎等(主編):組織行為研究在臺灣四十年:深化與展望(518-547頁)。台北:華泰。
宸曜科技股份有限公司 組織文化與品牌識別建立專案(2019- )
信義企業集團 組織認同與滿意度調查(2012-2019)(2016-2019,專案經理人)
信義企業集團 主管領導風格調查(2012-2019)(2016-2019,專案經理人)
美克美家國際居家用品集團 團隊動力與工作士氣調查(2018)
新捷毅自動化科技 組織文化與品牌識別重建專案(2017,專案經理人)
信義企業集團 業務人員職能甄選工具開發(2017,專案經理人)
信義企業集團 組織價值契合甄選工具開發(2016,專案經理人)
信義企業集團 集團人事甄選工具整合評估專案(2016,專案經理人)
信義企業集團 組織文化改造專案(2014)
信義企業集團 員工離職因素調查(2013)
中國蒙牛乳業 升遷渠道外部評審委員(2013)
中國蒙牛乳業 領導力發展專案(2012)
信義企業集團 顧客滿意度暨內部評核專案(2010)
上海商業儲蓄銀行 VIP客戶滿意度改善專案(2007)
110(2) Special Topic of Leadership in New Era EMBA Mandarin N/A
110(2) Case Study Methodology in Business Research DBA English 4.7/5.0
110(2) Business Research Methods GMBA English 4.8/5.0
110(2) Leadership MBA Mandarin 4.7/5.0
110(2) Organizational Behavior B.S. English 4.6/5.0
110(1) Social Science Research Method Ph.D. English 5.0/5.0
110(1) Behavioral Science Theories and Management Ph.D. English 5.0/5.0
110(1) Digital Transformation and Leadership MBA Mandarin 4.3/5/0
110(1) Organizational Behavior B.S. English 4.8/5.0
109(2) Research Methodology for Social Sciences Ph.D. English 4.8/5.0
109(2) Business Research Methods GMBA English 4.7/5.0
109(2) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.5/5.0
109(1) Behavioral Science Theories and Management Ph.D. English 5.0/5.0
109(1) Digital Strategy and Leadership MBA Mandarin 4.9/5.0
109(1) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.7/5.0
108(2) Business Research Methods GMBA English 4.8/5.0
108(2) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.8/5.0
108(1) Behavioral Science Theories and Management Ph.D. English 5.0/5.0
108(1) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.6/5.0
108(1) Leadership MBA Mandarin 4.7/5.0
107(2) Special Topics on Leadership in Organizations Ph.D. English 4.9/5.0
107(2) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.7/5.0
107(2) Human Resource Management B.S. English 4.6/5.0
107(1) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.6/5.0
106(2) Organizational behavior B.S. English 4.4/5.0
1. Warin, Manakul (2022). Consequences of Emotional Blackmail and Abusive Supervision: How Do Employees in Profit and Non-Profit Organizations Respond To a Toxic Boss? GMBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
2. Wu, Ting-Ying (2022). Netizens and Friends are Very Different: A Qualitative Study of The Process of Establishing Interpersonal Relationships Between Virtual and Physical Channels. GMBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
3. Feng, Hui-Yuan (2022). Netizens and Friends are Very Different: A Qualitative Study of The Process of Interpersonal Relationships Dissolution Between Virtual and Physical Channels. GMBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
4. Yang, Shih-Yi (2022). The Two Sides of One Coin& The Humble Dilemma of Narcissistic Leaders. MBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
5. Praditukrit, Thitiwut (2022). Vision is Veritas? How does employee’s self-efficacy moderate the influence of visionary leadership on career adaptability? GMBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
6. Huang, Ju-Hsiu (2022). “Enlightening with Affection" or "Motivating with Reason"? The Effect of Emotional Consensus and Cognitive Consensus on Team Performance. MBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
7. Nguyen, Khanh Linh (2021). How Personal Attributions Affect the Evaluation of Proactive Work Behaviors between Colleagues in Organizations. GMBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
8. Lee, Yu-Fan (2021). Burning at Both Ends of The Work and Family: The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Burnout in Real Estate Marketing Agency. EMBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
9. Lin, Ting-Yu (2021). Do Not Disturb: Remote Worker’s Boundary Management Tactics For The Role Transition. MBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
10. Lin, Yu-Chi (2020). A Paternal Leader: Revisiting the Dual Perspectives of Chinese Benevolent Leadership. MBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
11. Tsai, Shun-Yu (2020). How to Find One’s Callings: A Qualitative Process Model. MBA Program, Yuan Ze University.
2019富邦人壽管理博碩士論文獎優勝。簡忠仁 (2019) 認定領導:理論建構、量表發展及效果驗證。
2019蘇薌雨教授博士論文獎。簡忠仁 (2019) 認定領導:理論建構、量表發展及效果驗證。
1. Leadership within culture context: he introduction of paternalistic leadership (2021 International expert’s week, Telkom University)
2. Chinese Leadership (2021 National Taiwan Normal University)
3. As a consultant, you should know… (2020 GMBA Program, Yuan Ze University)
4. Righting the wrong: How paternal leader transfer team conflict to team performance (2020 Department of Psychology, National ChengChi University)
5. Corporate Ethics: Virtue Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility (2019 School of continuing education, Chinese Culture University)
6. How to apply social psychology to organizational field (2019 National Taipei University of Education)
7. Five tips for being a sparking Ph.D. student (2019 Ph. D. Program, Yuan Ze University)
8. Identity leadership: theory, measurement and effectiveness (2019 Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)
9. Job, career, and calling: self-understanding and career planning (2017 Taipei Municipal Da-an Vocational High School)
10. All About Gender: the differences between male and female (2016 Taipei Municipal Da-an Vocational High School)
11. How to use psychological testing in education (2015 New Taipei Municipal Fuhe Junior High School)
12. Introduction of Psychology (2014 Department of Psychology, Chung Yuan Christian University)
13. Organizational behavior research method: moderation and mediation effect (2014 Department of Psychology, Soochow University)
14. Introduction of I/O Psychology (2013 Educator institute)
15. Taylor and Hawthorne effect: What is I/O Psychology (2012 National Taiwan University)
1. Asian Journal of social Psychology
2. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
3. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies
4. Chinese Journal of Psychology
5. Research in Applied Psychology
6. Journal of Management and Business Research
7. Journal of Human Resource Management
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