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College of Management
Discipline of Business Administration
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Professor Info
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong
Associate Professor
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Analyst Forecast Properties
Initial Public Offerings & Seasoned Equity Offerings
Academic BG.
Ph.D. degree in Business Administration, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, January / 1993
Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Yuan-Ze University, February, 1994 – Present
Chair, Department of Finance, Yuan Ze University, August 1994 – July 1998.
Chair, Department of Business Administration, Yuan Ze University, August 1993 – July 1994.
Visiting Scholar of Accounting Department of University of Illinois (UI) at Urbana-Champaign
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Research Grants
Industrial Grants
Awards & Certificates
Pro. Membership
Other Contributions
夏侯欣榮 ( 民 82) ,台灣地區新上市普通股承銷價格之研究,國立政治大學企業管理研究所未出版博士論文。
夏侯欣榮 、李皇毅 ( 民 85) ,臺灣上市公司績效變動之盈餘預測模式,政大管理評論,第十五卷第一期,頁 85-103 。 夏侯欣榮 ( 民 86) ,新上市股票長期績效之實證研究,國科會人文及社會科學研究彙刊,第七卷第二期,頁 260-275 。 (NSC 84-2416-H-155-002)
夏侯欣榮 、林聰明 ( 民 86) ,臺灣公司債評等模式之研究,輔仁管理評論,第四卷第二期,頁 63-84 。
夏侯欣榮 ( 民 89) ,臺灣增資新股 (SEO) 上市後長期績效之整體研究,管理評論 (TSSCI),第十九卷第二期,頁 1-33 。
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2005. The Market and Operating Performance of B-share Initial Public Offerings in China. Journal of American Academy of Business 6, No. 1, 314-320.
Guo, Wen-Chung, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, and Yu-Wen Yang, 2006. Stock Bonus Compensation and Firm Performance in Taiwan. Managerial Finance 32, No. 11, 862-885. (The Ranking of NSC: B+)
Hsin, Chin-Wen, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou and Feng-Yi Chang, 2007. Stock Return Exposure to Exchange Rate Risk: A Perspective from Delayed Reactions and Hedging Effects. Journal of Multinational Management 17, No. 4, 384-400. (The Ranking of NSC: B+)
Guo, Wen-Chung, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, and Wei_Jer Chien, 2012. A Study on Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance in Biotech Companies. Applied Economics Letters 19, No. 16, 1603-1608. (SSCI)
Guo, Wen-Chung, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, and Shin-Hua Pan, 2011. Does Intellectual Capital Matter for Firm’s Performance? Some Evidence from Accounting Data. Investment Management and Financial Innovations 8, No. 4, 83-95. (EconLit)
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, Chin-Wei Cheng, 2012. Outside director experience, compensation, and performance. Managerial Finance 38, No. 10, 914-938. (The Ranking of NSC: B+)
Feng-Yi Chang, Chin-Wen Hsin, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, 2013, Aug. A reexamination of exposure to exchange rate risk: The impact of earnings management and currency derivative usage. Journal of Banking & Finance 37, No. 8, 3243-3257. (SSCI, The Ranking of NSC: ATier-1)
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, 2016. The Effect of Analyst Coverage on CEO Compensation Structure: Evidence from the S&P 1500. Managerial Finance 42, No. 3, 191-211. (The Ranking of NSC: B+)
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, Yi-Yun Teng, 2016. The Informativeness of Non-GAAP Earnings after Regulation G? Finance Research Letters 18, 184-192.( SSCI, The Ranking of NSC: B+)
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, 2019. The effect of CEO turnover on dropped coverage of analysts issuing biased earnings forecasts. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI), forthcoming.
Shen, Yang_Pin, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2002),The Performance of Venture Capitals in Taiwan,2002 Taiwan Finance Association Meeting.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, & Shu-Chen Liu, (2002), " The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Debt Structure", The Economics & International Business Research Conference, Miami.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, & Yui-Chu Chen, (2003), “Aftermarket Performance for Initial Public Offering in Japan, Hong Kong, and Signapore”, International Business & Management Research Conference, Haiwaii.
Hsin, Chin-Wen , Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, Feng-Yih Chang and Guei-Lan Lin, (2004), “Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Characteristics”, 2004第一屆財務金融及財金未來學術暨實務研討會。
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, & Woan-Yuh Cheng, (2004), “The Association of Earnings and Cash Flows with Firm Performance in Japan”, 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Business.
Hsin, Chin-Wen, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou and Feng-Yi Chang, (2004), “An Investigation of Stock Return’s Delay in Response to Exchange Rate Movements”, 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Business.
Hsin, Chin-Wen, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou and Feng-Yi Chang, (2004), “An Analysis of Firm’s Characteristics and Stock Return’s Response to Exchange Rate Shocks”, European Financial Management Association 2004 Conference (EFMA).
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, (2004), “Firm Diversification and Asymmetric Information: Evidence from Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accounting Accruals”, 2004 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
Hsin, Chin-Wen, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou and Feng-Yi Chang, (2004), “An Investigation of Stock Return’s Delay in Response to Exchange Rate Movements”, 2004 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, and Chin-wen Hsiao, (2005), “The Associations of Cash Flows and Earnings with Firm Performance: An International Comparison”, European Financial Management Association 2005 Conference (EFMA).
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, and Chin-wen Hsiao, (2005), “The Ability of Earnings Relative to Cash Flows to Reflect Firm Performance: An International Comparison”, 2005 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
Chang , Feng-Yi, Chin-Wen Hsin, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2006), “Do Managers Throw Dust into Investors’ Eyes? Evidence from Earnings Management and Exchange Rate Exposure”, 2006 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
鍾彩焱,周盛德,夏侯欣榮,2008,The Importance of Earnings Management in Setting Audit Fees: Evidence from Restated Financial Reporting, 2008現代會計論壇學術研討會。
Chang, Feng-Yi, Chin-Wen Hsin, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2008), “The Impact of Exchange Rate Risk Management on Stock Return Exposure: Financial Hedging vs. Earnings Management”, 2008 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
Chang, Feng-Yi, Chin-Wen Hsin, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2009), “A Re-examination Exchange Rate Exposure: The Impact of Earnings Management and Currency Derivative Usage”, 交通大學財務金融國際研討會.
Chang, Feng-Yi, Chin-Wen Hsin, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2010), “Financial Hedging, Earnings Management and Firm Value”, The 18th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management.
Chang, Feng-Yi, Chin-Wen Hsin, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2010), “The Impact of Currency Derivative Usage and Earnings Management on Firm Value”, European Financial Management Association 2010 Annual Conference. (EFMA)
Chou, Robin K., and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2010), “Board Structure, Analyst Coverage, and Analyst Forecast Error”, European Financial Management Association 2010 Annual Conference. (EFMA)
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, (2010), “Does Management Involvement in the Board Affect Analysts’ Coverage and Institutional Holdings?”, 2010 Hawaii International Conference on Business.
Shiah-Hou Shin-Rong, (2011), "Analyst Coverage and CEO Compensation", Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF2011).
Shiah-Hou Shin-Rong, (2011), "Analyst Coverage and CEO Compensation", The Impact of CEO Compensation on Analyst Coverage", 19th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management.
Chou, Robin K., and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2011), “Board Structure, Analyst Coverage, and Analyst Forecast Error”, 2011 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
Chang, Feng-Yi, Chin-Wen Hsin, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2011), “The Impact of Currency Derivative Usage and Earnings Management on Firm Value”, 2011 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA).
Chia-Hsin Cheng, Robin K. Chou, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2012, Jul). Does Regulation G Change the Way that Analysts Use Pro Forma Earnings Information?. Asian Finance Association Taiwan Finance Association 2012 Joint International Conference, 台灣.
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2012, Nov). The Association between Analyst Turnover and CEO Turnover. Southern Finance Association 2012 Annual Meetings , Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A.
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, and Ling Yang, (2014, Apr). Future Performance and Expenses Excluded from Pro Forma Earnings. 4rd Annual International Conferences on Accounting and Finance (AF 2014), Thailand.
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, Yi-Yun Teng, (2015, Jul). Do Managers Disclose Non-GAAP Earnings to Manipulate Investors’ Perceptions After Regulation G?. 2015 International Business, Economics, Finance and Management Conference, 北海道.
Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2016, June). Determinants of Analyst Replacement. The 28th Asian FA Annual Meeting. Bangkok, Thailand
Feng-Yi Chang, Chin-Wen Hsin, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, (2016 June). Performance of Financial Hedging and Earnings Management under Diverse Corporate Information Quality. 25th European Financial Management Association (EFMA). Basel, Switzerland.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, and Wei-Yin Wang, 2017. Are CEO power and audit committee quality substitutes or in conflict? (The 29th) Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) Conference (2017). Seoul, Korea.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, and Wei-Yin Wang, 2017. Inverse association between CEO power and audit committee quality. 2017 IACSSM International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Management. Bangkok, Thailand.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2018. Can Non-GAAP Reporting Affect Accounting Restatement? International Conference on Corporate Governance & Business Ethics (ICC18Singapore Conference). Singapore.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2018. The Effect of Non-GAAP Earnings on Restatement. Accounting and Finance (AF) Conference 2018. Singapore.
Lo, Huai-Chun, and Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, 2019. Do Powerful CEOs Engage in Overinvestment? (The 31st) Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) Conference (2019). Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2006. Corporate Governance and Earnings Managment:The Effect of Board Structure on Forecast Earnings. (NSC, 1/3)
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2006. Corporate Governance and Earnings Managment:The Effect of Board Structure on Forecast Earnings. (NSC, 2/3)
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2006. Corporate Governance and Earnings Managment:The Effect of Board Structure on Forecast Earnings. (NSC, 3/3)
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2011. Research on Information Asymmetry and Corporate Risk Management: The Long-Term Effect of 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley. (NSC, 1/2)
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2012. Research on Information Asymmetry and Corporate Risk Management: The Long-Term Effect of 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley. (NSC, 2/2)
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2013. The Informativeness of Pro Forma Earnings and Audit Quality
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2014. What happens to analysts' behaviors and institutional holdings following CEO turnover?
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2015. The Quality of Audit Committee and Properties of Analysts Earning Forecast
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2016. Non-GAAP Earnings, Earnings Management, and Financial Restatement
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2017. The Effect of CEO Power on Properties of Analyst Earnings Forecasts
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2018. The Effect of Accounting Restatement on Corporate Governance
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2019. The Joint Effects of CEO Power and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Earnings Quality
Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong, 2020. The Monitoring Functions of Professional Directors: The Effects on Earnings Quality, Overinvestment, and CEO Compensation
Financial Management_Undergraduate
Financial Management_Master in Finance
Financial Management_EMBA
Managerial Finance
Special Topics on Security Investment Practices
Seminar in International Investment
2014 Yuan Ze University Yi-Je Huang Emphasis on Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosures in Analyst Revisions: The effect of Auditing Quality
2013 Yuan Ze University Yi-Yun Teng Non-GAAP Earnings and CEO Selling
2012 Yuan Ze University Ling Yang The Relation between Future Performance and Expenses Excluded from Pro Forma Earnings
2012 Yuan Ze University Ya-Hsuang Chuang CEO Turnover, CEO Compensation and Initial Public Offerings
2011 Yuan Ze University Chia-Hsin Cheng Are Pro Forma Earnings Informative?
2011 Yuan Ze University Yen-Ju Huang The Effect of Analyst Characteristics on Earnings Management
2011 Yuan Ze University Ching-Jung Chiu The Effect of Analysts’ Biased Earnings Forecast Before CEO trading on Analysts’ Ex post Forecast Accuracy
2010 Yuan Ze University Kai-Ting Li CEO Turnover and Corporate Policy
2010 Yuan Ze University Yiu-Hua Huang Auditing Fees and Audit Quality
2010 Yuan Ze University Pei-Chen Kuo CEO Turnover and Firm Performance
2009 Yuan Ze University Chin-Wei Cheng Characteristics of Director and Firm Performance Evidence from S&P 500 Companies
2009 Yuan Ze University Feng-Ying Chang CEO Turnover and Board Performance
2009 Yuan Ze University Wei-Yao Chen Characteristics of Director and Firm performance -Evidence from S&P 600 Companies
2009 Yuan Ze University Shi-Ting Wang Quality of the audit committee and financial distress
The best paper award in capital market of 2016 Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting. The title of paper is "Determinants of Analyst Replacement".
Supervisor of Powertech Industrial Co.,Ltd (Publicly owned firm) (2005 ~ )
Director of TAIWAN COOPERATIVE BILLS FINANCE CORPORATION (Publicly owned firm) (2013 ~2014)
Director of Taiwan Cooperative Bank Co., Ltd. (Publicly owned firm) (2014 ~ )
2011 Senior Civil Service Examinations and Junior Civil Service Examinations
2012 Senior Civil Service Examinations and Junior Civil Service Examinations
Reviewer of Managerial Finance (2011)
Reviewer of Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance (2012)
Discussant of 2010 EFMA
Discussant of 2011 FMA
Discussant of 2012 SFA
Section Chair of BREFM Conference
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Shiah-Hou, Shin-Rong
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 2663
Office: R3711
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College of Management, Yuan Ze University.
TEL: 03-463-8800 ext.6001-6004 FAX: 03-755-7040 E-mail:
135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan 32003, R.O.C