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Professor Info
Chen, I-Ju
Professor , Deputy Dean for Administrative, Director of EBBA Program
  • Corporate Group Strategy (Diversification/M&A/Restructuring)
  • Bank Liquidity Management
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Governance
Academic BG.
  • Ph.D. in finances, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • Mater, Ohio State University, USA
  • Bachelor, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  • Associate Professor in College of Management, Yuan-Ze University
  • Assistant Professor in College of Management, Yuan-Ze University
  • Director, English Bachelor of Business Administration (EBBA) program, College of Management, Yuan-Ze University
  • Chair, Financial discipline, College of Management, Yuan-Ze University
  • Journal Papers
  • Conference Papers
  • Research Grants
  • Books/Pub.
  • Industrial Grants
  • Courses
  • Dissertation
  • Awards & Certificates
  • Pro. Membership
  • Other Contributions
  • I-Ju Chen, Iftekhar Hasan, Chih-Yung Lin, & Vy Nguyen (2021), “Do Banks Value Borrowers' Environmental Record? Evidence from Financial Contracts,” Journal of Business Ethics, in print.
  • I-Ju Chen, Po-Hsuan Hsu, Micah S. Officer, & Yanzhi Wang (2020, Sep.), “The Oscar Goes to…: High-tech Firms’ Acquisitions in Response to Rivals’ Technology Breakthroughs,” Research Policy, 49(7), 104078.
  • I-Ju Chen, (2020, Jan.), “CEO Overconfidence and Corporate Investment: Evidence from the Industry Deregulation,” Journal of Financial Studies. 28(2), 1-48.
  • I-Ju Chen, Yu-Yi Lee, & Yong-Chin Liu, (2020, Jan), “Bank Liquidity, Macroeconomic Risk, and Bank Risk: Evidence from the Financial Services Modernization Act,” European Financial Management, 26(1), 143-175.
  • I-Ju Chen & David K. Wang, (2019, Oct), “Real Option, Idiosyncratic Risk, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Taiwan Family Firms,” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 57, 101029.
  • I-Ju Chen, Yanzhi Wang, & Cheng-You Wu, (2019, March), “The Effect of Staggered Boards on Corporate Innovation,” Journal of Management and Business Research, 36(1), 1-28.
  • I-Ju Chen & Wei-Chi Lin, (2019, April), “CEO Incentives and Bank Liquidity Management,” NTU Management Review, 29(1), 255-322.
  • I-Ju Chen, Yan-Shing Chen, & Sheng-Syan Chen (2018, March), “The Strategic Choice of Payment Method in Corporate Acquisitions: The Role of Collective Bargaining Against Unionized Workers,“ Journal of Banking and Finance, 88, 408-422.
  • I-Ju Chen & Sheng-Syan Chen (2017, March), “Corporate Governance and the Investment Efficiency of Diversified Corporate Asset Buyers” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 29(1), pp.99-114.
  • Hsin-Yu Liang, I-Ju Chen, and Sheng-Syan Chen (2016, Sept), “Does Corporate Governance Mitigate Bank Diversification Discount?” International Review of Economics and Finance, 45, pp.129-143.
  • Sheng-Syan Chen, Yong-Chin Liu, & I-Ju Chen (2014, March), “Long-Run Stock Performance and Its Determinants for Asset Buyers,” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 41(5-6), pp.685-716.
  • I-Ju Chen, (2014, July), “Financial Crisis and the Dynamics of Corporate Governance: Evidence from Taiwan’s Listed Firms,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 32, pp.3-28.
  • Jung-Ho Lai, Li-Yu Chen, & I-Ju Chen (2014, May), “The Value of outside Director Experience to Firm Strategies: Evidence from Joint Ventures,” Journal of Management & Organization, 20(3), pp.387-409.
  • Jung-Ho Lai, I-Ju Chen, & Li-Yu Chen, (2014, Sept), “Board Characteristics and the Valuation Effects of Corporate Joint Venture Investments,” NTU Management Review, 24(S1), pp.232-272.
  • Yan-Shing Chen & I-Ju Chen (2013, July), “The Impact of Labor Unions on Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity,“ Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(7), pp.2408-2418.
  • I-Ju Chen & Shin-Hung Lin (2013), “Managerial Optimism, Investment Efficiency, and Firm Valuation,” Multinational Finance Journal, 17(3-4), pp.295-340.
  • Sheng-Syan Chen & I-Ju Chen (2012), “Corporate Governance and Capital Allocations of Diversified Firms,” Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(2), pp.395-409.
  • I-Ju Chen, Jung-Ho Lai & Chih-Chia Chen (2012), “Industrial Concentration, Innovation and Corporate Layoff Announcements,” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 87, pp.147-165.
  • Sheng-Syan Chen & I-Ju Chen (2011), “Inefficient Investment and the Diversification Discount: Evidence from Corporate Asset Purchases,” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 38(7-8), pp.887-914.
  • I-Ju Chen (2011), “Organizational Forms and Wealth Effects of Public Debt Offerings,” NTU Management Review, 21(2), pp.315-348.
  • I-Ju Chen (2010), “Organizational Form, Board Structure, and the Wealth Effect of Strategic Alliances,” Management Review, 29(3), pp.79-103.
  • Hsiangping Tsai, I-Ju Chen, & Yanzhi Wang, (2020/10/14-17), “The Effect of Bank Loans on Corporate Innovation: Evidence from M&As” 2020 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, New York, NY, USA.
  • I-Ju Chen, Yan-Shing Chen, & Wei-Chi Lin, (2019/10/23-26), “Bank Performance and Liquidity Management” 2019 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • Wei-Chi Lin, I-Ju Chen, & Sheng-Syan Chen, (2018/10/10-13), “Board Diversity and Corporate Innovation” 2018 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, San Diego, California, USA.
  • I-Ju Chen, Po-Hsuan Hsu, Micah S. Officer, & Yanzhi (Andrew) Wang (2017/10/11-14), “The Oscar goes to…: Takeovers and Innovation Envy” 2017 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  • I-Ju Chen, & Wei-Chi Lin (2016/10/19-22), “Does Governance Matter for Bank Liquidity Management? Evidence from the 2007 Financial Crisis” 2016 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  • I-Ju Chen, Yu-Yi Lee, & Yong-Chin Liu (2015/10/14-17), “The Relation between Bank Liquidity and Risk-Taking: Empirical Evidence from 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act (GLBA)” 2015 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • I-Ju Chen (2014/10/15-18), “Why Do the Holding of Liquid Assets of U.S. Banks Decrease Over Time?” 2014 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  • I-Ju Chen, Sheng-Syan Chen, & Yan-Shing Chen (2014/10/15-18), “Strategic Choice of Payment Methods in Corporate Acquisitions: from the Perspective of Collective Bargaining with Unionized Workers,” 2014 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  • 專題研究計畫(108-2410-H-155-010-MY2) 雙重股權結構對公司投資的影響效果:多面向實證研究
  • 專題研究計畫(106-2410-H-155-005-MY2) 分期分級董事會與公司創新的實證研究
  • 專題研究計畫(104-2410-H-155-005-MY2) CEO過度自信對公司投資決策影響之進一步探討
  • 專題研究計畫(102-2410-H-155-003-MY2) 銀行流動性管理:經理人特質與銀行治理
  • 專題研究計畫(101-2410-H-155-021) 銀行現金持有:決定因素及多角化之影響
  • 專題研究計畫(100-2410-H-155-022) 管制鬆綁,產品市場競爭與公司治理結構的動態調整:以美國貨運業與電訊業為例
  • 專題研究計畫(98-2410-H-155-028)-公司治理與內部資金市場效率性之研究
  • 專題研究計畫 (97-2410-H-155-045)-公司治理、投資效率與多角化公司價值之研究
  • 專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案三年期計畫) (105/106/107-2632-H-155-001-) 不確定環境下之企業決策與風險管理
  • 專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案計畫) (100-2632-H-155-001- MY2)- 訊息不對稱與公司風險管理之相關研究
  • 延攬科技人才計畫(延攬博士後研究人才)(MOST 109-2811-H-155-500) 分期分級董事會與公司創新的實證研究
  • 延攬科技人才計畫(延攬博士後研究人才)(MOST 107-2811-H-155-001) 分期分級董事會與公司創新的實證研究
  • 大專學生研究計畫(108-2813-C-155-021-H) Labor Relations Intensity, Disclosure and Earnings Management, Smoothing: Evidence from Taiwan (學生: 蘇容萩)
  • 大專學生研究計畫(107-2813-C-155-006-H) 臺灣家族企業的併購績效-以企業併購法通過後為實證 (學生: 鄧欣語),
  • 大專學生研究計畫(106-2813-C-155-005-H) 金融危機期間家族企業與非家族企業融資及投資決策差異(學生:簡嘉誼).
  • 大專學生研究計畫(101-2815-C-155-005-H) 台灣家族企業的股權結構、獲利不確定性與公司價值間之關係(學生:鄭琇今)
  • 財務管理個案研討 Case Studies in Finance, FN402
  • 企業購併與公司治理 Takeovers and Governance, FN323
  • 財務管理 Financial Management, FN001
  • 公司理財 Corporate Finance, CM223
  • 金融市場與機構 Financial Markets and Institutions, CM352
  • 財務理論 Financial Theory
  • 科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才
  • 2018臺灣財務金融學會年會暨國際研討會之財務金融學刊研究論文獎
  • 指導學生碩士論文獲2017富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎「財務投資與風險管理組」佳作
  • Recommended Paper Award in 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference第六屆聯電經營管理論文獎佳作獎
  • 指導學生碩士論文獲2011崇越論文大賞 財管組佳作
  • 管理評論2009年台灣人壽論文獎
  • Best Paper Award in 2008 Annual Conference of Management Review & The First Frontiers in Management Conference
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Chen, I-Ju


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