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College of Management
Discipline of Business Administration
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Professor Info
Wang, Wei-Kang
Professor,Director of International Program Office
Accounting and Finance Decision Support System
Balanced Score Card
Performance Evaluation
Academic BG.
Ph.D. in Accounting, University of Manchester, U.K., 1993,08-1997,12
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting and Graduate Institute of Management,Yuan Ze University, August, 2002 – Present2006
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Research Grants
Industrial Grants
Awards & Certificates
Pro. Membership
Other Contributions
Lu, W.M., Wang, W.K., Tung, W.T., Lin, Fengyi (2010) Capability and efficiency of intellectual capital: The case of fabless companies, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, pp.546-555. (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Lai, M.H., Lin, Y.T., Lin, L.H., Wang, W.K., Huang, H.C. (2009) Information behavior and value creation potential of information capital: Mediating role of organizational learning, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, pp.542-550.(Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Huang, H.C., Chu, W. and Wang, W.K. (2006) Strategic performance measurement and value drivers:evidence from the international tourist hotels in an emerging economy, Service Industries Journal, Accepted. (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Wang W.K., Wen, W., Chang, W.B., and Huang, H.C. (2006) A knowledge-based decision support system for government vendor selection and bidding, JCIS Proceedings, Accepted. (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Li, Y.Q.李育慶, and Wang, W.K.王維康 (2006) Management of Steel Structure:Analysis of the development of index measurement studies by steel structure manufactures utilizing the balanced score card 從管理面看鋼結構-運用平衡計分卡探討鋼結構產業發展衡量指標之研究, Journal of Steel Structure 鋼結構會刊, 23, p.p.77-95. (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Wang, W.K. (2005), A knowledge-based decision support system for measuring the performance of government real estate investment, Expert Systems with Applications, 29(4), pp.901-912. (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Wen, W.; Wang, W.K., Wang, C.H. (2005)A knowledge-based intelligent decision support system for national defense budget planning, Expert Systems with Applications, 28(1), pp. 55-66
W. Wen, W.K. Wang, T. H. Wang(2005)A Hybrid Knowledge-based Decision Support System for Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions, Expert Systems with Applications, 28(3), pp.569-582. (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Wang, W.K., Huang, H.C. and Lai, M.C.(2005)Measuring the Relative Efficiency of Commercial Banks: A Comparative Study on Different Ownership Modes in China, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 7(2), pp.219-223. (ABI/INFORM) (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Zhang, B.Y.張柏勇, Zuo, J.G.左杰官, and Wang, W.K. 王維康(2005) 建構隱匿式馬可夫模式於軍事資訊採擷之研究, Journal of National DefenseManagement 國防管理學報, 26(1), pp. 71-83。(Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Wang, W.K.王維康, Chang, W.Y.張文淵(2005)." Building XBRL for Finalcial Report of Government Special Fund - an Implementation of Application (1) "「延伸性企業報告語言(XBRL)之應用-以政府特種基金財務報告為例(上)」,Accounting Research Monthly 會計研究月刊, 235, p.p.51-55 (Peer-reviewed
journal, PRJ)
Wang, W.K.王維康, Chang, W.Y.張文淵(2005)." Building XBRL for Finalcial Report of Government Special Fund - an Implementation of Application and Taxonomy" 「延伸性企業報告語言(XBRL)之應用-以政府特種基金財務報告為例(下)」 (2), Accounting Research Monthly 會計研究月刊, 236,p.p.84-89 (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Wang, W.K.王維康, Chang, W.Y.張文淵(2005) The Report of Government Special Funds: An Application of XBRL「延伸性企業報告語言(XBRL)應用於政府財務報告之探討」, Accounting and Statistics Monthly 主計月刊, 589,p.p.49-58 (Peer-reviewed journal, PRJ)
Lee-Hsuan Lin and Wei-Kang Wang,"An Assessment of the Stability and Phases of the Business Cycle Forecast Ability of Distress Prediction Models。,"Decision Sciences Institute of Southwest Region 2005 SWDSI ,Dallas, USA, 2005/4,,2005/04
唐迪俊 and Wei-Kang Wang,"運用平衡計分卡於非營業基金經營策略與績效評估之研究-以國軍地區福利品供應站為例,"第十三屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,pp.M15-M29,2005/06
Wei-Kang Wang, 黃豪臣, and 賴美祁,"台灣倉儲運輸業經營績效評估之研究,"第二屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,,2004/08
Lee-Hsuan Lin, I-Fong Yia, and Wei-Kang Wang,"A Study of Failure Prediction Model: Using the Support Vector Machine and the Logistic Regression Model,"IACIS, Taipei, Taiwan,,2005/05
Wei-Kang Wang,"Efficiency Analysis of Real Estate Investment and Development in China,"APDSI(Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute) 2005,,2005/06
Wei-Kang Wang,"Research on the Relative Efficiency of International Travel Agencies and Tourist Development Strategy:Linking the Balanced Scorecard with DEA models,"APDSI(Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute) 2005,,2005/06
Wei-Kang Wang, Jing-I Lu, and Lee-Hsuan Lin,"Research on the Relative Efficiency of Educational Intensity:Evidence from OECD Countries,"APDSI(Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute) 2005,,2005/06
Lee-Hsuan Lin, Wei-Kang Wang, and 劉振遠,""Bankruptcy Prediction using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN),"A 15th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2005, 2005/7,,2005/07
Lee-Hsuan Lin, Wei-Kang Wang, and Jing-I Lu,"Measuring the relative efficiency of educational intensity:Evidence from OECD countries,"15th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2005, 2005/7,.,2005/07
Wei-Kang Wang, Lee-Hsuan Lin, Hao-Chen Hwang, and Mei-Chi Lai,"A Hybrid knowledge and Model-Based System for Balanced Scorecard Strategies Planning,"IACIS Pacific 2005 Cofernce , Taipei, Taiwan May 19-21, 2005,,2005/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 雷德仁, and 左杰官,"國防預算預測之研究:應用類神經網路與支援向量機,"會計資訊理論與實務學術研討會,pp.56,2006/05
李育慶 and Wei-Kang Wang,"運用平衡計分卡探討鋼結構產業發展衡量指標之研究,"會計資訊理論與實務學術研討會,pp.29,2006/05
Wei-Kang Wang and 吳勝富,"運用資料包絡分析法評估各國軍事防禦力效率之研究,"會計資訊理論與實務學術研討會,pp.26,2006/05
牛明山, Wei-Kang Wang, and 蕭幸金,"資本預算與經營績效關聯性之研究—以中央政府營業基金及作業基金為例,"第十一屆國防管理實務暨學術研討會,,2003/07
雷鳴宇, Wei-Kang Wang, and 莊明憲,"建構資本計劃型基金績效衡量指標之研究—以國軍老舊營舍改建基金為例,"第十一屆國防管理實務暨學術研討會,,2003/07
Wei-Kang Wang, 毛吉成, and 汪進揚,"平衡計分卡應用於國防採購機構之研究,"第十一屆國防管理實務暨學術研討會,,2003/07
牛明山 and Wei-Kang Wang,"資本預算與經營績效關聯性之研究—以中央政府營業基金及作業基金為例,"2003年管理思維與實踐學術研討會,,2003/06
牛明山 and Wei-Kang Wang,"資本預算與經營績效關聯性之研究—以中央政府營業基金及作業基金為例,"兩岸財經學術研討會,,2003/03
Wei-Kang Wang, 朱豔芳, and 薛鴻榮,"平衡計分卡績效指標關聯性之實證研究—以國藉航空公司為例,"實踐大學管理學院第五屆學術暨實務研討會,pp.Ⅱ-A5-1至pp.Ⅱ-A5-19,2003/06
Wei-Kang Wang, 黃豪臣, and 胡靜宜,"建構EMBA教育績效評估觀念性模式之探討:以平衡計分卡之觀點,"第九屆商業教育學術研討會,,2003/05
Wei-Kang Wang and 黃豪臣,"內部稽核人員之企業倫理教育對職業道德認知影響之研究,"第一屆企業倫理理論暨實務研討會,,2003/05
Wei-Kang Wang and 黃豪臣,"建構個案庫決策支援系統應用於企業購併診斷之探索研究,"第二屆資訊時代管理研討會,,2003/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 黃豪臣, and 賴美祁,"應用平衡計分卡探討流通物流業之策略績效指標建構與指標間關聯性之研究,"第二屆21世紀產業經營管理國際學術研討會,,2003/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 朱豔芳, and 薛鴻榮,"應用平衡計分卡探討績效指標關係之研究—以國藉航空公司為例,"第二屆21世紀產業經營管理國際學術研討會,,2003/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 黃豪臣, and 胡靜宜,"技職院校之策略性績效評估指標建構與指標關係之研究-平衡計分卡之觀點,"技職體系會計理論與實務研討會,,2003/06
Wei-Kang Wang and 鍾志榮,"應用平衡計分卡觀點於國防醫療機構之研究,"第十屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,,2002/06
Wei-Kang Wang, 蕭幸金, and 牛明山,"資本預算與經營績效關聯性之研究-以中央政府營業基金及作業基金為例,"實踐大學管理學院第五屆學術暨實務研討會,pp.Ⅱ-B3-1至 pp.Ⅱ-B3-20,2003/06
Wei-Kang Wang and 羅學文,"服務品質、服務價值、顧客滿意與行為意向之關係研究-以國軍地區福利品供配(應)站為例,"第十屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,pp.154- pp.170,2002/06
陳長海, 朱艷芳, and Wei-Kang Wang,"軍事財務作業品質之研究-顧客導向模式整合應用,"第十屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,pp.371-pp.387,2002/06
羅學文 and Wei-Kang Wang,"服務品質、服務價值、顧客滿意與行為意向之關係研究-以國軍地區福利品供配(應)站為例,"2002跨領域管理學術暨實務研討會,,2002/11
Wei-Kang Wang,"Measuring the relative efficiency of European MBA programs: A comparative analysis of DEA, SBM, and FDH models,"9th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Region of the DSI (AMDSI),,2004/07
Wei-Kang Wang,"Measuring the Relative Efficiency of Banks: A Comparative Study on Different Ownership Modes in China,"9th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Region of the DSI(AMDSI),,2004/07
Wei-Kang Wang, 黃憲一, 黃豪臣, and 胡靜宜,"大陸地區開放外資參與購併重組之國有企業績效評估之研究-以北京地區電子公司為例,"新領導時代大陸經營環境變遷對台商投資之影響與因應策略研討會,pp.1-10,2003/10
Wei-Kang Wang, 黃豪臣, and 胡靜宜,"考量DEA&Logistic模式之購併目標決策模式之研究-以北京地區開放外資購併重組之國有企業為例,"技職體系會計理論與實務研討會,,2003/12
Wei-Kang Wang,"中國大陸商業銀行最適規模與績效評估之研究,"2004年保險金融管理學術研討會,pp.103-116,2004/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 賴美祁, and 黃豪臣,"大陸商業銀行經營效率與最適規模之研究,"第三屆跨領域管理學術與實務研討會,,2004/04
Wei-Kang Wang, 賴美祁, and 黃豪臣,"中國大陸商業銀行績效評估之研究:國營與民營銀行之比較,"2004 Conference on Economics and Business,,2004/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 吳柏樹, and 黃豪臣,"台灣地區產物保險績效評估之研究-國內產險公司與外商產險公司之比較,"2004 Conference on Economics and Business,,2004/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 張文淵, and 左杰官,"知識型政府特種基金財務決策支援系統之研究,"2004中華決策科學學會年會暨研討會,,2004/06
Wei-Kang Wang, 張麗雪, and 黃豪臣,"國際觀光旅館業經營效率之研究:DEA、SBM、Bilateral模式之應用,"2004年健康休閒暨觀光餐旅產官學研討會,,2004/05
Wei-Kang Wang, 左杰官, and 張文淵,"以延伸性企業語言建構政府特種基金財務決策支援系統之研究,"第十二屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會,,2004/06
Wei-Kang Wang, 牛明山, and 簡敏秋,"國營事業使用網際網路揭露資訊之研究,"2004年管理與創意研討會,,2004/06
Wei-Kang Wang,"An intelligent decision support system for strategic performance improvement of Taiwan public libraries using DEA models,"ACME, San Diego, USA,,2005/07
Wei-Kang Wang,"A knowledge-based decision support system for government vendor selection and bidding,"ACME, San Diego, USA,,2005/07
Wei-Kang Wang,"An Intellectual decision support system for measuring the performance of government long-term care investment,"The 4th International Conference Computer Science and its Applications(ICCSA-2006),,2006/06
Wei-Kang Wang,"An Intelligent DSS for perfomace evaluation of Stated-Owned Enterprises of Electronics Industry,"Thirty-Seventh Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference,pp.12-16,2006/03
Hong, S.M.洪紹銘, Wang, W.K 王維康 (2005) Knowledge-Based Decision Support
System for Loan of Bank 銀行企業授信決策支援系統之研究
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Wang, Wei-Kang
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 2589
Office: R3713
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College of Management, Yuan Ze University.
TEL: 03-463-8800 ext.6001-6004 FAX: 03-755-7040 E-mail:
135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan 32003, R.O.C