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Professor Info

Professor Info
Lanlung,Chiang (Luke)
Associate Professor, Convener of Marketing Discipline
  • New Retailing (OMO), Consumer Experience Marketing
  • Sports Marketing, Sustainable Marketing
  • Destination Marketing & Management
Academic BG.
  • Ph.D. in Hospitality Management & Marketing, Iowa State University, USA
  • Associate Professor, Yuan Ze University
  • Assistant Professor, Yuan Ze University
  • Lecturer, Iowa State University
  • Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University
  • Research Assistant, Iowa State University
  • Project Manager, Senior Marketing Associate, IT industry
  • Branding & Marketing, Hospitality/Leisure industry
  • Journal Papers
  • Conference Papers
  • Research Grants
  • Books/Pub.
  • Industrial Grants
  • Courses
  • Dissertation
  • Awards & Certificates
  • Pro. Membership
  • Other Contributions
  • Chiang, L., Wu, S., & *Chen, H. (2021). 喜餅遲到了. 中山管理評論, 29(4), 593–616(為TSSCI 第一級核心期刊)
  • Chen, H., *Chiang, L., & Wu, S. (2020). Understanding the New Marketing Channels in the Retailing Industry – A Case of Yuan Yuan Fang. 中山管理評論, 28(4), 625–652(為TSSCI 第一級核心期刊)
  • Fan, L., & *Chiang, L. (2020). Revision of Funk's motivation scale for baseball fans. Bulletin of Sport and Exercise Psychology of Taiwan, 20(1), 47–67(為TSSCI一級期刊).
  • Kim, J., *Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2018). Online advertisement strategies in tourism industry-A reactance theory perspective. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 32(10), 29-38.
  • *Chiang, L., & Yang, C. (2018). Does country-of-origin brand personality generate retail customer lifetime value? A Big Data analytics approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 130, 177-187. (SSCI).
  • *Chiang, L., Kim, J., & Tang, L. (2017). Forced Exposure and Psychological Reactance towards Online Advertising in Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 6(3), 1-7.
  • Kim, E., *Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2017). Investigating wellness tourists’motivation, engagement, and loyalty: in search of the missing link. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(7), 867-879. (SSCI).
  • Tseng, F., & *Chiang, L. (2016). Why does customer co-creation improve new travel product performance? Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2309-2317 (SSCI).
  • Manthiou, A., Kang, J., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2015). Investigating the Effects of Memorable Experiences: an Extended Model of Script Theory. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(3), 362-379 (SSCI, 2015 5-year impact factor: 2.339).
  • Lee, S., Manthiou, A., Jeong, M., Tang, L., & Chiang, L. (2015). Does Consumers' Feeling Affect Their Quality of Life? Roles of Consumption Emotion and Its Consequences. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(4), 409-416. (SSCI, 2015 impact factor: 1.095)
  • Tang, L., Jang, S., & *Chiang, L. (2014). Website Processing Fluency: Its Impacts on Information Trust, Satisfaction, and Destination Attitude. Tourism Analysis, 19(1), 111-116. (ABDC Rank = A)
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., Tang, L., Shin, J., & Morrison, A. (2014). A Comparative study of generational preferences for trip-planning resources: A case study of international tourists in Shanghai. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1), 78-99. (PRJ).
  • Manthiou, A., Lee, S., Tang, L., & Chiang, L. (2014). The experience economy approach to festival marketing: Vivid memory and attendee loyalty. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(1),22-35 (SSCI).
  • Manthiou, A., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2014). Identifying and Responding to Customer Needs on Facebook Fan Pages. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 9(3), 36-52. (EI)
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., Tang, L., Shin, J., & Morrison, A. (2012). Investigate information sources used by international tourists at different age groups in Fiji. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 12(3), 20-46. (PRJ).
  • Tang, L., Manthiou, A., Morrison, A., Shin, J., & Chiang, L. (2012). A Holistic Approach to Activity Preference Patterns: International Tourists and Their Visits to Shanghai, China. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 12(1), 107-136.
  • Chiang, L., & Nguyen, T. L. (2019). Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction Proceedings of 22th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) - Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2019.
  • Chiang, L., & Yang, Y. (2018). Investigating festival impacts and subject well-being among local residents: in search of the missing link. 47th European Marketing Academy Conference 2018 (EMAC 2018), May 29- June 1, Glasgow, UK.
  • Fan. L. & Chiang, L. (2017). EXPLORING FESTIVAL IMPACTS AND VISITORS’ QUALITY OF LIFE. 46th European Marketing Academy Conference 2017 (EMAC 2017), 23rd-26th May, Groningen, Netherlands.
  • Pham, N., & Chiang, L. Investigate the Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer’s Psychological Reactance Towards Online Advertising – A Study in Tourism Context. Proceedings of Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) - Annual Conference, Virgina, U.S.A., March, 2016 (Best Student Presentation Award).
  • Chou C.Y., Chiang, L., Wu, H.-Y. & Huang, Y.-T. The relationship between intercustomer social support and consumer well-being: an extended framework of servicescape. Proceedings of 19th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) - World Marketing Congress Conference, France, July, 2016.
  • Chiang, L., Kim, J., Tang, L., & Bosselman, R. Exploring Agritoursim Entrepreneurship Strategies:Antecedents and Consequences. Proceedings of 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Conference, Taiwan, July, 2015.
  • Chiang, L., & Manthiou A. Toward a deeper understanding of fandom: Effects of self-expansion theory on consumer intentions. Proceedings of 44th EMAC Conference, Belgium, May 26-29, 2015 (MOST 104-2914-I-155 -002 -A1).
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou A., & Tang, L. To investigate antecedents of international tourists’ place attachment and its relationships with memories and post-behavioral intentions: the case of Seoul City. Proceedings of 17th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) - World Marketing Congress Conference, Peru, August, 2014 (NSC 102-2410-H-155 -050).
  • Manthiou, A., Kang, J., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. The Effects of Memorable Experiences: An Extended Model of Script Theory. Proceedings of 2nd World Research Summit for Hospitality and Tourism, Orlando, Florida, USA, December, 2013.
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou A., & Tang, L. Evaluate the level of Entrepreneurship in Iowa Small Agritourism Businesses. Proceedings of annual conference of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August, 2012.
  • Manthiou A., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. A Dual Process Perspective on Evaluating the Websites of Travel Intermediaries. Proceedings of annual conference of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August, 2012.
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., Tang, L., Shin, J. Y., & Morrison A. (2012). A Comparative Study of Generational Preferences for Trip-Planning Resources: A Case Study of International Tourists to Shanghai. Proceedings of 2012 APTA International Tourism Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June, 2012.
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou A., & Tang, L. Segmenting international visitors by information source variables: The case of Fiji. Proceedings of 17th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, Auburn, Alabama, USA, January, 2012.
  • Manthiou A., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. Modeling consumers’ participation on restaurants’ Facebook fan pages. Proceedings of 17th Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Auburn, Alabama, USA, January, 2012.
  • Manthiou A., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. Investigating costumer values on restaurants’ Facebook fan pages. Proceedings of annual conference of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE), Denver, Colorado, USA, July 2011.
  • 從社會認同理論觀點探究遊客認知價值及後續行為意圖之相互關係 ( 107-2410-H-155-020-),2018-2019,科技部研究計畫。
  • 消費者對網路旅遊廣告的自覺感受,決策心理及未來行為意圖之關聯模式研究: 抗拒理論觀點(106-2410-H-155-008-),2017-2018,科技部研究計畫。
  • 以”Mehrabian-Russell模型”應用,探究消費者之自我概念及記憶與節慶活動關係持續機制 (105-2410-H-155-028),2016-2017,科技部研究計畫。
  • 以節慶行銷活動探究消費者情感,地方依附與記憶對消費者未來行為意圖及生活品質效益之影響-聯想模式之建構與實證研究 (NSC 102-2410-H-155-050-),2013/12-2014/11,國科會研究計畫。
  • Chiang, L., Manthiou, A., & Chou, C. Y. (2016). A Holistic Approach to the Effects of Fandom: An Application of Self-Expansion Theory. In L. Petruzzellis & R. S. Winer(Eds.), Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing. NYC: Springer Publishing.
  • Manthiou, A., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2014). Developing a Successful Facebook Fan Page Based on Costumers’ Needs. In C. Tsai & A. Mesquita(Eds.), Human Behavior, Psychology and Social Interaction in the Digital Era. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • TYC-Campus創新產業人才培育發展計畫,協同主持人,2015,委託單位 : 桃園市政府青年事務局
  • 桃園青年創業聚落服務調查案,協同主持人,2015,委託單位 : 桃園市政府經發局招商科
  • 策略服務業之創新與發展研究4年計畫,第二期計畫 - 銀髮族M型人生服務創新,分項主持人,2015,委託單位 : 經濟部技術處
  • 台灣自來水公司第一區管理處103年度顧客滿意度調查,計劃主持人,2014/08 ,委託單位 : 台灣自來水公司
  • 桃園縣地方產業創新研發推動計畫(地方型SBIR) ,計劃主持人,[休閒農莊整體行銷策略規劃/分析],2013/10-2014/9
  • 美國愛荷華州Lucas County 城鎮發展觀光計畫 - Tourism Marketing Plan,2011-2013 ,委託單位 : 愛荷華州
  • Marketing Management
  • Omni-Channel Management
  • Retailing Management
  • Brand Management
  • Leisure Marketing
  • 2014. Chia-Yu, Shih. Examining Customer Value Co-creation Behavior and Subjective Well-being from Servicescape Perspective.
  • 2017 亞台青-成都海峽創業園 兩岸青年創新創業交流大賽 全國二等獎
  • 2016 龍巖盃校園企業經營創意競賽 優選
  • 2015 精英電腦全球創意短片競賽,第四名 & 最佳人氣獎
  • 2015 少年頭家創業競賽, 佳作
  • 2014 全國校園公關競賽, 第二名
  • Research Excellence Award, Iowa State University, 2013
  • AMS-WMC(AMS World Marketing Congress), Program committee
  • Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (SSCI), Reviewer
  • American Marketing Association Conference (AMA), Reviewer
  • Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI), Reviewer
  • European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Annual Conference, Reviewer
  • Tourism Management (SSCI), Reviewer
  • Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI), Reviewer
  • International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI), Reviewer
  • Current issues in Tourism (SSCI), Reviewer
  • Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, , Reviewer
  • Spanish Journal of Marketing, Reviewer
  • Tourism Analysis Journal, Reviewer
  • 管理學報, Reviewer
  • 全球永續旅遊委員會(Global Sustainable Tourism Council,GSTC)會員
  • 桃園市政府客家事務局 - 計畫審查委員
  • 桃園市政府經發局 - 投資案審查委員
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Professor Info

Lanlung,Chiang (Luke)


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