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Professor Info
Hu, Ya-Han
Academic BG.
  • Journal Papers
  • Conference Papers
  • Research Grants
  • Books/Pub.
  • Industrial Grants
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  • Dissertation
  • Awards & Certificates
  • Pro. Membership
  • Other Contributions
  • 1. Chih-Fong Tsai, Kuen-Liang Sue, Ya-Han Hu*, Andy Chiu, Combining Feature Selection, Instance Selection, and Ensemble Classification Techniques for Improved Financial Distress Prediction, Journal of Business Research, accepted, 2021. (SSCI)
  • 2. Chia-Hui Liu, Ya-Han Hu, Yu-Hsiu Lin*, A Machine Learning–Based Fall Risk Assessment Model for Inpatients, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, accepted, 2020. (SSCI)
  • 3. Sheng-Feng Sung, Cheng-Yang Hsieh, Ya-Han Hu*, Two decades of research using Taiwan’s National Health Insurance claims data: A bibliometric and text mining analysis on PubMed, Journal of Medical Internet Research, accepted, 2020. (SCI; IF=5.034; 2/27 in MEDICAL INFORMATICS)
  • 4. Ling-Chien Hung, Sheng-Feng Sung, Ya-Han Hu*, A machine learning approach to predicting readmission or mortality in patients hospitalized for stroke or transient ischemic attack, Applied Science, accepted, 2020. (SCI)
  • 5. Sheng-Feng Sung, Chia-Yi Lin, and Ya-Han Hu*, EMR-based phenotyping of ischemic stroke using supervised machine learning and text mining techniques, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, accepted, 2020. (SCI IF=5.223; 1/27 in MEDICAL INFORMATICS)
  • 6. Chun-Tien Tai, Kuen-Liang Sue, Ya-Han Hu*, Machine Learning in High-Alert Medication Treatment: A Study on the Cardiovascular Drug, Applied Science, 10, 5798, 2020. (SCI)
  • 7. Zi-Hung You, Ya-Han Hu, Chih-Fong Tsai*, Yen-Ming Kuo, Integrating Feature and Instance Selection Techniques in Opinion Mining, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 16 (3), 2020. (SCI)
  • 8. Chih-Fong Tsai, Kuanchin Chen, Ya-Han Hu*, Wei-Kai Chen, Improving Text Summarization of Online Hotel Reviews with Review Helpfulness and Sentiment, Tourism management, 2020, 80, 104122. (SSCI; IF=7.432; 9/225 in MANAGEMENT)
  • 9. Jiann-Der Lee, Yen-Chu Huang, Meng Lee, Tsong-Hai Lee, Ya-Wen Kuo, Ya-Han Hu*, and Bruce Ovbiagele, Determinants of Use of Long-term Continuous Electrocardiographic Monitoring for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients without Atrial Fibrillation at Baseline, Current Neurovascular Research, accepted, 2020. DOI: 10.2174/1567202617666200423092025 PMID: 32324514 (SCI)
  • 10. Ya-Han Hu, Kuanchin Chen, I-Chiu Chang, Cheng-Che Shen*, Predictors for switch from unipolar major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: A nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study, JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(4), e14278, 2020. (SCI)
  • 11. Ya-Han Hu, Chun-Tien Tai, Kang Ernest Liu*, Cheng-Fang Cai, Identification of highly-cited papers using topic-model-based and bibliometric features: the consideration of keyword popularity, Journal of Informetrics, 14(1), 101004, 2020. (SSCI; IF=3.879; 10/89 in INFORMATION SCIENCE & LIBRARY SCIENCE)(SCI; IF=3.879; 21/106 in COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS)
  • 12. Ya-Han Hu, Yi-Lien Lee, Ming-Feng Kang, Pei-Ju Lee, Constructing Inpatient Pressure Injury Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Techniques, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, accepted, 2020. (SSCI)
  • 13. 李珮如、胡雅涵、李彥賢、吳俊霆,運用資料探勘技術預測分析持續互動性高之粉絲團:以臉書醫療健康粉絲團為例,電子商務學報,已接受。(TSSCI)
  • 14. Jiann-Der Lee, Tsong-Hai Lee, Yen-Chu Huang, Meng Lee, Ya-Wen Kuo, Ya-Chi Huang, and Ya-Han Hu*, Prediction Model of Early Return to Hospital after Discharge Following Acute Ischemic Stroke, Current Neurovascular Research, 2019, 16(4), 348-357. (SCI)
  • 15. Jiann-Der Lee, Ya-Han Hu, Meng Lee, Yen-Chu Huang, Ya-Wen Kuo, Tsong-Hai Lee, High Risk of One-year Stroke Recurrence in Patients with Younger Age and Prior History of Ischemic Stroke, Current Neurovascular Research, 2019, 16(3), 250-257. (SCI)
  • 16. Chih-Fong Tsai, Wei-Chao Lin*, Ya-Han Hu, and Guan-Ting Yao, Under-Sampling Class Imbalanced Datasets by Combining Clustering Analysis and Instance Selection, Information Sciences, 477 (2019) 47-54 (SCI)
  • 17. Ya-Han Hu, Wen-Ming Shiau, Sheng-Pao Shih, Cho-Ju Chen, (2018) Considering online consumer reviews to predict movie box-office performance between the years 2009 and 2014 in the US, The Electronic Library, 36 (6) (2018) 1010-1026. (SSCI)
  • 18. Ya-Han Hu, Chun-Tien Tai, Chih-Fong Tsai, and Min-Wei Huang, Improvement of Adequate Digoxin Dosage: An Application of Machine Learning Approach, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 3948245, 9 pages, 2018. (SCI)
  • 19. Cheng-Che Shen, Li-Yu Hu, Shih-Jen Tsai, Albert C. Yang, Ya-Han Hu*, Risk Stratification for the Early Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder Using Psychiatric Comorbidities, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, accepted. (SSCI)
  • 20. Mao-Te Chuang, Ya-Han Hu, Chia-Lun Lo*, Predicting the Prolonged Length of Stay of General Surgery Patients: A Supervised Learning Approach, International Transactions in Operational Research, 25 (1) (2018) 75-90. (SSCI)
  • 21. Pei-Ju Lee, Ya-HanHu*, Kuan-Ting Lu, Assessing the helpfulness of online hotel reviews: A classification-based approach, Telematics and Informatics, 35 (2), (2018), 436-445. (SSCI)
  • 22. Sheng-Feng Sung, Kuanchin Chen, Darren Philbert Wu, Ling-Chien Hung, Yu-Hsiang Su, Ya-Han Hu*, Applying natural language processing techniques to develop a task-specific EMR interface for timely stroke thrombolysis: A feasibility study, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 112 (2018) 149-157. (SCI)
  • 23. Ya-Han Hu, Kuanchin Chen, Pei-Ju Lee, The Effect of User Controllable Filters on the Prediction of Online Hotel Reviews, Information & Management, 54 (6) (2017) 728-744. (SSCI)
  • 24. Lin, W.-C., Tsai, C.-F.*, Ya-Han Hu, and Jing-Shang Jhang, Clustering-Based Undersampling for Class-imbalanced Data. Information Sciences, 409-410 (2017) 17-26. (SCI)
  • 25. Li-Chen Cheng, Ya-Han Hu*, Shr-Han Chiou, Applying the temporal abstraction technique to the prediction of chronic kidney disease progression, Journal of Medical Systems, 41 (2017) 85. (SCI)
  • 26. Ya-Han Hu, Chun-Tien Tai, Solomon Chih-Cheng Chen, Hai-Wei Lee, Sheng-Feng Sung*, Predicting Return Visits to the Emergency Department for Pediatric Patients: Applying Supervised Learning Techniques to the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 144 (2017) 105-112. (SCI)
  • 27. Ling-Chien Hung, Sheng-Feng Sung, Cheng-Yang Hsieh, Ya-Han Hu, Huey-Juan Lin, Yu-Wei Chen, Yea-Huei Kao Yang, Sue-Jane Lin. Validation of a Novel Claims-Based Stroke Severity Index in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Journal of Epidemiology, 27 (1) (2017) 24-29. (SCI)
  • 28. Fan Wu, Ya-Han Hu*, Ping-Rong Wang, Developing a Novel Recommender Network-Based Ranking Mechanism for Library Book Acquisition, The Electronic Library, 35 (1) (2017) 50-68.(SSCI)
  • 29. Cheng-Che Shen, Li-Yu Hu, Ya-Han Hu*, Comorbidity study of borderline personality disorder: applying association rule mining to the Taiwan national health insurance research database, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17 (1) (2017) 8. (SCI/SSCI)
  • 30. Ke, S.-W., Lin, W.-C.*, Tsai, C.-F., and Ya-Han Hu (2017) Soft Estimation by Hierarchical Classification and Regression, 234 (2017/4) 27-37. Neurocomputing. (SCI)
  • 31. Ya-Han Hu*, Yen-Liang Chen, Hui-Ling Chou, Opinion mining from online hotel reviews - A text summarization approach, Information Processing & Management, 53 (2) (2017) 436-449. (SSCI)
  • 32. Cheng-Yang Hsieh, Huey-Juan Lin, Ya-Han Hu, Sheng-Feng Sung, Stroke severity may predict causes of readmission within one year in patients with first ischemic stroke event, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 372 (2017) 21-27. (SCI)
  • 33. Sung, S. F., Hsieh, C. Y., Lin, H. J., Chen, Y. W., Chen, C. H., Kao Yang, Y. H., & Ya-Han Hu*. Validity of a stroke severity index for administrative claims data research: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Health Services Research, 16:509 (2016). (SCI)
  • 34. Ya-Han Hu, Kuanchin Chen*, Predicting hotel review helpfulness: the impact of review visibility, and interaction between hotel stars and review ratings, International Journal of Information Management, 36 (6) 929-944. (SSCI)
  • 35. 胡雅涵、翁政雄*、楊亞澄,運用關聯規則及改變探勘技術於防火牆政策規則優化,資訊管理學報,23 (3) (2016) 277-304。(2016) (TSSCI)
  • 36. Shen, C.-C., Ya-Han Hu, Lin, W.-C., Tsai, C.-F.*, and Ke, S.-W. Research Impacts of General and Funded Papers: A Citation Analysis of Two ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Online Information Review, 40 (4) (2016) 472-480. (SSCI)
  • 37. Ti Lu, Ya-Han Hu*, Chih-Fong Tsai, Shih-Ping Liu, Pei-Ling Chen, Applying Machine Learning Techniques to the Identification of Late-Onset Hypogonadism in Elderly Men, SpringerPlus, 5 (2016) 729. (SCI)
  • 38. Sheng-Feng Sung, Solomon Chih-Cheng Chen, Cheng-Yang Hsieh, Chung-Yi Li, Edward Chia-Cheng Lai, Ya-Han Hu*, A comparison of stroke severity proxy measures for claims data research: A population-based cohort study, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 25 (2016) 438-443. (SCI)
  • 39. Li-Yu Hu, Ya-Han Hu, Chih-Fong Tsai, Jian-Shian Wang, Min-Wei Huang*, Building an associative classifier with multiple minimum supports, SpringerPlus, 5 (2016) 528. (SCI)
  • 40. Sheng-Feng Sung, Kang Ernest Liu, Solomon Chih-Cheng Chen, Chia-Lun Lo, Kuei-Chih Lin, Ya-Han Hu*, Predicting Factors and Risk Stratification for Return Visits to the Emergency Department Within 72 Hours in Pediatric Patients, Pediatric Emergency Care, 31 (12) (2015) 819-824. (SCI)
  • 41. Sung, S. F., Hsieh, C. Y., Yang, Y. H. K., Lin, H. J., Chen, C. H., Chen, Y. W., & Ya-Han Hu*. Developing a stroke severity index based on administrative data was feasible using data mining techniques. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68 (2015) 1292-1300. (SCI)
  • 42. Ling-Chien Hung, Ya-Han Hu and Sheng-Feng Sung, Exploring the impact of intravenous thrombolysis on length of stay for acute ischemic stroke: a retrospective cohort study, BMC
  • Health Services Research, 15:404 (2015). (SCI)
  • 43. Chen, C.-W., Lin, W.-C., Ke, S.-W., Tsai, C.-F.*, and Ya-Han Hu. On Mining Incomplete Medical Datasets: Ordering Imputation and Classification. Technology and Health Care, 23 (2015) 619-625.(SCI)
  • 44. Kuanchin Chen, Ya-Han Hu*, and Yi-Cheng Hsieh, Predicting Customer Churn from Valuable B2B Customers in Logistic Industry: A case study, Information Systems and e-Business Management, 13 (3) (2015) 475-494. (SSCI)
  • 45. 胡雅涵、李彥賢、林正賢,結合社會性標籤及文獻內容於個人化學術文章推薦,資訊管理學報, 22 (2) (2015) 171-198。(TSSCI)
  • 46. Ya-Han Hu, WC Lin, CF Tsai, SW Ke, CW Chen, An efficient data preprocessing approach for large scale medical data mining, Technology and Health Care, 23 (2015) 153-160. (SCI)
  • 47. Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu*, and Yu-Hsin Lu, Customer segmentation issues and strategies for an automobile dealership with two clustering techniques, Expert Systems, 32 (1) (2015) 65-76. (SCI)
  • 48. Ya-Han Hu*, Chih-Fong Tsai, Chun-Tien Tai, In-Chi Chiang, A novel approach for mining cyclically repeated patterns with multiple minimum supports, Applied Soft Computing, 28 (2015) 90-99.(SCI)
  • 49. Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, and Zong-Yao Chen, Factors Affecting Rocchio Based Pseudo Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66 (1) (2015) 40-57. (SSCI; IF=2.452; 12/86 in Information Science & Library Science)
  • 50. Man-Ling Chen, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chia-Lun Lo, Chiung-Hsuan Chiu, Ya-Han Hu, Tien-Yu Shieh, An empirical study on the factors influencing the turnover intention of dentists in hospitals in Taiwan, Journal of Dental Sciences, 9 (4) (2014) 332-344. (SCI)
  • 51. Ke, S.-W., Lin, W.-C., Tsai, C.-F., and Ya-Han Hu (2014) Citation Impact Analysis of Research Papers that Appear in Oral and Poster Sessions: A Case Study of Three Computer Science Conferences. Online Information Review, 38 (6) (2014) 738-745. (SSCI)
  • 52. 胡雅涵、黃正魁、楊承翰,以基因演算法為基礎建立自動化文件分類模式,資訊管理學報,21
  • (3) (2014) 305-340。(TSSCI)
  • 53. Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, and Ke, S.-W. (2014) A Borda Count Approach to Combine Subjective and Objective based MIS Journal Rankings. Online Information Review, 38 (4) (2014) 469-483.(SSCI)
  • 54. Hsu-Che Wu, Ya-Han Hu*, Yen-Hao Huang, Two-stage credit rating prediction using machine learning techniques, Kybernetes, 43 (7) (2014) 1098-1113. (SCI)
  • 55. Ya-Han Hu, Chia-Lun Lo, Sheng-Pao Shih*, Developing early warning systems to predict students' online learning performance, Computers in Human Behavior, 36 (2014) 469-478. (SSCI)
  • 56. Ya-Han Hu*, Tzu-Wei Yeh, Discovering valuable frequent patterns based on RFM analysis without customer identification information, Knowledge-Based Systems, 61 (2014) 76-88. (SCI)
  • 57. Kang Ernest Liu, Chia-Lun Lo, Ya-Han Hu*, Improvement of adequate use of warfarin for the elderly using decision tree-based approaches, Methods of Information in Medicine, 53 (1) (2014)
  • 47- 53. (SCI)
  • 58. 謝宛芷、胡雅涵,文字探勘技術用於資安事件之自動化分類,電腦稽核,24 (2014) 92-101。
  • 59. Shin-Yuan Hung, Ya-Han Hu*, Chin-S. Ou, Kuanchin Chen, Chun-Chuan Lu, The Influence of IT Investment on Business Performance: A Comparative Study of Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 5 (4) (2013) 27-60.
  • 60. 羅家倫、胡雅涵、吳帆,以全人觀點設計一個之機構式老人照護資訊管理系統,醫療資訊雜誌, 22 (2) (2013) 15-34。
  • 61. Ya-Han Hu*, Fan Wu, Yi-Jiun Liao, An efficient tree-based algorithm for mining sequential patterns with multiple minimum supports, Journal of Systems and Software, 86 (5) (2013) 1224-1238. (SCI)
  • 62. Ya-Han Hu, Tony Cheng-Kui Huang, Yu-Hua Kao, Knowledge discovery of weighted RFM sequential patterns from customer sequence databases, Journal of Systems and Software, 86 (3)(2013) 779-788. (SCI)
  • 63. F. Wu, H-T. Pai, X. Zhu, P-Y. Hsueh, Ya-Han Hu, An Adaptable and Scalable Group Access Control Scheme for Managing Wireless Sensor Networks, Telematics and Informatics, 30 (2) (2013) 144-
  • 157. (SSCI)
  • 64. Chih-Fong Tsai, Ya-Han Hu, Chia-Sheng Hung, Yu-Feng Hsu, A Comparative Study of Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques for Customer Lifetime Value Prediction, Kybernetes, 42 (3)(2013) 357-370. (SCI)
  • 65. Ya-Han Hu, Chia-Lun Lo, Feng-I Chung, Applying RFM Analysis to Library-Book Recommender Systems, Communications of ICISA, 13 (2) (2012) 79-95.
  • 66. Ya-Han Hu, Fan Wu*, Chia-Lun Lo, Chun-Tien Tai, Predicting Warfarin Dosage from Clinical Data: A Supervised Learning Approach, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 56 (1) (2012) 27-34. (SCI)
  • 67. W.-Y. Lin, Ya-Han Hu, and C.-F. Tsai*, Machine Learning in Financial Crisis Prediction: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part C, 42 (4) (2012) 421-436. (SCI, SSCI)
  • 68. Ya-Han Hu, Yen-Liang Chen*, and Kwei Tang, Sequential Pattern Mining in Business-to-Business (B2B) Environment, Journal of Information Science, 35 (6) (2009) 677-694. (SSCI).
  • 69. Ya-Han Hu, Tony Cheng-Kui Huang*, Hui-Ru Yang, and Yen-Liang Chen, On Mining Multi-Time-Interval Sequential Patterns, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 68 (10) (2009) 1112-1127. (SCI)
  • 70. Ya-Han Hu and Yen-Liang Chen* (2006), Mining association rules with multiple minimum supports: a new mining algorithm and a support tuning mechanism, Decision Support Systems, 42
  • (1) 1-24. (SCI)
  • 71. Yen-Liang Chen* and Ya-Han Hu (2006), Constraint-based sequential pattern mining: The consideration of recency and compactness, Decision Support Systems, 42 (2) 1203-1215. (SCI)
  • 72. Yen-Liang Chen*, Jhong-Jhih Wei, Shin-Yi Wu, and Ya-Han Hu (2006), A similarity-based method for retrieving documents from the SCI/SSCI database, Journal of Information Science, 32 (5) 449-
  • 464. (SSCI)
  • 73. Yen-Liang Chen*, Kwei Tang, Ren-Jie Shen and Ya-Han Hu (2005), Market basket analysis in a multiple store environment, Decision Support Systems, 40 (2) 339-354. (SCI)
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Hu, Ya-Han


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