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Professor Info
Chang, Yuhsuan
  • Stress and Coping/mental health in the workplace
  • Personality (Perfectionism) and Career attitudes
  • Psychological Testing/Scale Development
  • Interview method and assessment center
  • Career Counseling and Development
Academic BG.
  • Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.June,2003–Aug,2007
  • M.S. in Counseling, Georgia State University,Atlanta,GA,USA.Sep, 1997-Aug,1999
  • Director of the EBBA program, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2016-2022
  • Professor, College of Management, 2021/08-present
  • Associated Professor, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2008-2021
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development, Tzu-Chi University,August, 2007–July, 2008
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Dong
  • Hwa University, August, 2007–Jan, 2008
  • Counseling supervision, Student Counseling Center, National Dong Hwa University
  • Counseling Psychology Interns/ adviser, Counseling Center, University of South Florida
  • Counseling Psychology Interns/ adviser,Student Counseling Center, Indiana University and Purdue University
  • Doctoral Counseling Psychology Interns, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
  • Career Planning adviser, Asian- American Association of Atlanta
  • Career Planning adviser, Counseling Center, Georgia State University
  • Research Assistant, Dept. of Educational Studies, Purdue University
  • Research Assistant, MFRI, Purdue University
  • Research Assistant, Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue University
  • Research Assistant, Dept. of Counseling Psychology, Georgia State University
  • Journal Papers
  • Conference Papers
  • Research Grants
  • Books/Pub.
  • Industrial Grants
  • Courses
  • Dissertation
  • Awards & Certificates
  • Pro. Membership
  • Other Contributions
  • Wang, C-W., & Chang*, Y. (in press 2019) .Perfectionists do not like to share knowledge? Investigating the relationship between perfectionism and knowledge sharing and testing the moderation of coaching. DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2018.1493366 Knowledge Management Research and & Practice (SSCI) (通訊作者)
  • Liang, C-T, Chang, Y., & Liang, C. (2018, online April). How can pictorial representations stimulate the imaginative capacity of experienced multimedia designers? International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. (PRJ) https://doi.org/10.1080/21650349.2018.1465477
  • Ko, C-Y A., & Chang, Y. (2018 in press, online published). Investigating the relationships among resilience, social anxiety, and procrastination in a sample of college students. Psychological Reports (SSCI)(通訊作者)
  • Chang*, Y. (2017). Being a healthy perfectionist can be beneficial: Examining the profiles of perfectionists in relation to well-being in the workplace. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 55 (4), 22-28. (SSCI)(第一&通訊作者)
  • Huang, C. Y., Huang, C.C., & Chang*, Y. (2018, in press). Team Goal orientation composition, team efficacy and team performance: The separate roles of team leader and members. Journal of Management and Organization. (SSCI) (通訊作者)
  • Wang, P-C., Yip, P-K., & Chang, Y. (2016). Self-efficacy and sleep quality as mediators of perceived stress and memory and behavior problems in the link to Dementia caregivers’ depression in Taiwan. Clinical Gerontologist, 39(3), 222-239. (SSCI)
  • Lan, Y-L., & Chang, Y. (2016) Development and initial psychometrics of the psychological assessment competency scale. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10(2), 93-101. (SSCI, Impact factor=1.733)
  • Wang, F-T., Chang*, Y., Chien, W-C., & Li, H-H. (2016).Injury and medical expenditure in emergency department visits of older veterans. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 16(12), 1254-1262. (SSCI). doi: 10.1111/ggi.12620
  • Lan, Y-L., & Chang, Y. (2015). Development and initial validation of the intake objective structured clinical examination. Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 44, 133-158. (TSSCI).
  • Chang, Y., & Liang, C. (2015). Imaginative capability in relation to five-factor personality traits and creative personality. Psychology and Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 52(3&4), 1-14. (PRJ)
  • Gnilka, P. B., Ashby, J. S., Matheny, K. B., Chung, Y.B., & Chang, Y. (2015). Comparison of coping, stress, and life Satisfaction between Taiwanese and U.S. college student. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 37(3), 234-249. (PRJ)
  • Chang*, Y., & Edwards, J. K. (2015). Examining the relationships among self-efficacy, coping, and job satisfaction using social career cognitive theory: An SEM analysis. Journal of Career Assessment, 23 (1), 35-47. DOI: 10.1177/1069072714523083 (SSCI)
  • Chang*, Y., & Chan, H.-J. (2015). Optimism and proactive coping in relation to burnout among nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 23, 401-408. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12148 (SSCI)
  • Kuo, M-H. C., Chang, Y., & Chang, W.C. (2014). Perceived organizational support as a mediator of managerial coaching skills and occupational commitment. Public Administration Research, 3 (1), 17-32. doi:10.5539/par.v3n1p17 (PRJ)
  • Chang, Y. (2012). The relationship between maladaptive perfectionism with burnout: Testing mediating effect of emotion-focused coping. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 635-639. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.05.002 (SSCI)
  • Chiang, Y. M., & Chang, Y. (2012). Stress, depression, and intention to leave among nurses in different medical units: Implications for healthcare management/nursing practice. Health Policy, 108, 149– 157. (SSCI)
  • Liang, C., Chang, C. C., Chang, Y., & Lin, L. J. (2012). The exploration of imagination indicators. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), 366-374. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Y., Lan, Y-L., Lin, H-Y., & Heppner, P. P. (2012) Psychometric Analyses of the Problem-Focused Style of Coping (PF-SOC) with Taiwanese samples. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32 (2), 171-180. DOI:10.1177/0734282911410410 (SSCI)
  • Chang, Y., Wang, P.C., Li, H-H., & Liu, Y. C. (2011). Relations among depression, self-efficacy, and optimism in a sample of nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Management, 19, 769-776. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Y. (2011). Psychometric validity of the Problem-Focused Style of Coping Scale: in relation to self-efficacy and life satisfaction among nursing staff in Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67 (7), 1625-1631. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05578.x (SSCI)
  • Chang, Y., Li, H-H., Wu, C. M., & Wang, P. C. (2010). The influence of personality traits on nurses’ job satisfaction in Taiwan. International Nursing Review, 57, 478-484. (SSCI)
  • Weng, Y. H., Chang, Y., & Li, H-H. (2010). Investigating the relationships among depression, self-efficacy, and personal-accomplishment burnout in a sample of nurses. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, 1 (1), 56-70.
  • Lien, C. T., & Chang, Y. (2010). Positive perfectionism and job satisfaction among nurses in Taiwan: Problem-focused coping style as a mediator. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, 1 (1), 43-55.
  • Chung, B., Chang, Y., & Chou, D. (1999). Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (CRIS). Chinese Version.
  • Chang, Y. (August, 2015). Personality profiles of highly effective employees: Examining from COR theory and implications for career counseling. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
  • Hsu,T.,& Chang, Y. (April, 2015). Investigate the relationship between personality similarity and interview outcome. International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management). Singapore.
  • Wang, C-W., & Chang, Y. (Feb, 2015). Perfectionism and knowledge sharing: Testing the moderating effect of coaching. Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference in the America). Saint Louis, Missouri.
  • Chang, Y. (May, 2014). Who are the happiest employees? Examining perfectionism personality in relation to workplace emotional wellbeing. 6th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference. Seoul, Korea.
  • Chang, Y., & Lan, Y. L. (March, 2013). Psychometric validity of the Almost Perfect Scale (APS) scale: in relation to depression, anxiety, and stress among nursing Staff. Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science). Osaka, Japan.
  • Lan, Y. L., & Chang, Y. (March, 2013). An exploratory study of core competencies in psychological assessment: A Taiwan perspective. Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science). Osaka, Japan.
  • Chen, T.Y., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Yuhsuan) (March, 2012). Examining the relationships among perfectionism, procrastination and stress. International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Las Vegas, USA. 完美主義, 拖延與壓力之研究. 拉斯維加斯國際學科研討會.
  • Yang, H.W., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Yuhsuan) (January, 2012). Investigating the Relationships among Perfectionism, Irrational Beliefs and Workaholism: A Path Analysis Study. Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Antalya, Turkey. 工作狂: 完美主義與非理性想法之研究. 歐亞經濟及商業學會
  • Ho, C.Y., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (June, 2011). Narcissism among managers; In relation to coping style and emotional intelligence. 11th Annual International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA. 管理者之自戀型人格: 壓力因應方式和情緒智商研究. 夏威夷國際年度商學研討會
  • 張玉萱 Chang, Y. H. (Dec, 2010). The preferred leadership style in relation to Alderian personality style and self-esteem in a sample of college students in Taiwan: An exploratory study. The 2010 International Conference of Leadership Innovation and Business Success, ChungLi, Taiwan.阿德勒人格類型與領導風格和自尊性格之初探-以大學生為例
  • Gnilka, P.B., Chung, Y. B., Matheny, K. B., Nobel, C.L., 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.), Bell, C., Horine, S., Selagea, F., & Dunnow, H. (Aug, 2010). Gender differences in stress and coping among Taiwanese college students. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 台灣學生壓力因應模式方式: 性別差異研究”,美國心理協會年度學術研討會
  • Lien, C. T., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (Feb, 2010). Positive perfectionism and job satisfaction among nurses in Taiwan: Problem-focused coping style as a mediator. 全球學術會議-馬爾它Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Gozo, Malta. 正面完美主義特質、情緒壓力因應方式與工作滿意度之相關研究-以台灣地區護士為例.
  • Weng, Y. H., 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) & Li, H-H. (Feb, 2010). Examining the relationships among depression, self-efficacy and personal-accomplishment burnout among nurses in Taiwan. 全球學術會議-馬爾它Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Gozo, Malta. 檢驗憂鬱性人格、自我效能與個人成就感降低之相關研究-以台灣地區護士為例.
  • Kuo, H. T., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (Feb, 2010). Examining the relationships among job satisfaction, self-efficacy and emotional-focused coping style among nurses in Taiwan. 全球學術會議-馬爾它Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Gozo, Malta. 探討台灣護士的工作滿意度、自我效能、與情緒因應之關係。
  • Chan, H. J., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.), & Wu, Chu-Ming (Feb., 2010). Examining the relationships between optimism, proactive coping, and burnout among nurses in Taiwan. 國際商學會議”The 17th Annual Conference of ASBBS, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (Peer-reviewed). 探討台灣護士的樂觀人格特質,主動積極因應,及情緒耗竭之關係.
  • 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) , & Lan, Y. L. (Aug, 2009) Psychometric Analyses of the PF-SOC with a Taiwanese sample. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 壓力因應模式測驗中文版信效度研究,美國心理協會年度學術研討會。
  • Lan, Y.L., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.), & Lin, H. Y. (Aug, 2009) Psychometric Analyses of the SMS with a Taiwanese sample. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 自我監控測驗中文版信效度研究,美國心理協會年度學術研討會。
  • 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (June, 2009). Examining the relationships among perfectionism, coping style, and life satisfaction. 夏威夷國際年度商學研討會International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA. 完美主義性格,壓力因應方式,和生活滿意度研究.
  • 張玉萱(Chang, Y. H.), Chen, K.H.,& Wang, P. C. (June, 2009).. Examining the relationships among proactive coping, sleep, and work performance. 夏威夷國際年度商學研討會International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA. 主動性壓力因應方式,睡眠,和工作績效研究
  • 張玉萱(Chang, Y. H.), Kelly, K., Brown, S., & Gati, I. (Aug, 2008) Examining dysfunctional thoughts, anxiety, coping styles, and career indecision from cognitive behavioral therapy approach. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. 國際生涯管理專題:“從認知行為理論觀點來檢驗個體之非理性信念,焦慮行為,壓力因應方式,及生涯規劃之未決行為”,美國心理協會年度學術研討會。
  • Coordinator, Examination and selection system for employee, Pegatron/Unihan Corporation, 2008/9-2009/7
  • Coordinator, Stress Coping of nurses, Ten Chan Hospital (Chung Li)
  • Chung, B., Chang, Y., & Chou, D. (1999). Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (CRIS). Chinese Version.
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Chang, Yuhsuan


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