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College of Management
Discipline of Business Administration
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Professor Info
Chang, Yuhsuan
Stress and Coping/mental health in the workplace
Personality (Perfectionism) and Career attitudes
Psychological Testing/Scale Development
Interview method and assessment center
Career Counseling and Development
Academic BG.
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA.June,2003–Aug,2007
M.S. in Counseling, Georgia State University,Atlanta,GA,USA.Sep, 1997-Aug,1999
Director of the EBBA program, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2016-2022
Professor, College of Management, 2021/08-present
Associated Professor, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, 2008-2021
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development, Tzu-Chi University,August, 2007–July, 2008
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Dong
Hwa University, August, 2007–Jan, 2008
Counseling supervision, Student Counseling Center, National Dong Hwa University
Counseling Psychology Interns/ adviser, Counseling Center, University of South Florida
Counseling Psychology Interns/ adviser,Student Counseling Center, Indiana University and Purdue University
Doctoral Counseling Psychology Interns, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Career Planning adviser, Asian- American Association of Atlanta
Career Planning adviser, Counseling Center, Georgia State University
Research Assistant, Dept. of Educational Studies, Purdue University
Research Assistant, MFRI, Purdue University
Research Assistant, Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies, Purdue University
Research Assistant, Dept. of Counseling Psychology, Georgia State University
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Research Grants
Industrial Grants
Awards & Certificates
Pro. Membership
Other Contributions
Wang, C-W., & Chang*, Y. (in press 2019) .Perfectionists do not like to share knowledge? Investigating the relationship between perfectionism and knowledge sharing and testing the moderation of coaching. DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2018.1493366 Knowledge Management Research and & Practice (SSCI) (通訊作者)
Liang, C-T, Chang, Y., & Liang, C. (2018, online April). How can pictorial representations stimulate the imaginative capacity of experienced multimedia designers? International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. (PRJ)
Ko, C-Y A., & Chang, Y. (2018 in press, online published). Investigating the relationships among resilience, social anxiety, and procrastination in a sample of college students. Psychological Reports (SSCI)(通訊作者)
Chang*, Y. (2017). Being a healthy perfectionist can be beneficial: Examining the profiles of perfectionists in relation to well-being in the workplace. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 55 (4), 22-28. (SSCI)(第一&通訊作者)
Huang, C. Y., Huang, C.C., & Chang*, Y. (2018, in press). Team Goal orientation composition, team efficacy and team performance: The separate roles of team leader and members. Journal of Management and Organization. (SSCI) (通訊作者)
Wang, P-C., Yip, P-K., & Chang, Y. (2016). Self-efficacy and sleep quality as mediators of perceived stress and memory and behavior problems in the link to Dementia caregivers’ depression in Taiwan. Clinical Gerontologist, 39(3), 222-239. (SSCI)
Lan, Y-L., & Chang, Y. (2016) Development and initial psychometrics of the psychological assessment competency scale. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 10(2), 93-101. (SSCI, Impact factor=1.733)
Wang, F-T., Chang*, Y., Chien, W-C., & Li, H-H. (2016).Injury and medical expenditure in emergency department visits of older veterans. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 16(12), 1254-1262. (SSCI). doi: 10.1111/ggi.12620
Lan, Y-L., & Chang, Y. (2015). Development and initial validation of the intake objective structured clinical examination. Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 44, 133-158. (TSSCI).
Chang, Y., & Liang, C. (2015). Imaginative capability in relation to five-factor personality traits and creative personality. Psychology and Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 52(3&4), 1-14. (PRJ)
Gnilka, P. B., Ashby, J. S., Matheny, K. B., Chung, Y.B., & Chang, Y. (2015). Comparison of coping, stress, and life Satisfaction between Taiwanese and U.S. college student. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 37(3), 234-249. (PRJ)
Chang*, Y., & Edwards, J. K. (2015). Examining the relationships among self-efficacy, coping, and job satisfaction using social career cognitive theory: An SEM analysis. Journal of Career Assessment, 23 (1), 35-47. DOI: 10.1177/1069072714523083 (SSCI)
Chang*, Y., & Chan, H.-J. (2015). Optimism and proactive coping in relation to burnout among nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 23, 401-408. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12148 (SSCI)
Kuo, M-H. C., Chang, Y., & Chang, W.C. (2014). Perceived organizational support as a mediator of managerial coaching skills and occupational commitment. Public Administration Research, 3 (1), 17-32. doi:10.5539/par.v3n1p17 (PRJ)
Chang, Y. (2012). The relationship between maladaptive perfectionism with burnout: Testing mediating effect of emotion-focused coping. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 635-639. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.05.002 (SSCI)
Chiang, Y. M., & Chang, Y. (2012). Stress, depression, and intention to leave among nurses in different medical units: Implications for healthcare management/nursing practice. Health Policy, 108, 149– 157. (SSCI)
Liang, C., Chang, C. C., Chang, Y., & Lin, L. J. (2012). The exploration of imagination indicators. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), 366-374. (SSCI)
Chang, Y., Lan, Y-L., Lin, H-Y., & Heppner, P. P. (2012) Psychometric Analyses of the Problem-Focused Style of Coping (PF-SOC) with Taiwanese samples. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32 (2), 171-180. DOI:10.1177/0734282911410410 (SSCI)
Chang, Y., Wang, P.C., Li, H-H., & Liu, Y. C. (2011). Relations among depression, self-efficacy, and optimism in a sample of nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Management, 19, 769-776. (SSCI)
Chang, Y. (2011). Psychometric validity of the Problem-Focused Style of Coping Scale: in relation to self-efficacy and life satisfaction among nursing staff in Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67 (7), 1625-1631. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05578.x (SSCI)
Chang, Y., Li, H-H., Wu, C. M., & Wang, P. C. (2010). The influence of personality traits on nurses’ job satisfaction in Taiwan. International Nursing Review, 57, 478-484. (SSCI)
Weng, Y. H., Chang, Y., & Li, H-H. (2010). Investigating the relationships among depression, self-efficacy, and personal-accomplishment burnout in a sample of nurses. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, 1 (1), 56-70.
Lien, C. T., & Chang, Y. (2010). Positive perfectionism and job satisfaction among nurses in Taiwan: Problem-focused coping style as a mediator. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, 1 (1), 43-55.
Chung, B., Chang, Y., & Chou, D. (1999). Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (CRIS). Chinese Version.
Chang, Y. (August, 2015). Personality profiles of highly effective employees: Examining from COR theory and implications for career counseling. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Hsu,T.,& Chang, Y. (April, 2015). Investigate the relationship between personality similarity and interview outcome. International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management). Singapore.
Wang, C-W., & Chang, Y. (Feb, 2015). Perfectionism and knowledge sharing: Testing the moderating effect of coaching. Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference in the America). Saint Louis, Missouri.
Chang, Y. (May, 2014). Who are the happiest employees? Examining perfectionism personality in relation to workplace emotional wellbeing. 6th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference. Seoul, Korea.
Chang, Y., & Lan, Y. L. (March, 2013). Psychometric validity of the Almost Perfect Scale (APS) scale: in relation to depression, anxiety, and stress among nursing Staff. Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science). Osaka, Japan.
Lan, Y. L., & Chang, Y. (March, 2013). An exploratory study of core competencies in psychological assessment: A Taiwan perspective. Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science). Osaka, Japan.
Chen, T.Y., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Yuhsuan) (March, 2012). Examining the relationships among perfectionism, procrastination and stress. International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Las Vegas, USA. 完美主義, 拖延與壓力之研究. 拉斯維加斯國際學科研討會.
Yang, H.W., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Yuhsuan) (January, 2012). Investigating the Relationships among Perfectionism, Irrational Beliefs and Workaholism: A Path Analysis Study. Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Antalya, Turkey. 工作狂: 完美主義與非理性想法之研究. 歐亞經濟及商業學會
Ho, C.Y., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (June, 2011). Narcissism among managers; In relation to coping style and emotional intelligence. 11th Annual International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA. 管理者之自戀型人格: 壓力因應方式和情緒智商研究. 夏威夷國際年度商學研討會
張玉萱 Chang, Y. H. (Dec, 2010). The preferred leadership style in relation to Alderian personality style and self-esteem in a sample of college students in Taiwan: An exploratory study. The 2010 International Conference of Leadership Innovation and Business Success, ChungLi, Taiwan.阿德勒人格類型與領導風格和自尊性格之初探-以大學生為例
Gnilka, P.B., Chung, Y. B., Matheny, K. B., Nobel, C.L., 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.), Bell, C., Horine, S., Selagea, F., & Dunnow, H. (Aug, 2010). Gender differences in stress and coping among Taiwanese college students. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 台灣學生壓力因應模式方式: 性別差異研究”,美國心理協會年度學術研討會
Lien, C. T., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (Feb, 2010). Positive perfectionism and job satisfaction among nurses in Taiwan: Problem-focused coping style as a mediator. 全球學術會議-馬爾它Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Gozo, Malta. 正面完美主義特質、情緒壓力因應方式與工作滿意度之相關研究-以台灣地區護士為例.
Weng, Y. H., 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) & Li, H-H. (Feb, 2010). Examining the relationships among depression, self-efficacy and personal-accomplishment burnout among nurses in Taiwan. 全球學術會議-馬爾它Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Gozo, Malta. 檢驗憂鬱性人格、自我效能與個人成就感降低之相關研究-以台灣地區護士為例.
Kuo, H. T., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (Feb, 2010). Examining the relationships among job satisfaction, self-efficacy and emotional-focused coping style among nurses in Taiwan. 全球學術會議-馬爾它Global Conference for Academic Disciplines at Gozo, Malta. 探討台灣護士的工作滿意度、自我效能、與情緒因應之關係。
Chan, H. J., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.), & Wu, Chu-Ming (Feb., 2010). Examining the relationships between optimism, proactive coping, and burnout among nurses in Taiwan. 國際商學會議”The 17th Annual Conference of ASBBS, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (Peer-reviewed). 探討台灣護士的樂觀人格特質,主動積極因應,及情緒耗竭之關係.
張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) , & Lan, Y. L. (Aug, 2009) Psychometric Analyses of the PF-SOC with a Taiwanese sample. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 壓力因應模式測驗中文版信效度研究,美國心理協會年度學術研討會。
Lan, Y.L., & 張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.), & Lin, H. Y. (Aug, 2009) Psychometric Analyses of the SMS with a Taiwanese sample. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 自我監控測驗中文版信效度研究,美國心理協會年度學術研討會。
張玉萱 (Chang, Y. H.) (June, 2009). Examining the relationships among perfectionism, coping style, and life satisfaction. 夏威夷國際年度商學研討會International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA. 完美主義性格,壓力因應方式,和生活滿意度研究.
張玉萱(Chang, Y. H.), Chen, K.H.,& Wang, P. C. (June, 2009).. Examining the relationships among proactive coping, sleep, and work performance. 夏威夷國際年度商學研討會International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA. 主動性壓力因應方式,睡眠,和工作績效研究
張玉萱(Chang, Y. H.), Kelly, K., Brown, S., & Gati, I. (Aug, 2008) Examining dysfunctional thoughts, anxiety, coping styles, and career indecision from cognitive behavioral therapy approach. The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. 國際生涯管理專題:“從認知行為理論觀點來檢驗個體之非理性信念,焦慮行為,壓力因應方式,及生涯規劃之未決行為”,美國心理協會年度學術研討會。
Coordinator, Examination and selection system for employee, Pegatron/Unihan Corporation, 2008/9-2009/7
Coordinator, Stress Coping of nurses, Ten Chan Hospital (Chung Li)
Chung, B., Chang, Y., & Chou, D. (1999). Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (CRIS). Chinese Version.
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Chang, Yuhsuan
TEL: 03-4638800 ext. 2089
Office: R60614
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College of Management, Yuan Ze University.
TEL: 03-463-8800 ext.6001-6004 FAX: 03-755-7040 E-mail:
135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan 32003, R.O.C