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Professor Info
Wu, Chu Hua
Assistant Professor
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
Academic BG.
  • PhD in International Business Commerce from National Chengchi University(2002.09-2008.05)
  • MBA in Commerce from National Chengchi University (1998.09-2000.06)
  • Bachelor in Economics from National Chengchi University (1994.09-1998.06)
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Business, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology (2005.02-2006.02)
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Business, Vanung University (2005.09-2006.02)
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Trade, Takming University of Science and Technology (2002.08-2004.07)
  • Analyst of Department of Risk Management in Chinatrust Commercial Bank (2000/7-2022/8)
  • Journal Papers
  • Conference Papers
  • Research Grants
  • Books/Pub.
  • Industrial Grants
  • Courses
  • Dissertation
  • Awards & Certificates
  • Pro. Membership
  • Other Contributions
  • MeiChi Huang, Chu-Hua Wu, I-Shan Cheng (2021), "A truly global crisis? Evidence from contagion dependence across international REIT markets", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 58, November,2021 (SSCI, IF=1.535)
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Hao-En Chiang (2019), "Impact of Diversified Mergers and Acquisitions on Corporate Risk", Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 15(1), 93-115. (EconLit)
  • Mei-Chen Lin, Chu-Hua Wu and Ming-Ti Chiang (2014), "Investor Attention and Information Diffusion from Analyst Coverage", International Review of Financial Analysis,Vol. 34, 235-246 (SSCI, NSC: B+)
  • Chia-Ching Cho and Chu-Hua Wu (2014), “Role of Auditor in Agency Conflict and Corporate Governance: Empirical Analyses of Taiwanese Firms”, Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 8(3), 333-353 (SSCI, PRJ)
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Jiun-Ting Ho (2014), “Ownership Pattern and Long-term M&A Performance”, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2, 65-95(TSSCI, PRJ)
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Len-Kuo Hu (2009), “Strategic Choice between Joint Ventures and Mergers for Vertical Integration”, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 17, No.3, 103-125. (TSSCI, PRJ)
  • Chu-Hua Wu, Chia-Hung Wu, and Pei-Hsuan Wu (2020), "Innovation and Financial Performance from Technological Mergers and Acquisitions : Perspective from Organizational Learning Capability and Financial Slack", The 28th SFM Conference - Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Chu-Hua Wu adn Ying-Chin Hung (2019), "Effect of Geographic Distance and Culture Difference on Corporate Risk of Acquirer", SIBR 2019 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Pei-Yin Wu (2018), "Financial Condition of Firms and M&As", SIBR 2018 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Li-Ting Huang (2017), "Impact on Risk of Acquiring Firm after M&As", The 6th International Conference on Social Sciences and Business, Okinawa, Japan
  • Tzu-Hsuan Chang and Chu-Hua Wu (2016), "Do Family Firms Controlled by Founder Perform Better? Evidence from Taiwan", 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, 2016. 04, Kyoto, Japan
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Chih-Hsuan Chen (2014), “Government Ownership and Financial Stability”, Tenth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA). 2014. 07. Bangkok, Thailand
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Len-Kuo Hu (2013), “Success or Failure of Mergers under the Stability Condition”, Ninth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA). 2013. 07. Osaka, Japan
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Len-Kuo Hu (2012), “Foreign Borrowing or Domestic Financing: A Dual Agency Perspective”, Eighth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), 2012. 06. Singapore
  • 卓佳慶, 吳菊華 (20012) , “D o B ig-4 auditors m itigate the agency conflicts in Eastern A sia? Theory and Evidence”, 現代會計論壇學術研討會議, 2012. 05 雲科大
  • Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu (2011), “Theory of Dynamic Preference: Impact of Trade Imbalance on Funancial Crisis”, Seventh Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), 2011. 06 Busan, Korea and 第一屆國學與經營管理國際學術研討會, 2012. 04 台大管院
  • Chu-Hua Wu and Jiun-Ting Ho (2010), “Does Ownership Affect The Long-Term Performance of The Acquiring Firms?”, The 18th Securities and Financial Markets (SFM), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Chia-Ching Cho and Chu-Hua Wu (2009), “Corporate Governance and Auditor Selection: An Agency Theory Perspective”, 2009 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, 2009.06.
  • Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu, (2008), “Soft Budget Constraint and Acquisition Pricing”, 2008 6th NTU IEFA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.05
  • Len-Kuo Hu, Chu-Hua Wu and Chien-Heng Tu (2008), “Liquidity Demand and Soft Budget Constraint for Mergers and Acquisitions”, honored as best paper in Mergers and Acquisitions Forum 2007, Beijing, China, 2007.07
  • Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu, “Optimal Shareholding of Vertical Integration:Joint Ventures vs. Merger”, Mergers and Acquisitions Forum 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.07.
  • Len-Kuo Hu and Chu-Hua Wu, “Strategic Choice of Joint Venture vs. Merger - An Incomplete Contract Approach”, Asian FA/FMA/TFA Conference Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.07
  • 不確定環境下之企業決策與風險管理--專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案計畫), MOST105-2632-H-155-001
  • 訊息不對稱與公司風險管理之相關研究--專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案計畫), NSC-100-2632-H-155-001- MY2
  • "Success or Failure of Mergers from the Stability Condition." NSC project:100-2410-H-155-016
  • "Foreign Borrowing or Domestic Financing : A Dual-Agency Perspective." NSC project:99-2410-H-155-021
  • "Do Big-5 auditors mitigate the agency conflicts between majority and minority shareholders in Eastern Asia? Theory and Evidence." NSC project:98-2410-H-155-003
  • PhD. Dissertation, 2008. "Studies on the Strategic Choice of Joint Ventures vs. Mergers and the Economic Impact of Liquidity Demand on Firm's Acquisition Pricing."
  • Economics(I)_BBA
  • Economics(II)_BBA
  • Investments_BBA
  • Financial Management_BBA
  • International Finance_BBA
  • Quantatative Methods_MS in Finance
  • Managerial Economics_EMBA
  • Theory of Corporate Finance_Phd
  • 108 WU, PEI-HSUAN, Innovation and Financial Performance from Technology Mergers and Acquisitions:Perspective from Organizational Learning Capability and Financial Slack
  • 108 TANG, TSUNG-SHENG, The Spillover Intra-Conglomerate Effects of Financial Difficulties
  • 108 Shan-Yu Li, Compensation design and post-merger performance
  • 106 Hao-En Chiang, Impact of Diversified M&A on the Corporate Risk
  • 106 Ying-Chin Hung, Effect of geographic distance and culture difference on corporate risk of acquirer
  • 106 Shih-Hao Huang, Impact of independent board of directors on the corporate performance
  • 106 Pei-Ying Wu, Financial Condition of Firms and M&A
  • 104 Yi Lun Chung, CEO and Board’s M&A Experience to acquirer long-term performance: complements or substitutes?
  • 104 Han-Ni Tsai, Revisit asset pricing model:Evidence from global REITs during the recent housing boom-bust cycle
  • 103 Yu-Ting Chen, Do REITs Market Fluctuations Have a Contagious Effect on The CDS Premium?─Evidence from a Threshold Regression Analysis
  • 103 Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Do Family Firms Controlled by Founder Perform Better?
  • 102 I-Shan Cheng Nonlinear Comovements and Contagion in International REIT Markets: Evidence from Markov-switching Models
  • 102 Nien-Ying Lin, CEO or Board Experience and Acquirer Long-term Performance
  • 101 Po-Min Hsu, Contagion linkages between REIT and credit markets during the housing crisis: Evidence from international real estate markets
  • 101 Chi-Hsuan Chen, Government Ownership of Banks and Financial Stability
  • 99 Tzu-Hsuan Wang, Do Big-4 auditors enhance firm’s value in Eastern Asia?
  • 99 Cheng-Jer Chung, Do firms with soft budget constraint problem pay more in M&As? Evidence from Eastern Asia.
  • 98 Jiun-Ting Ho, Does ownership affect the long-term performance of the acquiring firms?
  • 2022 YZU Best Teaching Award
  • 2021 YZU Best Counseling and Service Award
  • 2016 YZU Best Teaching Award
  • 2014 Cheng I-Shan, Nonlinear Comovements and Contagion in International REIT Markets: Evidence from Markov-switching Models, 2014 Seventh TSC Thesis Symposium Awards
  • 2007/7 “Liquidity Demand and Soft Budget Constraint for Mergers and Acquisitions”, honored as best paper in Mergers and Acquisitions Forum 2007, Beijing, China, 2007.07
  • Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China
  • Beta Gamma Sigma Member
  • 2022/12 Presenter in 「2022 National Online Conference on Bilingual Education」of Asia University
  • 2020/12 Discussant of The 28th SFM Conference - Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • 2019/7 Discussant of SIBR 2019 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
  • 2019/3 Reviewer of Journal of Business Administration
  • 2018/7 Discussant of SIBR 2018 OSAKA Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, Japan
  • 2014/7 Discussant of 2014 Tenth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Bangkok
  • 2014/3-2014/4 Reviewer of Journal of Business Ethics
  • 2013/7 Discussant of Ninth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Osaka
  • 2013/2-2013/3 Reviewer of Journal of Business Ethics
  • 2013/2 Drafter of Testing Center of Technological and Vocational Education
  • 2012/6 Discussant of Eighth Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA), Singapore
  • 2011/6 Disussant of Seventh Annual Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association (APEA),Busan
  • 2011/12-2012/1 Reviewer of Journal of Financial Studies
  • 2011/01-2016/12 Accountant of Chung-Hwa International Trade Association
  • 2010/12 Discussant of The 18th Securities and Financial Markets (SFM), Kaohsiung
  • 2010/12-2011/1 Reviewer of 中山管理評論
  • 2010/9-2010-10 Reviewer of Journal of Financial Studies
  • 2010/8-2010/9 Reviewer of 中山管理評論
  • 2010/3-2010/4 Reviewer of Journal of Financial Studies
  • 2008/6 Discussant of 2008 6th NTU IEFA Conference, Taipei
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Wu, Chu Hua


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