Professor Fang-Mei Tseng Research Profile
International Business faculty member, Fang-Mei Teng (Grace), she is the expert in Technology Management area. Her research interest includes data analysis, technology forecasting and technology assessment, new product sales forecasting, new product/service development and performance evaluation.
Recently, she joins the big data project at Innovation Center of Big Data and Digital Convergence. She is in charge of smart retailing sub-project and co-work with Far-Eastone Telecom and Far-Eastone retail headquarter. In addition, she focuses on new product/service development and uses open innovation concept, which applies customer involvement, supplier involvement and crowdsourcing theories to discuss how companies use open innovation to improve new product development performance. She also handles an integrated product innovation project, which has ten sub-projects, three years and funds by MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology).
Tseng also develops some forecasting methods with her co-author and introduces some new integrated innovation diffusion forecasting methods, which combine qualitative and quantitative methods, consider expert opinion and innovative diffusion model when analyzing the development of a new technology. She has published seven international journal papers, which are published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of the Operational Research society, etc.